Corsair 750TX $50 off at the newegg


[H]F Junkie
Sep 23, 2005

they also have alot of other deals on corsair products on newegg, don't know how much longer this deal is going on for, but I just ordered this and thought I'd share it.

I understand the [H] did a review of this beast and it got good marks in everything but the 3.3v on 80%+ load, now at this price how could you complain?

edit: forgot it also comes with a $10 MIR
Still waiting on my 50$ rebate from microcenter on mine. Just be aware this PSU runs kinda hot.
well, my old ass one right now is running at 65c, so this won't actually affect me.

Do you know if it will be better to place it in the bottom or top of a case?
Doesnt really matter. I have had mine in both positions and it still ran hot as hell. ITs been a great PSU for the price. Right now mine is actually mounted vertically with the fan facing the cpu heatsink in a mountainmods case with horizontal brace. Also, this thing is HEAVY.
Man you are not lieing about its weight, especially in a mountain case, thats like heavey lifting right there.
Actually the case isnt that heavy. I was referring to the weight of the power supply itself. I'm glad i ordered the horizontal brace as the psu is actually using it for support. It would likely bend the backplate of the case without the extra support :p
wow, I didn't expect it to be that heavey, maybe its a good thing this will be sitting on the bottom in my case.

It just looked like those mountain cases weight a ton, I figured with that extra reinforced in on the back plate would of helped out more.