Could bad memory make my Boss' PC randomly reboot?


Apr 5, 2001
He had this in his system, and got so pissed with it crashing during games, that he gutted the whole thing and went AMD/DFI-NF4/OCZ Rev 2 in a new machine. He gave the old stuff to his son. Now his son;s PC was crashing during games. I lent him a gig of generic RAM and whaddyaknow? NO PROBLEMS. So he gave me these sticks to test.

Good old Corasir XMS3200-C2
1st stick: 2 errors after about 15 minutes
2nd Stick: Whoooooooooooooooa Nelllllllllllllllllllllly!

I'm going to RMA them and keep them in return for giving my super stable generic RAM to the Boss' son. Sounds good to me ;)
Lesson learned ?

This could happen to ANY brand not just Corsair. The difference is the lifetime warrenty that has been pointed out. Most generic ram does NOT have any or just 90 days or whatever..

So your boss may be in worst shape then before....think about it I'd rather have a name brand with a warrenty.
(cf)Eclipse said:
hahaha, harsh.. though it is curious that it died ;)

What are you talking about? Just because I have your OC guide laminated in my desk doesn't mean this RAM was mistreated in any way
(cf)Eclipse said:
hahaha, harsh.. though it is curious that it died ;)
I had that exact same stick die on me as well. Funny thing is that Corsair even promotes overclocking their RAM, I called them up and told them that I was getting errors, so the guy asked me to read a couple things from BIOS (voltage, FSB, timings). He then asked why I wasn't overclocking my P4 2.4C to at least 3.0 GHz. I told him that for some reason, I wasn't able to, but he gave me an RMA and then told me to call back when I received the sticks, and the people at Corsair would be glad to walk me through the overclock. Never worked, but I did get the RAM back within a week.
corsair telling someone to OC!?!?! now thats gotta be like vintage corsair circa 2002ish, back in the BH-5 and D5 hey-day, when they were a good company.