Corsair 6400C4 or 6400C4D


Nov 22, 2004
I am getting ready to purchase another set of sticks for my box (mainly for vista) and was wondering which I should go with, the 6400C4 or 6400C4D. I currently have 2GB of the 6400C4D in my computer and wanted to add another 2GB.

I noticed on the Egg that the C4 cost $60 after a rebate, while the C4D cost $150.

My question is which do I go with. I currently have my CPU overclocked and the RAM is overclocked to a breathtaking 823mhz. I am not sure which I should choose!

Comments? Suggestions?

Well according to the RAM list. C4D is still Micron D9 chips while newer revisions of C4 is using Elpida. So that would probably be part of the price difference.

But I sure wouldn't spend $150 on 2GB of RAM these days. You could get 4GB (4x1GB) of Corsair Ballistix (also using Micron D9) for $100 (2 kits for $50 each) at
I just finished purchasing my new ram. I decided to drop the expensive Dominator and go with a shiny new set of Crucial Ballistix PC2-6400 (1GBX4) sticks.

I read that they used the much-hyped D9 chips and that they are very stable.

The Dominators will go on ebay as soon as the new ones arrive!

Thanks for the reply!