Coronavirus : Folding@home takes the challenge, needs your help.


Dec 30, 2018

Not sure if someone posted this.

It's very crucial people help if they can. In Italy the new coronavirus has already mutated into the L variant and is much more lethal and spreading faster than the chinese coronavirus S. Lethality seems huge in Italy and is spreading all over Europe surpassing the chinese origin, may arrive sooner than expected in the US. Even new antivirus treatment seems much more ineffective (remdesivir).
This is very bad news and scary.
So help is needed. I already know several people with the virus in Italy, and I've been told one is in bad shape in a hospital and she's quite young (around 50) and was in very good shape.
Maybe Folding@home is of some help.

Not sure if someone posted this.

It's very crucial people help if they can. In Italy the new coronavirus has already mutated into the L variant and is much more lethal and spreading faster than the chinese coronavirus S. Lethality seems huge in Italy and is spreading all over Europe surpassing the chinese origin, may arrive sooner than expected in the US. Even new antivirus treatment seems much more ineffective (remdesivir).
This is very bad news and scary.
So help is needed. I already know several people with the virus in Italy, and I've been told one is in bad shape in a hospital and she's quite young (around 50) and was in very good shape.
Is this your own conclusion, or are you quoting someone else?
"A novel SARS-like coronavirus (2019-nCoV) recently emerged from Wuhan, China and is quickly spreading in humans. A key to tackling this epidemic is to understand the virus’s receptor recognition mechanism, which regulates its infection, pathogenesis, and host range. 2019-nCoV and SARS-CoV recognize the same host receptor ACE2. Here we determined the crystal structure of 2019-nCoV receptor-binding domain (RBD) (engineered to facilitate crystallization) in complex of human ACE2.

Compared with SARS-CoV, an ACE2-binding ridge in 2019-nCoV RBD takes more compact conformations, causing structural changes at the RBD/ACE2 interface. Adaptive to these structural changes, several mutations in 2019-nCoV RBD enhance ACE2- binding affinity, contributing to the high infectivity of 2019-CoV. These mutations also reveal the molecular mechanisms of the animal-to-human transmission of 2019-nCoV. Alarmingly, a single N439R mutation in 2019-nCoV RBD further enhances its ACE2- binding affinity, indicating possible future evolution of 2019-nCoV in humans. This study sheds light on the epidemiology and evolution of 2019-nCoV, and provides guidance for intervention strategies targeting receptor recognition by 2019-nCoV."


"The protein Nsp15 from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2, is 89 percent identical to the protein from the earlier outbreak of SARS-CoV. SARS-CoV-2 is responsible for the current outbreak of COVID-19. Studies published in 2010 on SARS-CoV revealed inhibition of Nsp15 can slow viral replication. This suggests drugs designed to target Nsp15 could be developed as effective drugs against COVID-19."

Here's what I've come up with... SARS CoV-2 is about 89 percent the same structurally (?) as SARS CoV-19 (Coronavirus).

There were three small molecules known to inhibit the SARS CoV-2 ... Benzopurpurin B, Congo red, and C-473872

So I'd like to know how well Benzopurpurin B does at inhibiting the current of SARS CoV-19 ...


1.) the correlation between the two: "The protein Nsp15 from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, or SARS-CoV-2, is 89 percent identical to the protein from the earlier outbreak of SARS-CoV. SARS-CoV-2 is responsible for the current outbreak of COVID-19. Studies published in 2010 on SARS-CoV revealed inhibition of Nsp15 can slow viral replication. This suggests drugs designed to target Nsp15 could be developed as effective drugs against COVID-19." :

2.) Drugs targeted against SARS-CoV-2: "Computational docking into the structure of sNsp15 predicted that smallmolecule inhibitors of Angiogenin and RNase A could bind to the Nsp15 active site. Three Angiogenin and RNase A inhibitors, C-473872, C-467929, Benzopurpurin B, and the structurally related Congo red, were found to be potent inhibitors of the sNsp15 endoribonuclease activity in vitro with IC50 of less than 10 µM. Benzopurpurin B, Congo red, and C-473872 were able to bind sNsp15 since they induce a concentration-dependent shift of the Tm of sNsp15. As predicted by the docking models they are active site inhibitors of sNsp15 according to double reciprocal analysis. Benzopurpurin B inhibited the MHV and IBV Nsp15 orthologs similarly to sNsp15, suggesting that the Nsp15 orthologs from these three coronaviruses likely have highly similar active site pockets, which supports previous structural and mutational studies of the mNsp15." :
^^^ Regarding those three small molecules listed above, "“Some inhibitors were identified but never developed into drugs. The inhibitors that were developed for SARS now could be tested against this protein.”
I fold ~10 days per month and have for over a decade now.. Hopefully some good comes from it.

Thanks for sharing
Stop spreading rumors. There's no deadly virus spreading. Just the government making stuff up.
erek, of those three molecules, congo red sounds like the most fun.

Stop spreading rumors. There's no deadly virus spreading. Just the government making stuff up.

Came here to say this. Also, birds aren't real.

Also, joined back again.
Been Folding nearly 20 years.
What CAUSE PREFERENCE setting is needed for this? Currently I am set to ANY.
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Been Folding nearly 20 years.
What CAUSE PREFERENCE setting is needed for this? Currently I am set to ANY.
They mention that it needs to be on the Any setting. I'm folding cancer stuff at the moment /shrug.
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Does folding happen quickly? I remember the last time I tried it I think I was rocking a P3 or P4. It's gotta scream these days
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Repurposing Therapeutics for COVID-19: Supercomputer-Based Docking to the SARS-CoV-2 Viral Spike Protein and Viral Spike Protein-Human ACE2 Interface: "The novel Wuhan coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has been sequenced, and the virus shares substantial similarity with SARS-CoV. Here, using a computational model of the spike protein (S-protein) of SARS-CoV-2 interacting with the human ACE2 receptor, we make use of the world's most powerful supercomputer, SUMMIT, to enact an ensemble docking virtual high-throughput screening campaign and identify small-molecules which bind to either the isolated Viral S-protein at its host receptor region or to the S protein-human ACE2 interface. We hypothesize the identified small-molecules may be repurposed to limit viral recognition of host cells and/or disrupt host-virus interactions. A ranked list of compounds is given that can be tested experimentally."
guess its good for marketing folks to FOLD more, but...w/e.
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You should do your folding @ home as you don’t know what germs are on the tables at laundromats. Not only helps against the coronavirus but other things as well.
Does folding happen quickly? I remember the last time I tried it I think I was rocking a P3 or P4. It's gotta scream these days
It really depends on the workloads, as many of them are vastly larger than back then, and it depends on the hardware in use.
For the same (small) CPU workloads, for the most part, yes. :)

The fastest single-core Netburst processors were capable of about ~15 GFLOPS in FP32, compared to modern top-end GPUs with around 15+ TFLOPS in FP32.
Things have definitely improved in 20 years!
Stop spreading rumors. There's no deadly virus spreading. Just the government making stuff up.
I've heard those people saying not worse than a flu. This is completely misleading and false. It is at best 25 times worse, not counting people that will be left weaker for life.
Stop this bullshit. Even Elon Musk who said something stupid because he wants to save his business, reformulated his thought. The smaller figures say there's around 2% mortality among those infected (but up to more than 10% if you look into some figures like the cured vs the dead), which may be a large majority of the population since this is spreading faster than a flu. WHO says the mortality is for now, at 3.4% among the infected. You can't get more official.
This is very real.
Aren't there also any BOINC project around the new coronavirus ? Could be interesting to have several projects around, since the virus is mutating.
BOINC is more portable.
I've heard those people saying not worse than a flu. This is completely misleading and false. It is at best 25 times worse, not counting people that will be left weaker for life.
Stop this bullshit. Even Elon Musk who said something stupid because he wants to save his business, reformulated his thought. The smaller figures say there's around 2% mortality among those infected (but up to more than 10% if you look into some figures like the cured vs the dead), which may be a large majority of the population since this is spreading faster than a flu. WHO says the mortality is for now, at 3.4% among the infected. You can't get more official.
This is very real.

Covid-19 mortality is actually lower because tons of cases go unreported because most people get common cold like symptoms.
When someone dies, you look into why that person died and you discover covid-19.
Covid-19 mortality is actually lower because tons of cases go unreported because most people get common cold like symptoms.
When someone dies, you look into why that person died and you discover covid-19.
That does not appear to be true.
So far WHO reports (with extensive testing in the province of Guangdong) that mortality rate could, at best, be as low as 0.7% (if the medical systems are not overwhelmed). Even then it is deadlier than the flu (<0.1% death rate).
Keep in mind that around 20% of infected require hospitalisation. Which in a rapid spreading virus can cause medical systems to be unable to cope. This in turn would cause more fatalities as was seen in other provinces of China (up to 4.5%).
I'm going to need a corsair water cooler setup before I do this. I was going to be able to cook food on the top of my case.
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That does not appear to be true.
So far WHO reports (with extensive testing in the province of Guangdong) that mortality rate could, at best, be as low as 0.7% (if the medical systems are not overwhelmed). Even then it is deadlier than the flu (<0.1% death rate).
Keep in mind that around 20% of infected require hospitalisation. Which in a rapid spreading virus can cause medical systems to be unable to cope. This in turn would cause more fatalities as was seen in other provinces of China (up to 4.5%).
Not everyone is getting tested (sometimes due to lack of testing kits), and some places (especially China) are not reporting accurately.

When more people are tested, the fatality rate goes down. Check out the results for South Korea currently sitting at 0.6% and they are the second most infected location.

That being said, there is a new strain in Italy that appears to be more deadly. But we are in the early stages and not enough people have recovered to come to a better average number. I would wait and see on the Italy situation before using it as a metric.
For those who are interested in folding or just want to get to know about distributed computing in general, please visit our DC forum here. There are also some discussions about how one can contribute to help to search for a cure/vaccine for coronavirus here in this DC forum. We welcome old and new shiny hardware.;)

P.S. I don't mean to hijack this thread.
I've heard those people saying not worse than a flu. This is completely misleading and false. It is at best 25 times worse, not counting people that will be left weaker for life.
Stop this bullshit. Even Elon Musk who said something stupid because he wants to save his business, reformulated his thought. The smaller figures say there's around 2% mortality among those infected (but up to more than 10% if you look into some figures like the cured vs the dead), which may be a large majority of the population since this is spreading faster than a flu. WHO says the mortality is for now, at 3.4% among the infected. You can't get more official.
This is very real.
Italy is around 30% currently but many old people. Average age is late 40s there..
Real problem is 'recovery' in many cases is total bullshit, plus you can still shed the virus and spread it, but worst is reinfection from within (or outside). It can hide in your spinal column fluid and reinfect you once your immune system has finished cleaning the first lot. It also tries to suppress the immune system (HIV style, which it has very small parts of spliced in) and this can continue happening in some cases, so maybe you survive the first time with a few percent death rate, but after a few more times you are up for major heart damage/failure, cytokine storms, lung scarring (almost all cases are pneumonia style and worse effects), testicular lesions, etc etc. Many of which symptoms are clearly documented in videos and studies from China and increasingly abroad (Iran/NYC etc).
This shit is _really_ fucking bad if you actually spend any time looking into it. I normally don't give two fucks about outbreaks but this one may change the world permanently (it already has). Multiple experts who have been through SARS, MERS, Ebola etc outbreaks have said 'this is the most worrying disease I've ever encountered in my career'. They say it's not as deadly as ebola, but spreads faster than flu/cold etc with much worse effects, which is what makes it so deadly and the immune destruction and mutations make it practically impossible to develop resistance to. It will keep coming around and getting you until you die unless you already have taken the correct precautions. Faster if you are older.
Many data points are exponential until they run out of capacity to treat and test. When they run out of hospital beds and ventilators, the death rate goes up much quicker. This is what is happening in Italy, Iran, China currently and many other countries are nearly at capacity in day to day operation already, let alone with 1,000 or 10,000 or 100,000 sick people..
My contacts in China are still alive and they are back at work after 1.5 months of having to stay in their homes in rural locations outside of their cities. But see how long work goes, even with more screening it can still come back around for game #2..
Only good news is a few positive advancements like those in this thread plus other suspected methods to strengthen your resistance or reduce ability to be infected. The other good news is that typically as a virus mutates it gets less deadly. Who knows with this hand-crafted son of a bitch though.

"China and Italy completely quarantined because it's just a flu bro, that happens every year bro" just tells me you spent no time digging and are a fucking retard.
This is one of the greatest purges of unprepared and unaware people I've seen.

Why do I feel like we're just characters in someone's Plague Inc game?
Apparently the way it works is one of the best ways to win the game as well... asymptomatic, can't tell someone has got it for two weeks+ (short of an xray), temp checks are not foolproof and you can spread prior to elevated temps or after 'recovering', then KABOOM.
In short, stay the fuck in your home for the next month+ unless you absolutely have to go out. If everyone does that then we have a chance to starve it out. Otherwise, hello to large portions of the global population dying over this year.
I knew how bad this was in mid-late Jan. Practically everything so far has gone as predicted by many papers and experts.

Enjoy the ride, folks, it's Plaque Inc in 16k/240Hz HDR 3D planetary-room scale VR for your comfort.
1st video is more recent, 2nd is from mid-Feb. So far UK went from ~9 cases at that time to 373, in under 3 weeks.

Not everyone is getting tested (sometimes due to lack of testing kits), and some places (especially China) are not reporting accurately.
When more people are tested, the fatality rate goes down. Check out the results for South Korea currently sitting at 0.6% and they are the second most infected location.
That being said, there is a new strain in Italy that appears to be more deadly. But we are in the early stages and not enough people have recovered to come to a better average number. I would wait and see on the Italy situation before using it as a metric.
The number you presented 0.6% and I presented 0.7% are similar, the arguments I made to the lethality and danger of this virus still stand.
Just to be clear the 0.7% stat from the Guangdong was a mass testing (320k) on a province with only ~1350 cases, precisely to understand how under-reported the number of cases were.
It seems to me the higher death rate in Italy might be one or combination of:
1 - The virus is more widespread than what is currently reported (largest factor)
2 - The hospitals are overwhelmed and cannot respond adequately to those needing hospitalisation
3 - The virus has mutated into a more lethal strain (not enough information atm)
WHO says the mortality is for now, at 3.4% among the infected. You can't get more official.
This is very real.
That percentage is bit misleading though, since this isn't simply a black/white situation here. For instance in King county, Washington state, of the 22 deaths from this 20 are from those in nursing home cares, and I'm sure if you look at world wide death counts, you might find that the elderly are more likely to die, like a LOT more likely to die. In the same way the flu or pnemonia more likely kills people who have compromised immune systems like the elderly ... or those with AIDS or something.