Corsair DDR2 5400C4PRO Twin2X1024 667mhz


Limp Gawd
Oct 17, 2004
I have a 3.6ghz with Asus P5AD2-E Premium, any idea of how to use the full 667mhz potential of my ram without using the FSB, or with it if it has no other choice? Since it's an overclocker's ram.
Err, to run it 1:1 would require an FSB of 4x333mhz woudlnt it? Are you able to drop the multi on your P4 (asus motherboards can do this i think)?
Yes I can unlock it, 18x and 14x.
I tried to put the RAM at 667mhz with a 222FSB 1:1.
But the only problem is that my cpu goes at 4ghz (18x) when in load, and 3ghz (14x) idle. (Asus does this to cool the cpu when it's not used)

Any idea of how to actually choose the multiplier?
My ram timings are 4-4-4-12 at 3:4 FSB200
(Check my sig for more info on my rig)
Is there any way I can lower these timings?
um, well you have ddr2. high timings are kinda.. what it is.

you can lower them by going into the bios and changing the auto to somethign like 4-3-3.. but i dunno if that'll work.
Yea I'm not real professional in these kind of things, I should of know that at higher frequencies, higher timings there are.
T-nm said:
Yea I'm not real professional in these kind of things, I should of know that at higher frequencies, higher timings there are.

I don't think theres a single DDR2 stick that is rated at anything lower than 3-2-2-8.