Could I, a lifetime FPS fan, possibly like WoW?


Limp Gawd
Sep 24, 2003
I've never played an RPG on the PC, let alone an MMORPG. The closest thing to and RPG I've played was the Zelda games, which I did quite like.
I've been a fast paced FPS player since I can remember. But I've recently finished HL2 and the multiplayer is getting boring. Only thing I really have to look forward to is Day of Defeat Source.
That is why I am looking for a game I can play for an hour or so at a time each day. Is World of Warcraft a game that I could possibly like? How is the learning curve? All these rpg terms are new to me.
The idea of building up your character and exploring is really appealing to me. I have the oppurtunity to get the 10 day guest pass from a friend and try out it. But I wanted to hear from others who may be FPS fans as well.
Im a big fps fan as well. Love the quakes, dooms, unreals, half lifes, and farcry. Id say take that 10 day trial because its well worth it. i played the beta for a while and im going to buy this game when im done with this quarter, as not to take over my life during finals week :confused: . But yes it is a game where you can play for an hour, get a mission done, and leave. try it out
A really good RL bud and clan mate of mine asked me the exact same questions last week. Now we're both getting the game tomorrow. I hope we can track down a CE and split the cost but who knows.
Eklipto said:
That is why I am looking for a game I can play for an hour or so at a time each day. Is World of Warcraft a game that I could possibly like?
While the action isn't alway as fast paced and twitch related like an FPS. It's fun to do quests, duel and what not. Your character will only be as good as his/her spells and your ability to use them.
How is the learning curve? All these rpg terms are new to me.
I Learning curve is not steep at all. It'll take you 3 minutes to get commands down. A couple hours to master them. Don't feel intimidated. I started with SWG after a lifetime of FPS only gameplay. It's different but it can be a lot more fun. The community as a whole will help you out if you need help and ask.
The idea of building up your character and exploring is really appealing to me. I have the oppurtunity to get the 10 day guest pass from a friend and try out it. But I wanted to hear from others who may be FPS fans as well.
Building your character and perfecting him/her in your own vision is addicting. You'll get hooked especially if you can start out with friends in game. The main difference between FPS's and MMO's. MMO's are more social. You get together in parties or raids and go have fun. Most definitely try it out for 10 days than go buy your account. You won't regret it.
i consider myself a FPS first gamer, but WoW easily is my most favorite game atm. (call of duty still all time however.)
Is WoW as cartoony as it looks like on their site? I played the open beta weekend this past weekend for Guild Wars and loved the character renderings. Sorta anime like. I went to read about WoW on the website and it looked like a kid's cartoon. Is that the way the game is? :confused:
I haven't played it, but from my extensive reading about it I think what you see is what you get. I've heard a few other people say that they don't like the graphics, but I love the style of them - I don't think it's cartoony, more arty than anything. The graphics do seem to polarize opinions somewhat though.
up until WoW i never played a mmorpg, except for the original Asherons Call beta.
I tried the WoW beta and got addicted. Its fun, easy to learn, but complex enough that it takes some time to master.

I like the graphics for one, sometimes I just go wander around for hours and explore...last night I found 2 new areas and although the graphics do appear a little cartoony, I think they look great. The scenery is awesome, IMO. Theres this place called Desolace that looks like that planet in Pitch Black...creepy.

Its a very fun and addictive game...despite the monthly fees, im getting more fun out of this game/per dollar than any others ive gotten recently such as HL2, Doom3, FarCry, etc etc

Try it...esp if you can a 10 day trial.
I usually play FPS's for the most part. But that doesn't mean I can't like other games. I like the occasional RTS or RPG.

So theres no reason why you couldn't like something else.
I'm a die hard FPS'er, and I'm playing WoW almost exclusively now. When I need a bit of a break, I might fire up CS:S, but probably 90% of my gaming time is spent in WoW.

Last night I got a new 1h axe from a lvl 35 elite mob that does something like 19 damage per second.. and I smiled.. and went and hacked up some more stuff..

WoW is like that.. it gets you jonesing for something.. and it makes you wait a while.. and then you get your fix and you feel high for a while.. then do it all again...
Loving my Level 29 Priest. I played TFC and CS for nearly 4 years and have no reasons to play them now. I haven't even played HL2, I've been so engrossed with WoW. If you have a wife/GF (that lives nearby unlike mine that lives 200 miles away) or anything else that's important to you, do NOT pick up this game. :D
I promised myself that I could not buy another game after my recent purchase of Half Life2, The Sims (for the woman), and Far Cry. Not to mention the video card and the ram that I baught also. I was VERY interested in buying Everquest2 untill I found out that their programming was a work of art for the 6800GT cards. I have been trying to find excuses for not buying WoW but I will buy it tomarrow because of all of the positive remarks that I hear about it. :D

By the way, could someone elaborate on the quality of the graphics in WoW? If everything is cranked up does it look beautiful at all? Thanks
Isaacav2 said:
By the way, could someone elaborate on the quality of the graphics in WoW? If everything is cranked up does it look beautiful at all? Thanks

I play it at 1600x1200 4AA/8AF (all options maxed) with the machine in my sig. It does look really nice. Now, you're not going be constantly blown away by the overwhelming beauty of the graphics all the time, but it does look nice.

I once read a discussion of FPS engines a long time ago where they talked about graphics "thickness" and "thinness". The Doom/Quake (id for that matter) always had thick engines that looked really solid. Doom3 is exceptionally thick. Other games often had thin graphics, the original Theif comes to mind. WoW is a little on the thin side to me. If you go to Stormwind for instance, it's big, but it doesn't convey a sense of heft to it.

The character models could be better also. It would be nice if WoW had Doom3 quality animation, and HL2 quality models. Perhaps it's not feasible to really do that in a MMO, but it would be neat if it had ragdoll physics. Basically, take the best you'd get from a FPS game, and put it in an MMO. Probably not possible right now.

Still, the graphics are neat, and you get use to the cartoony look really quick. The draw is more about the game than the graphics.
My 2 cents.

I was ALWAYS a FPS player... ONLY. I finally took a leap of faith into MMORPGs and pay to play. I will never be the same.

I highly recommend trying it out.
theNoid said:
My 2 cents.

I was ALWAYS a FPS player... ONLY. I finally took a leap of faith into MMORPGs and pay to play. I will never be the same.

I highly recommend trying it out.

Yep, im starting to no longer enjoy FPS. With all the assholes ruining games and servers left and right, im starting to enjoy the atmosphere of MMORPG's much more and WoW is doing an excellent job of it. I"ve played DAOC, SWG, L2, CoH and EQ2 and only DAOC came close to being as fun and enjoyable as WoW is. $15 a month is money well worth spent having a much more enjoyable gaming experience with more mature people.
MMORPG's just don't do it for me. No story, seemingly no point. Quest, Level up, get new gear and repeat.

Quest's in normal RPG's have a point. They move the story. Theres usually a piont to them. Whereas in MMORPG's everything been genericized for everyone. Those games feel flat and lame to me.
IceWind is right on the money. FPS's are great fun .. but after playing MMOs ... a 20 person server just seems so damn limited. Add in the fact that most public FPS servers are cluttered with screaming kids, with lots of hacks and it makes dedicated FPS players ... up and leave (like me).

I still enjoy my Doom 3, Far Cry, etc... etc... but I almost feel as if moving to the MMORPG world was the next step for me. I feel like I've left the limited, outdated, kid infested world that is 'most' FPSers out there and moved onto what is the next gen of games. $15 a month to someone is HS can be tough and not seem 'worth it.' I'm 25, work full time, live on my own etc etc ... so I have bills. $15 keeps me in during the week and is much much cheaper then having other hobbies ... like say ... binge drinking lol.

Anyways... being open minded and trying new games is what makes you a gamer. If in the end you absolutely hate WoW, you're only out money. Money can be made again, opportunities can be lost.

Sounds like you are where I was not too long ago. I say go for it! But... try to get some buddies to come with you, it makes the MMO experience much much better.

yea, I am an FPS guy, but ive been waiting for WoW for years now. Now that im playing it, it is definitly my favorite game.
another plus for WoW, blizzard is not afraid to drop the hammer on hackers. recently people were using speed hacks to get place to place faster (yes, it's annoying to run but whatever.) and blizzard banned their cd-keys and accounts. they also have some ingame players monitoring as well. so hacking and cheating will be dealt with swiftly.
IceWind said:
Yep, im starting to no longer enjoy FPS. With all the assholes ruining games and servers left and right, im starting to enjoy the atmosphere of MMORPG's much more and WoW is doing an excellent job of it. I"ve played DAOC, SWG, L2, CoH and EQ2 and only DAOC came close to being as fun and enjoyable as WoW is. $15 a month is money well worth spent having a much more enjoyable gaming experience with more mature people.
we travel the same threads? your point here has to be the single aspect that I cannot stand online FPS's anymore and it did with the many of the guys I game with too. fuck the kids and thier "OMFG's" and the god damn cheaters! how bloody pathetic! you gotta cheat to win? it's so infuriating but started way back with diablo! I member having a kick ass character and going to town once and being killed!! YEAH KILLED in town by some fucking cheating goof. I watched in horror as he stole my shit and took off......I wanted so bad to meet that guy in person and is the single reason why anyone online should be held accountable for thier actions! I quit battel net then and there.

Online anonymity and the losers who exploit it ruin the internet. Working for the telephone company and one of the countries biggest ISP's I will always fight to get this accomplished!!!! It's only a matter of time before some idiot ruins it in some huge scandle and the govt steps in! untill the day!!! ....damn punk ass kids!
I have been a FPS fan since the first wolfenstein, and played CS since its beta...

I have not played any other MMO's before but i have played blizzard games since the very begining. WC1. (Im a hardcore blizzard fan)

So once I heard they were making an MMO, I got excited. So from a life long FPS fan I can say that WOW = incredible. Very fun, and it actually feels good making the change. You realize the FPS dont have the depth that MMO's have. I havent touched CS:S since WOW's release! Especially when playing with friends. I have about 7 friends playing wow that all played CS because of me...TRUST ME, they didnt take kindly to paying monthly but they gave it a shot, and guess what ? They love it.

One of them was a hardcore EQ fan and agreed that he thought it was 10x more fun to play.

Sir-Fragalot said:
MMORPG's just don't do it for me. No story, seemingly no point. Quest, Level up, get new gear and repeat.

Quest's in normal RPG's have a point. They move the story. Theres usually a piont to them. Whereas in MMORPG's everything been genericized for everyone. Those games feel flat and lame to me.

If there is one good thing with Blizzard its there stories...WOW does have a point. In fact it has two points depending who you play as.
One major difference between the pay to play world and the 'free' online gaming world (reguardless of FPS or RPG, RTS etc...) is maturity.

When there is a fee to play, you 'almost' completly eliminate that annoying immaturity factor from the gaming experience not to mention hacking, which in turn only makes the MMO experience that much better. Free games like Diablo 2, etc... etc... will always attract the 'hacker' or just plain moronic gamers more so then a pay to play game would.

This is something that a lot of people just do not understand. A lot of people find it easier to say .. "Pay to play ? pfft not me, not ever." And thats their choice, but man are they missing out. As a gamer, I am willing to try out new things. Shit I remember when most if not all games (90s) were shareware and the thought of even BUYING a game was insane.

Times have changed and are ever evolving yet again. I'm onboard ... and seeing as the average gamer is 25-40 years old, most of us can afford it. I'm sure its real easy to hate on something you simply cannot afford to pay for. Given time though, most 'gamers' will eventually try out the MMO world, and finally understand why we all rave about it. Sadly they will have missed out on so many great games up until that point (WoW for one).
I'm a long time FPS'er, first time MMORPG'er. Get WoW. You'll love it.
Wrench said:
A really good RL bud and clan mate of mine asked me the exact same questions last week. Now we're both getting the game tomorrow. I hope we can track down a CE and split the cost but who knows.

how do you split the cost with someone and get 2 keys/2 cd sets?
palabared said:
how do you split the cost with someone and get 2 keys/2 cd sets?

The CE edition gives you a second key for a 10 day trial for a friend to try the game.

Its almost amazing to think that Blizzard intentially did this knowing there game would blow people minds so much that they would their friends to try it and process repeats itself.

Blizzard got some good thinking people in their marketing.
yea but after those 10 days can you continue if you pay? or do you have to go buy the game after that?
this thread is making me much more confident in my decision to try WoW...

im a huuge fps fan, some strategy games and only diablo 2 rpg skill....ive been waiting forever for hl2 cuz im a hl1 freak (DoD is the best user made modification for a game ever) so i didnt pay much attention to WoW cuz i dont like the pay to play idea...i recently decided im going to ask for it for xmas and hope i like it...ive been reading non-stop about it since its massive release and now i only have a few worries

im worried that ill pick a shitty server to play in. all my friends are gonna join the same one, but i dont wanna join an empty one and i dont wanna join an overcrowded one...i wanna land juuuust right...this will prolly take some trial and error til i find a good server to settle in

im pretty sure im going to like the game, but since i think "magic" in general is pretty gay im going to play the warrior (i was barbarian in d2)...i like being the brute force rely on weapon character but ive been hearing they suck bad right hoping they patch them before xmas...if not oh well ill play one anyway

gah i want to play this game
i'd say the benefit of the doubt is to join a crowded one. that way there's always people to quest with, as opposed to having nobody and a 5 person group is the rarity. sure there may be "some" lag. but not enough to ruin it (unlike when the game first launched, but that's almost entirely cleared up now)
i dont necessarily mean lag per say...i mean having to wait with 20 other people for our turn to kill 10 quillbeats to complete a quest or shit like that

ive heard some horror stories from lots of the packed servers that it takes forever to do anything cuz of the sheer volume of players

one advantage though would be a super bustling auction house where i could find all kinds of wicked sweet weapons, although the best ones would be more expensive cuz of basic supply and demand rules...who knows

ill just hafta experiment
Yes, on a busy server, quest mobs get camped. You just have to sort of deal with it. Instanced dungeons are better and more fun since you dont have to worry about that.

I've never bought a piece of equipment. You'll generally get better items as drops or quest rewards. It seems silly to buy a weapon just to find another one as a drop later on. Sure, you could buy the lvl 45 Uber Axe of the Wanker Killer, but then you'd have to wait until you're lvl 45 to use it, and by then, you'll probably find something better as a drop..
Micas said:
Yes, on a busy server, quest mobs get camped. You just have to sort of deal with it. Instanced dungeons are better and more fun since you dont have to worry about that.

I've never bought a piece of equipment. You'll generally get better items as drops or quest rewards. It seems silly to buy a weapon just to find another one as a drop later on. Sure, you could buy the lvl 45 Uber Axe of the Wanker Killer, but then you'd have to wait until you're lvl 45 to use it, and by then, you'll probably find something better as a drop..

A busy server is always better then a quiet server. Nothing sucks more then not being able to find ANYONE to help you do a quest or kill a mob or help in general and you have to sit on a quest for weeks on end waiting for a busy hour on the server or worse, try soloing it yourself, die and get debt. This happened on DAOC, ALOT.....
These replies have completely reassured me that I will like this game. But up until now I had no clue that it was $15 a month to play WoW... When I read that my heart sunk.. it sunk deep. I understand why they charge per month to play but unfortunatley I am on a strict budget and paying my cable bill is hard enough. Look like I'll take the 10 day pass but after that I dont think I'll be able to continue playing...