Corrupted BIOS


Aug 25, 2010
I was playing Apex Legends yesterday night. I quit the game and shut down my PC. After about 5-10 minutes, I turned it on again. It powered on but turned off after about 2-3 seconds. I pressed the power switch many times again and nothing happened. I switched off the power supply, left it off about 5-10 minutes, switched it back on, and tried powering up the PC. It switched on but I got a message saying that the BIOS is corrupted and that it is copying the back up BIOS. Once the copy was complete, everything was fine again. Since the back up BIOS was an older version, I reflashed the latest one.

Any idea what caused this? I haven't flashed my BIOS for several years now since I am on X79 and there are no new BIOS releases anymore.
Any associated rage quit events during the shutdown? :LOL:

Do you run it from a surge protector or an UPS? I actually wonder if you had some where glitch with power (sag or surge) at either shutdown or boot. Could also be heat related?
I was playing Apex Legends yesterday night. I quit the game and shut down my PC. After about 5-10 minutes, I turned it on again. It powered on but turned off after about 2-3 seconds. I pressed the power switch many times again and nothing happened. I switched off the power supply, left it off about 5-10 minutes, switched it back on, and tried powering up the PC. It switched on but I got a message saying that the BIOS is corrupted and that it is copying the back up BIOS. Once the copy was complete, everything was fine again. Since the back up BIOS was an older version, I reflashed the latest one.

Any idea what caused this? I haven't flashed my BIOS for several years now since I am on X79 and there are no new BIOS releases anymore.

The only thing I can add is that I had this with my AMD 1500X on a Gigabyte motherboard, only happened once, I would keep an eye on it, but if it's a one off I would not worry too much about it.
Any associated rage quit events during the shutdown? :LOL:

Do you run it from a surge protector or an UPS? I actually wonder if you had some where glitch with power (sag or surge) at either shutdown or boot. Could also be heat related?
No surge protector or UPS. PC is plugged into a "regular" power strip. Not sure about heat. Didn't monitor temps while gaming at that time. However, I did run Apex Legends briefly just now and CPU was in the low 50 C and GPU around 75 C.

The only thing I can add is that I had this with my AMD 1500X on a Gigabyte motherboard, only happened once, I would keep an eye on it, but if it's a one off I would not worry too much about it.
Thanks for the info.

sig system? could be dying battery. test/replace it.
Yes, sig system. I'll see if it happens again before replacing the battery.
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Could be just a goofy boot and the automatic flash kicks in. On my Z370 gigabyte if I mess with the memory timings and it fails 3 times it will auto flash the back up.
Ahhhhhhhhhh, the lovely joys of Gigabyte dual-BIOS where bizarre things happen for no particular reason whatsoever.

I agree with the above posters based on alot of personal experience, replace CMOS battery and get a UPS just to be on the safe side. I've seen so many Gigabyte dual-BIOS issues especially on LGA775, and Gen1,2,3 boards that I'm not really a fan anymore..........used to be all I bought for custom builds I did for people, not anymore.
"Regular" power strip throws a red flag for voltage drops or spikes. Def get a quality power strip if you have to use one. I if at all possible run my power supply for my PC straight from the wall. Anything else that needs power can run from a power strip.
"Regular" power strip throws a red flag for voltage drops or spikes. Def get a quality power strip if you have to use one. I if at all possible run my power supply for my PC straight from the wall. Anything else that needs power can run from a power strip.
The reason I run the PSU from the strip is because I bought the PSU from Amazon US but live in Dubai. The PSU's power cable plug is a different type compared to the plug type of the wall socket. Is it okay if I just get another power cable for the PSU so I can plug it directly into the wall? Can it be any power cable or does it have to match the one that came with the PSU is some way?
The reason I run the PSU from the strip is because I bought the PSU from Amazon US but live in Dubai. The PSU's power cable plug is a different type compared to the plug type of the wall socket. Is it okay if I just get another power cable for the PSU so I can plug it directly into the wall? Can it be any power cable or does it have to match the one that came with the PSU is some way?
ive run all my systems in the last 15 years from the same $10 power strip, zero issues. i doubt that was the problem.
ive run all my systems in the last 15 years from the same $10 power strip, zero issues. i doubt that was the problem.
Exactly. Anyone who has opened one of those power strips will see it's literally wires going into rails. It's basically like plugging it into the wall directly.

Now, I wouldn't trust the whole "breaker" or switch they have on them to save anything. I've opened about 100 of these things in the past and the breaker is usually nothing at all but a switch. It's one of those things that make you feel warm and fuzzy, but when the time comes for it to act, it will likely just turn warm and fuzzy itself.
Could this have caused it? When this happened, I was depressing the power button on my case repeatedly as the PC was powering on (because I was cleaning the button).
Could this have caused it? When this happened, I was depressing the power button on my case repeatedly as the PC was powering on (because I was cleaning the button).
maybe. you should unplug to do that.