Corsair cable sleeving


Limp Gawd
Apr 11, 2006
I've been looking at the new Corsair power supply models to replace my dying Antec Neopower 480, but the only thing I don't like about it is the strange sleeving it has on the 24 pin ATX cable. Call me shallow, but I just don't like the looks of the black and red scheme as seen on newegg .

However, I was just reading a review on the Corsair here and it shows that the 24 pin's red and black sleeving has been changed to flat black, which I like better. Did Corsair change the sleeving on all the power supplies? Has anyone gotten one recently to confirm this?
It still looks red and black in that review.

I don't think it really stands out that far. Then again, I don't have one.
Bbq said:
It still looks red and black in that review.

I don't think it really stands out that far. Then again, I don't have one.

I can double check on Monday, but I believe it's been changed to solid black.
the antec truepowers have the same sleeving on the main 20/24pin cable, you cant really notice the red unless its in direct light ;)
scrawnypaleguy said:
Thanks, I'd appreciate that Redbeard.

All PSUs should now have solid black sleeving as of a few weeks ago.
I got one a few weeks ago and I believe it is flat black...I can verify when I get home...of course Redbeard is a corsair rep, so I guess his word is good enough :)