Core 5 users


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2004
How has this been for you? I have been out of the loop on Fedora since 5 came out and curious how you all like it.

I am downloading the iso's now soooooo I need some entertainment! :p
It seemed fairly bloated to me, the installer wouldnt even run because it needed at least 256MB of ram (although theres an option to bypass it). I didnt use it for more than about 10 minutes, due to me fubaring my partition by installing XP on the wrong drive. Seemed a lot like core 4.
There isn't much difference at all between 4 from what I have read. Just the usual package bumps, a couple installer tweaks, etc.

I just don't really find Fedora all that appealing these days. It just seems like there are so many better options out there today. Ubuntu really came out of no where and stole the free desktop arena. Along with other distros pushing the edge and making real advancements in usability, tweakability, etc- is Redhat's 'testbed' all that needed for the general linux user? To top it off, someone looking for a similar distro to Redhat would probably be better off looking to CentOS.

I was a major redhat supporter (even owned some stock :)) and used it back in the day, and then went on to use C2 and C3 quite a bit, but 'eh', I just don't see the point these days. I can think of a good reason to use just about every other major distro, but I can't seem to find one for Fedora.

Sorry... sort of a rant I guess.
it's alright.. nothing particularly special, a few tweaks here and there, but quite a bit 'heavier'