Could AMD performance crown be over?

Oct 19, 2004
Though there have been loads of benchmarks etc. (none of which are fake i would surmise, as theyare from respected websites) could AMD performance crown really be over to such an extent?

Though all these benchmarks assume that the next chip will be the standard 200mhz bump, would amd give up the crown that easily? going to such high percentages in market share would it really throw it away?

Or does AMD have something else up its sleeve apart from just the new socket and 200mhz bump?

Could be, or they could have something up their sleeve as well. But it really doesn't matter, it's the way the market goes by switching the crown between rivals.
too soon to tell.

i also don't hold any stock by preproduction #'s at all. too many variables can change by the final silicon.


Intel will more than likely have a lead, for how long, who knows?

These things go in cycles, much like the economy does. AMD was at high point and if all the benches we've seen are accurate versus Conroe, then they're headed towards a recession. It could take them upto one year or more to design a new chip (K9 or whatever they call it) to overcome Intel's lead. On the flip side of the coin, AMD may have an ace up it's sleeve that no one knows about. We'll see...:D
freeloader1969 said:
Intel will more than likely have a lead, for how long, who knows?

But at one cost? :D

I think that what Intel has up thier sleeves is going to be impressive, and that is good we the enthusiast as it will push AMD to take back back performance crown. The key for me is the price / performance ratio and heat (I'm tired of loud fans - but since the s775's are so friggin hot, the same HSF keeps my A64 nice and cool).

What ever happens should be good for us - Intel could have the baby-eating-monster-processor-from-hell that we all want which "should" push AMD to respond - or... of Intel comes out with another "Itanium" type flop then AMD "should" respond by coming out with something even better.

We shall wait and see!


i dont see why they can come up with such titles as "Intel Regains the Performance Crown" The chip isnt even out yet so how can it regain something when its not even out and they are comparing current AMD CPU with 6-12 month future intel cpu. Crappy title IMO, misleading. Compare future 6-12 month AMD cpu and then give a title like that.
iRoNeTiK said:
i dont see why they can come up with such titles as "Intel Regains the Performance Crown" The chip isnt even out yet so how can it regain something when its not even out and they are comparing current AMD CPU with 6-12 month future intel cpu. Crappy title IMO, misleading. Compare future 6-12 month AMD cpu and then give a title like that.

Where is the current FX60 @ 2.8ghz? I dont think AMD is gonna have an answer to fire back quickly with.
YARDofSTUF said:
Where is the current FX60 @ 2.8ghz? I dont think AMD is gonna have an answer to fire back quickly with.
no, not really. conroe won't hit the streets for a long time now. while on paper intel now wins, which one is easily obtainable, assuming enough funds? :p
(cf)Eclipse said:
no, not really. conroe won't hit the streets for a long time now. while on paper intel now wins, which one is easily obtainable, assuming enough funds? :p

They've shown proof of a chip cappable of beating everything out now, thats all I need to see. Its not a massive chip running on a dedicated 220 line, its real.
AMD's had their turn since 1999 (no, Northwood didn't steal it as far as I'm concerned), lets see if Intel can take it back
YARDofSTUF said:
They've shown proof of a chip cappable of beating everything out now, thats all I need to see. Its not a massive chip running on a dedicated 220 line, its real.
true, but we can't play with it yet. it's as good as a paper launch, which i know everyone hates from past experience with ati/nvidia
freddiepm61 said:
Though there have been loads of benchmarks etc. (none of which are fake i would surmise, as theyare from respected websites) could AMD performance crown really be over to such an extent?

Though all these benchmarks assume that the next chip will be the standard 200mhz bump, would amd give up the crown that easily? going to such high percentages in market share would it really throw it away?

Or does AMD have something else up its sleeve apart from just the new socket and 200mhz bump?


Conroe is still 4-6 months off probably. So they haven't given up the performance crown yet. They will shortly however. A Faster memory bus and a new chipset isn't going to come close to making up the 10-40% lag the 2.8ghz FX 60 had. And we haven't even looked at a ~3ghz Conroe XE that will directly compete with the FX62.

We know AMD's roadmap out until at least the middle of next year pretty well, and K8L is probably the first thing that has (in my opinion) any chance of brining AMD close to the performance of that 2.66ghz Conroe we saw at Anandtech.
K9/K10/whatever I think isn't due until 2008 with K8L being an interim solution to extend K8, but with Conroe's SSE engine, and its low latency on those SSE instructions, I doubt even K8L will be able to keep up with Conroe in FP performance.
(cf)Eclipse said:
true, but we can't play with it yet. it's as good as a paper launch, which i know everyone hates from past experience with ati/nvidia
And who's to say that just because company A (in this case Intel) is showing their proof, company B (AMD) isn't in their labs giggling with proof that only the engineers and execs have seen? If poker's taught me one thing... Don't show your hand until the end. :)
Considering that Conroe beat AMD in every single test, I'd say Conroe is faster in pretty much every way.
GilmourD said:
And who's to say that just because company A (in this case Intel) is showing their proof, company B (AMD) isn't in their labs giggling with proof that only the engineers and execs have seen? If poker's taught me one thing... Don't show your hand until the end. :)

every empire has fallen...i guess amd will drop then intel will drop etc. the cycle will go on and on and long as there is competition
*GASP* Could a next gen product be faster than a current gen. product? Will we even see a difference in real world scenario's given how GPU bound games are? Has a company *ever* released internally run benchmarks that are fair? Will forum goers ever stop make ridicules speculations and jumping to conclusions?
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched... or in this case, don't give away your mindshare before product is launched, that's exactly what the marketing drones want. Don't be a pawn.

Just my two cents.
AMD never, ever had a 'Reign'. AMD was always better in gaming, and intel was always better in certain application performances. AMD may have had a 60%/40% split instead of 50%/50% but it sure as hell wasnt an 'all around performance crown'
Obi_Kwiet said:
*GASP* Could a next gen product be faster than a current gen. product? Will we even see a difference in real world scenario's given how GPU bound games are? Has a company *ever* released internally run benchmarks that are fair? Will forum goers ever stop make ridicules speculations and jumping to conclusions?
Thing is the FX60 was OC'ed to simulate the fastest that AMD would have at the time of "Cornrow" launch. DDR2 isn't going to change much for good ol' Athlon. The Conroe sample was also clocked 140MHz slower than the FX which is even more impressive. I don't think AMD can improve 90nm yields to hit the >3GHz speeds it would require to just match the 2.66Gig Conroe.
I think AMD won't be too bad off.
They've done alot more in the past few years than put out good chips, they've actually made themselves into a viable processor option.
That doesn't go away after one chip cycle.

When Conroe is released, intel may gain the top spot in performance again, but nex time AMD releases a chip, it won't have to build up the same reputation as the k7/k8 line did.

I just bought a dual core operton at home, so i am set for the next few years.

At work though, I will be giving both of them an equal shot in my racks, where as 2 months ago, it would be all AMD.
In 2008 (MAYYYBE Q4 2007 if they rush it), AMD will have the K10 to compete. They'll skip K9, they don't want dog references - especially in this case, as in the "underdog" ;)

Until then, Intel will have a definate advantage, one AM2 and K8L aren't going to come too close to.
I'm an AMD fan, but I don't mind seeing Intel designing CPUs that are faster. Lets face it, there hasn't been a whole lot of cpu enhancement in the past year or so - this will bring more competiton and is better for the consumer.

AMD has held the performance crown (at least in the areas that most of us care about) for quite some time. As a result, I'd imagine that they have spent less in R&D. Conroe will get them off their asses so hopefully we see a new AMD architechture soon.
Saying Conroe is faster then the FX-60 is like saying the Xbox 360 is faster then the Xbox.

My answer to that would be "duh?"

New tech vs old tech. And lets see what happens in 4-6 months before we draw final conclusions.

Has this made me hold off my upgrade? Yes. Has AMD been omgwtfbbq pwnd? Not yet as Conroe hasn't hit the streets.
mobiux said:
I think AMD won't be too bad off.
They've done alot more in the past few years than put out good chips, they've actually made themselves into a viable processor option.
That doesn't go away after one chip cycle.
Precisely. Lets not forget AMD's new Fab 36 facility in Dresden, which goes a long way toward ramping up production
numbers. Doubtless a significant reason why box makes like Dell are considering using AMD chips now.
NEWS: AMD Slaughters Intel

"Klopp, MA (2:10pm EST). Today AMD announced a new processor that will slaughter their Intel counterpart 6 ways to Sunday. It's expected that this new processor, dubbed the “cornerstone”, will be multiple core (as many as 382 cores can be expected). AMD CEO proudly announced on Thursday at a secret event meeting that the Intel flagship "Conroe" will have no chance against this new breed of processor. Powered by the latest in quantum technology, it's no surprise seeing how this processor would butcher Intel on a red Friday. Packed with features such as multiple gigs of cache per core and a new inter processor bandwidth manager called the ITEN. Donnald Kruschev, a credible AMD insider with ties to the lead project designers said: "Do not buy anything as of this moment, this processor due out in the future will triumph over the Conroe’s short victory... wait for it, it's worth it". Donnald Kruschev refused to identify his deep ties with AMD but it's fairly deep with his wealth of knowledge about this breakthrough in new technology. He rumored that this processor may be known as the FX-893 and should be available on store shelves as soon as 2080. If this is indeed scheduled to come out on such a date then Intel would have to quickly jump back to their drawing boards and scrap the newly designed “Conroe”. This could be the feared “final blow” to Intel. Pricing was also rumored at the meeting to start at half of that of the “Conroe” with budget versions priced that of the Sempron. Absolutely amazing, we here at Planet Daily are definitely excited and can’t wait for this new technology to come forth. We can guarantee you we will be waiting for it. Take our advice, don’t upgrade, and wait.”

:rolleyes: Yes, that’s how I feel about this whole "lets compare future technology to current on the shelve technology"

Yeah, I was bored.
Obi_Kwiet said:
*GASP* Could a next gen product be faster than a current gen. product? Will we even see a difference in real world scenario's given how GPU bound games are? Has a company *ever* released internally run benchmarks that are fair? Will forum goers ever stop make ridicules speculations and jumping to conclusions?

  • GPU-bound game benchmarks were done
  • An encoding benchmark was done (procs aren't just for gaming)
  • The benchmarks were not done internally

Did you even read either article?
Rhitick said:
Saying Conroe is faster then the FX-60 is like saying the Xbox 360 is faster then the Xbox.

My answer to that would be "duh?"

New tech vs old tech. And lets see what happens in 4-6 months before we draw final conclusions.

Has this made me hold off my upgrade? Yes. Has AMD been omgwtfbbq pwnd? Not yet as Conroe hasn't hit the streets.

Why does everyone keep bringing this up? They compared it to what they COULD compare it to, AMD's currently available chips. All the evidence we have leads us to believe AM2 is going to be a slight bump in clock speed and support for DDR2, which means that an overclocked FX60 is fairly indicitave of how the next chips from AMD will perform. It was as fair of a comparison as can be made at this time.

Conroe will be FASTER by the time it hits the streets.

Do you honestly think AMD has something up their sleeves with AM2 to make a $500 chip that outruns it's current flagship with a slight overclock by up to 40%?
Ockie said:
NEWS: AMD Slaughters Intel

"Klopp, MA (2:10pm EST). Today AMD announced a new processor that will slaughter their Intel counterpart 6 ways to Sunday. It's expected that this new processor, dubbed the “cornerstone”, will be multiple core (as many as 382 cores can be expected). AMD CEO proudly announced on Thursday at a secret event meeting that the Intel flagship "Conroe" will have no chance against this new breed of processor. Powered by the latest in quantum technology, it's no surprise seeing how this processor would butcher Intel on a red Friday. Packed with features such as multiple gigs of cache per core and a new inter processor bandwidth manager called the ITEN. Donnald Kruschev, a credible AMD insider with ties to the lead project designers said: "Do not buy anything as of this moment, this processor due out in the future will triumph over the Conroe’s short victory... wait for it, it's worth it". Donnald Kruschev refused to identify his deep ties with AMD but it's fairly deep with his wealth of knowledge about this breakthrough in new technology. He rumored that this processor may be known as the FX-893 and should be available on store shelves as soon as 2080. If this is indeed scheduled to come out on such a date then Intel would have to quickly jump back to their drawing boards and scrap the newly designed “Conroe”. This could be the feared “final blow” to Intel. Pricing was also rumored at the meeting to start at half of that of the “Conroe” with budget versions priced that of the Sempron. Absolutely amazing, we here at Planet Daily are definitely excited and can’t wait for this new technology to come forth. We can guarantee you we will be waiting for it. Take our advice, don’t upgrade, and wait.”

:rolleyes: Yes, that’s how I feel about this whole "lets compare future technology to current on the shelve technology"

Yeah, I was bored.

best post thus far!
drizzt81 said:
best post thus far!

Methinks posts like his will be eating crow in 3 months when AMD doesn't blow us away with the "next-gen" AM2. :rolleyes:

It's a socket change people, not a new architecture. Like Skt754 - Skt 939. Don't expect much.