Core difference after lapping?


Limp Gawd
Nov 17, 2007
I lapped my TRUE 120 and q6600 a few months ago so unfortunately I don't remember the temp difference between the cores prior to lapping but I remember that after lapping, I continued to have a temp difference between the cores, 2 of them are the same but the other 2 differ by about 2-4C. Well I was under the impression that lapping both the IHS of the cpu and the heatsink would completely remove the temp difference between the cores so I assumed I had done a bad job at lapping. I relapped both but still the difference persisted so I simply assumed I lapped incorrectly again (lapped up to 1000 grit, on piece of glass).

I am going to reorganize the cables on my comp and hopefully install some mosfet coolers so I am going to remove my motherboard and my TRUE 120. I was wondering, should I even attempt to relap my heatsink and cpu to try to lower the temp difference between the core or even after lapping both cpu and heatsink there will always be a temperature difference between cores?

I ask this now because I think I saw in a thread at this site, or another forums that even after lapping there may be a temperature difference between the cores though I am not sure on this.
It's not uncommon for there to be a difference in core temps. 2-4c between cores isn't all that bad. Both my proc and HSF are lapped and I get 5-8c difference. I think it has more to do with the IHS's contact with the cores than it does the HSF's contact with the IHS.
Thats totally normal.. my temps sucked and I had as much as 12C between cores. Found out both the heatsink and cpu were far from flat. After lapping im getting about an 8C difference and its running cooler overall. 2-4C between cores on a quad is good!
Thanks for all the input! I guess I assumed, perhaps unreasonably, that after lapping all cores should be of equal temp but I guess temp difference is normal.