Corsair XMS2 DDR2 800


Aug 8, 2005
I'm about to pull the trigger on some new hardware and want to make sure my RAM and motherboard will work well together.

The parts I'm buying are:
Gigabyte P35-DS3L
Corsair XMS2 2GB DDR2-800

I'm posting here because I'm mainly concerned about the RAM. The 6750 will only hit 3.2 at 400FSB (DDR800). Is the Corsair kit likely to hit 450-500? Are there any incompatibilities with the Corsair memory and the DS3L? I know a lot of people like to run Ballistix in their Core 2 systems. Is it worth it to spend more on Ballistix (I also hear that they tend to die after a few months)? Will I need active cooling on my RAM?

Thanks for your help,
how do you know the cpu will hit 3.2ghz, and no more, no less? :p

that's a good price for ram, but being that cheap, don't expect it to get much over stock clocks. 450mhz may be pushing it, but who knows, i haven't used that kit before ;)

as for the ballistix, yeah, they seem to die a lot. active cooling is a good idea no matter what the situation though.
It's cheap, and they run great stock, but I've not had ANY luck overclocking those basic DDR2 XMS2 kits very far at all.
As far as OCing, this part is not designed to be a huge OCer at all. They are very solid, stable, and reliable of course. And, if you OC your CPU to a 400FSB the RAM is just then at stock assuming a 1:1 ratio so it certainly won't hold back most CPU OCing attempts unless you want to go WAY past 400 FSB. If you want a bit of headroom in this same general price range, look for the same speed in the CAS4 part, PC6400C4. And, a fan of some sort is always a good idea even if it is an old spare 80mm fan attached with a rubber band.