Corrupt NTFS Partition


Limp Gawd
Dec 31, 2004
I was trying to resize my NTFS partiotion from which I boot windows and ended up corrupting it, not it is unknown and I obviously can't boot to windows (writing from another pc), I tried the windows recovery console and tried fixmbr and fixboot and it still doesn't work. Is there a program that could recover this partition for me (prefferably free and able to boot from CD)? I really don't want to lose the data from that partition.
did you try doing a dirty reload from the repaire option after the licens agrement?

Also hwhat error is the partition table giving you?
At first when I tried to boot it would ask if I wanted to boot Windows normally, or in safe mode, or last working configuration, no mather what I tried it would just restart and ask same thing over again.
Then I put in the XP cd and ran fixmbr and fixboot numerous times and chkdsk would say that there is a problem but wouldnt fix nothing, bootcfg wouldnt work.
At first dir didnt wouldnt work but now it shows bootex.exe and some weird smile faces. The size of the partition it displays is incorrect aswell I believe.
If I try diskpart, it will show the partition under the size I tried to set it as when I tried resizing, instead of a normal filesystem listed as NTFS, it says unknown.
After playing around with fixmbr and fixboot, when I try to boot now it say NTLDR is missing.
What is a dirty reload?
If it go into setup windows instead of repair, and go past the license agreement, it asks me which partition I want to install windows on, and if I choose that one it asks me to reformat. It shows the partition with the size I tried to set it as when I tried resizing, but it says it's FAT instead of what it used to be, NTFS.
Waht did you us ekto resize it? and yeah its not letting you do a ditry reload. it would give you the option after the licens screen to repair winxp by pressing r.

a dirty reload is when you do that secound r for repair. it reinstalls windows ontop of itself. in essens a "dirty" reload so u dont lose files.
You have to use the /r or /f switch with chkdsk to get it to fix anything.
chkdsk /f = It will scan and repair the drive
chkdsk /r = Same as /f but it will locate and recover bad sectors.

This is why you don't resize partitions unless you've got a good backup.