Core Temp Not Working Right?


Jun 12, 2008
Ok, so I haven't used Core Temp in quite a while, or any other CPU temperature monitoring program since I initially started overclocking my Q6600 way back when. I turned it on today for shits and giggles (Yes I just downloaded the newest version) and I swear there is no way my processor is running this cool:


After stressing with Prime95 for 10 minutes on blend settings my cores read 55,55,49,47. Does this sound right? Because it doesnt to me with a Q6600 B3 at 3.2GHz :confused:
It's a quad-core. What are you expecting? Try RealTemp and see what you get.
The TJMax should be 100C (as I learned earlier today) not 85C. Your temps should be 15c higher than shown.
The TJmax for my Q6600 B3 was definitely lower than 100C. I had ridiculously high temps on it with only 1.4v and 3.6GHz on water. I think RealTemp will read the same since a while back it was decided that TJmax for a B3 stepping Q6600 is ~85-90C and that's why G0 vs B3 temp difference's were so great.
Ok then this makes sense now. I thought they were too low for a original Q6600. I am coming from seeing so many posts with newer Q6600s that have the 100c TJMax, which is where my confusion started. Still, if the TJMax is correct at 85, I suppose my temps are pretty good.
for intel i would only use real temp.. hwmonitor is eh and coretemps better for AMD systems..
for intel i would only use real temp.. hwmonitor is eh and coretemps better for AMD systems..

They're all reading the same thing aren't they? And most will let you adjust the tjmax, so you can get most/any of them to display identical temps once you know what the value should be for your processor.
Most of these programs should give the same reading (except the programs that came with the motherboard) assuming they all have the same TJMax.
They're all reading the same thing aren't they? And most will let you adjust the tjmax, so you can get most/any of them to display identical temps once you know what the value should be for your processor.
Core Temp and Real Temp are the only two programs that properly document how they get their temperatures and what values they use for Tjmax. I prefer Real Temp, but either will work fine in most cases (although as sirmonkey mentioned, Core Temp is necessary for AMD systems since Real Temp only works with Intel CPUs using DTSes.

Another little issue is that with some of the older CPUs that don't have well-documented Tjmax values, the default Tjmax set by one of these programs may be incorrect. I find that Real Temp is often more reliable in that regard compared to Core Temp.