Could use another set of eyes


Apr 12, 2009
make that quite a few sets...

Long story short I'm a photographer, and until 6:30pm last night the studio I work at did not have a website. Yes that's right, it's 2009 and we didn't have a website. So I set out to fix that, and created a website that is exactly what I want, it's simple, clean, and our work is front and center.

All that being said, I'm no web developer, anyone care to tell me if I've made some sort of terrible mistake here?
I just got it online last night, and would appreciate some feedback.
It's fine, it works.

I would change the about page and map page to strait html, search engines don't like indexing flash, there is NO reason to use it here.

And how the hell did you manage to fit 65 errors in there?
Dreamweaver in the hands of someone who's never used it is how I got 65 errors. :D

I guess I will have to figure out CSS and ditch the flash text.

Thanks for the input, I'll start working on the errors.
- FF3 shows a white background. IE6 shows a light blue color background (though the Flash elements for the title/nav appear with a white background).
- At 1280x1024 resolution, both browsers showed horizontal scrollbars, with IE6 showing vertical scrollbars.
- I agree with changing the navigation to something a web crawler can interact with.
- Add some actual HTML textual content to the site to also help in website indexing.
- The image scroller Flash piece looks good, and is consistent with what I've seen for other photography companies' websites.
speaking as a random visitor, it looks pretty good to me. Seems pretty much like a lot of other photographer / designers sites I've seen in the last couple of years.
mmm, you've got a picture of a GTO with the sports appearance kit on it... hands down you win :D
Thanks for the input guys, I managed to fix MOST of the errors, but I can't figure out how to deal with the last 10. Any suggestions?

The errors I see are mainly related to how the flash is included in the site. I agree with the others in that the flash should be shot, but regardless here are solutions:

The solution to the flash inclusion would be to use this:

The solution to the flash problem would be this:

The remaining error is you have an image tag that isn't closed (bullet between address/phone)

You should try to design your site for ~960px wide and that should eliminate the scrollbar. If you knocked ~50-60px off the overall page height then you should be able to elminate the vertical scroll (on 1280x1024).

On a side note very nice work.