Corsair Dominator Question/Problem?


Limp Gawd
Feb 7, 2006
I've got 4x2 1066 Corsair Dominator DDR2 in my system (see sig) that is supposed to run at 2.1V at 5-5-5-15-2T. So I set my BIOS to run at these settings, specifying 2.1V, even though it's pink in my BIOS settings. I assume this is just my MB's way of saying that this setting could be bad for some RAM, but mine is supposed to run at this voltage, so I go on.

Now, the problem. I set the other voltages for the RAM to 1.05V. But every sort of test utility I've used, i.e. Hardware Monitor, Easy Test 6, CPUZ, etc. has listed the rest of the subsidiary settings as 0.9V.

Is this a problem, or am I OK? I'm just a bit concerned that my RAM isn't running at the voltages I set for it. Any ideas?
Odd indeed. Do you have stability issues? If not, I wouldn't worry too much.
No, not really any stability issues. If I set it to the wrong OC, it has it, but I don't think that should count.
All DDR2 has an absolute maximum rating of 2.3V, meaning it's supposed to last forever at that voltage.
What "other" voltages are you talking about? The only memory related voltage we recommend setting is the Vdimm and on the kits you have, you have set the correct 2.1v.
The drop from 1.05v BIOS to 0.9v actual is called vdroop
The pink area where the voltage is, is nothing it's just ASUS way of telling people that don't know what there doing to stay away from
Unless you are dealing with some extraordinarily high memory OCs, you won't need to adjust these.

Thanks. Since they haven't actually changed voltages according to anything I've checked, should I manually set them back to their default or just leave them at 1.05, just in case?
They should run perfectly fine at the MOBO defaults. You may want to simply clear the BIOS and then reset only the settings you want changed.