Corrupt Silicon Power NVME

ive got several of their ssd and installed a few for people, no issues so far, havent used their nvmes though. there are a few "early deaths" in the reviews but the vast majority seem to like em and not have issues.
What's the SMART info reporting on that drive? You could use CrystalDiskInfo. I don't doubt you had corruption but are you certain it wasn't software related or other hardware (e.g. RAM)?

On paper that drive looks okay, not really sure on the Innogrit controller but the fact it has 5 year warranty and 1665 TBW rating I would hope it's good. Let us know how the RMA goes, I've never dealt with Silicon Power.
What's the SMART info reporting on that drive? You could use CrystalDiskInfo. I don't doubt you had corruption but are you certain it wasn't software related or other hardware (e.g. RAM)?

On paper that drive looks okay, not really sure on the Innogrit controller but the fact it has 5 year warranty and 1665 TBW rating I would hope it's good. Let us know how the RMA goes, I've never dealt with Silicon Power.
I put it into my main system to troubleshoot and extract files. First off, macrium errors out if I try to image it. Luckily, most files I think that are of value are ok.

The smart info doesn't say much really...says it is good. Buut, Chkdsk won't even complete. Then, I ran it through diskgenie and it spat back 216 damaged sectors, 42 severe and 42 poor.
SSDs don't fail as often as spinning drives, in my experience, but when they do, recovery is often very limited. I'm pretty impressed that it's working at all if it's fubar; usually they just refuse to respond at all.

Automated backups are your friend.
SSDs don't fail as often as spinning drives, in my experience, but when they do, recovery is often very limited. I'm pretty impressed that it's working at all if it's fubar; usually they just refuse to respond at all.

Automated backups are your friend.
on my list of to-dos since I got my nas up and running like a week ago was to use macrium to do snapshots every week or so and just archive on the nas. Luckily it wasn't anything too critical. Just my wifes amazon shopping cache.

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