Core 2 Dual or Core 2 Quad?


Limp Gawd
Aug 14, 2001
I'm getting ready to upgrade my pc. I havn't upgraded in a long time let alone visit a modding forum. I bought a xbox 360 3 months ago and opted to never upgrade to play games again... and here I am.

I was thinking about;

- Intel Quad Core 2.4

- 4 gigs of ram

- MSI SLI mobo

- 8800 GT vid card

- seperate powersupply for video card (5.25" bay powersupplies)

I have dvd burners and hard drives, cases etc... all from my other projects.

Some dual and quads are around the same price... is there a benefit to getting a dual over a quad and vice versa.??

How does this combo look ?

In my opinion...

Duals and quads perform about the same in most programs, but quads will have higher power consumption. So unless you do things that are multithreaded, you probably won't see a difference. I think the best way of deciding between the two is your upgrade cycle. If you upgrade often, just get a quad and go quad when Nehelam hits, but if you upgrade every few years and don't have the constraint..get a quad.

Anyway about your build...why SLI? Unless you're gaming at 19×12 or higher, it's unneeded. If you're planning to get SLI so you can get another later, that's not a great idea either because the next gen video cards tend to outperform SLIed previous generation cards. So I'd go with a P35 board or something.
Go Quad. You will have issues with your motherboard if you want to pick Intel 45 nm quad CPU now or later. I strongly recommand you to avoid nVidia boards. Currently, the existing nVidia boards are not supporting 45nm Intel Quad. (They support 65 nm Quad/Dual and 45nm dual). 680i/650i users are pissed off
I vote quad. I noticed that Windows seemed to perform better (snappier/harder to bog down with multiple apps running) when I went to my quad from my [email protected].

Gamewise, I didn't see much difference. But there's enough benches showing quads pulling ahead of duals to justify it all around, IMHO.
That could have been the difference between the 2m and 4m cache though... Not that that isn't a reason to get a Quad ;-)

Get this RAM here.

Same brand, less sticks, less cost.

I'm also not one for the add-in power supplies, but that's personal preference. I would just upgrade my power supply entirely with this if I was going to SLI.
nice find...

I should stop by fry's on my way home tonight and pick that up along with a few other goodies.