Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Thats weird. CS has always used hitboxes and right before the update. In CSS it was at its peak in competition. If you think that is the weakest point in the game your ignorant.
The competition crowd is liking it so far...ALOT.

I usually don't put much faith in what the "competitive crowd" say. Most of them - while great CS players - don't seem to be the technical type, and as such don't know much about computers.

I still remember when I updated my old servers to a new CS version and it included a few new maps. A bunch of the top players on our server who were on pretty well ranked CAL teams started complaining about server lag.

I didn't experience any server lag myself, but I spend several days trouble shooting to try to figure out why they were experiencing lag.

Turns out they just had really sucky video cards, and they were calling their frame-rate drops on the new higher polygon maps "lag".

So, while I have a great amount of respect for the skills of top CS players, quite frankly, I don't think most of them know their hitboxes and netcode from their proverbial assholes.
This was also SOP for Valve for CS:S from 2004-~2007 (or whenever CS:S updates came to a screeching halt). They'd frequently make engine updates that would render week-old demos unplayable (though there are now some tools to play back some of the older demos).

Who cares about videos :p The fun part is actually PLAYING the game :p
I'm excited... but the fact that it's on the Source graphics engine :eek: 7 years for an expansion on the same graphics engine? kidding me right Valve? No? Oh...I hope the game engine is redone from the ground up (hint: DX11, tessellation, more realistic shadows, better fog from smoke bombs, HD skys etc.)

Take a look at early source engine releases and compare them to current releases.

Today's source engine is not the same as the source engine that CS:S and HL2 launched with.

Valve intentionally programmed the source engine to be modular so that it can be updated over time. This way they will NEVER need to recode the engine from scratch. Portions of it will be updated over time to bring the engine up to date with the times, but it will never need to be released from scratch.

I guess a good comparison is Gentoo Linux. That distribution doesn't really use version numbers because they update all the time. Today's version is going to be different than yesterdays version. incremental updates come bit by bit.

The Source engine works the same way. Incremental updates come bit by bit. Some games are brought forward to the newer versions of the engine, others use a version of the engine frozen in time.

CS:GO is reportedly going to be one of the first games using the latest enhancements to the graphics portion of the steam engine. Hopefully this will add DX11 support.

I'm looking forward to it. Using source as an engine doesn't concern me in the slightest. Considering the way Valve developed it, there is no reason source can't be a modern fresh engine 15 years from now, as long as they keep up with the maintenance of it.
i mean, i'm always talking with my friends about what could make the games i play better. and we're talking about games with high and low production value, good games and bad. i never seem to bring up CS:S. the only complaints i ever had were with the people who played and the servers i played on. its a game that's built perfectly for the gamers who play it. i don't really see them making any changes until a drastically new engine comes out. even the move from 1.6 to source (when the game was already how many years old?) was met with criticism.

what i mean to say is what can they really improve? they already upgraded it once onto the source code and AFAIK there are still plenty of people playing 1.6. upgrading again is pointless. now they're just using the CS:S name to make some more money, and i find i can't blame them because it's not like a console, where a new version will pull all the old players away.

I can agree with this.

I'd be willing to pay for a new version to bring it some higher polygon models, and more new effects, including possibly DX11, (and possibly to kill bunnyhopping once and for all) but other than that, the gameplay and feel is close to perfect. There isn't much to add to it without making it a completely different game, and if they are going to do that, they ought to use a different name, not CS.
Zarathustra[H];1037632462 said:
I usually don't put much faith in what the "competitive crowd" say. Most of them - while great CS players - don't seem to be the technical type, and as such don't know much about computers.

I still remember when I updated my old servers to a new CS version and it included a few new maps. A bunch of the top players on our server who were on pretty well ranked CAL teams started complaining about server lag.

I didn't experience any server lag myself, but I spend several days trouble shooting to try to figure out why they were experiencing lag.

Turns out they just had really sucky video cards, and they were calling their frame-rate drops on the new higher polygon maps "lag".

So, while I have a great amount of respect for the skills of top CS players, quite frankly, I don't think most of them know their hitboxes and netcode from their proverbial assholes.
youre quite wrong to.
I know if you like CS you are going to be bias but Valve NEVER EVER cared very much about competitive balance in CS or any game period. They design games for noobs. CS was not that great it was just a game in the right place at the righ time. Back when it blew up it was just a far easier game for noobs to swallow when they were getting demolished in the established MP games of the day like the Quakes, UT, Halflife. It was a time when we had the dot com bubble and an explosion of people buying computers and getting on the internet for the first time ever. Most of the kids knew more about the computers than their parents. So tens of thousands of people with AOL started playing CS because well compared to the other games it was a console level game that was easier to play, and intuitive because it was set in modern times with basic guns wich all mostly did the same thing. This was easier than the sci fi shooters with fancy weapons that could allow you to rocket jump There was no balance the freaking awp would kill a person dead if you hit them in the toe nail. There were tons of problems and competitive players had to fix them through plugins and build their own anti cheat. Back then the "good" players could all bunny hop and none of them asked valve to kill bunnny hopping yet valve did it why? I will tell you way to make the game more noob friendly thats why. And so when you all sit here talking out your ass about how CS was designed to be a competitive game and that is its market I got to laugh what a joke, I guess you just wanted to believe that but it was never the case. CS was the first NOOB game, it was not the last game in a great era it was the game that killed the great era of PC gaming. It taught game developers that making complicated games like quake that required vast amounts of skill was a not a sustainable model. It taught developers that if you make a game easier and more noob friendly you can build a player base so large that the competitive scene will be forced to play your game no matter what it thinks. And from that very game on the trend has been down hill.

Every valve game since then dissappoints the old players. You can cry about it all day but if you remove your bias you will see this is just the normal trend that was started with CS and has continued through almost every valve game. Slower, less skilled, simpler weapon sets and rules. And for those of us who were old enough to remember it was none other than the beloved CS that started it all. Eventually CS killed every skilled DM game out of the competitive scene and now it looks like the noob consoles games are poised to kill CS out of the competitive scene.
I know if you like CS you are going to be bias but Valve NEVER EVER cared very much about competitive balance in CS or any game period. They design games for noobs. CS was not that great it was just a game in the right place at the righ time. Back when it blew up it was just a far easier game for noobs to swallow when they were getting demolished in the established MP games of the day like the Quakes, UT, Halflife. It was a time when we had the dot com bubble and an explosion of people buying computers and getting on the internet for the first time ever. Most of the kids knew more about the computers than their parents. So tens of thousands of people with AOL started playing CS because well compared to the other games it was a console level game that was easier to play, and intuitive because it was set in modern times with basic guns wich all mostly did the same thing. This was easier than the sci fi shooters with fancy weapons that could allow you to rocket jump There was no balance the freaking awp would kill a person dead if you hit them in the toe nail. There were tons of problems and competitive players had to fix them through plugins and build their own anti cheat. Back then the "good" players could all bunny hop and none of them asked valve to kill bunnny hopping yet valve did it why? I will tell you way to make the game more noob friendly thats why. And so when you all sit here talking out your ass about how CS was designed to be a competitive game and that is its market I got to laugh what a joke, I guess you just wanted to believe that but it was never the case. CS was the first NOOB game, it was not the last game in a great era it was the game that killed the great era of PC gaming. It taught game developers that making complicated games like quake that required vast amounts of skill was a not a sustainable model. It taught developers that if you make a game easier and more noob friendly you can build a player base so large that the competitive scene will be forced to play your game no matter what it thinks. And from that very game on the trend has been down hill.

Every valve game since then dissappoints the old players. You can cry about it all day but if you remove your bias you will see this is just the normal trend that was started with CS and has continued through almost every valve game. Slower, less skilled, simpler weapon sets and rules. And for those of us who were old enough to remember it was none other than the beloved CS that started it all. Eventually CS killed every skilled DM game out of the competitive scene and now it looks like the noob consoles games are poised to kill CS out of the competitive scene.

first, lets get the trolling bit out of the way.

I'd argue the opposite. CS was the first of an era of interesting and somewhat complex games, and the dooms and quakes were the n00b crap.

Seriously. Anything deathmatch is automatically a n00bfest.

Now, that that's been said,

I don't think I've seen anyone say that CS was designed for the competitive crowd. You may be hearing things.

CS fell into Valve's laps. It was a mod made primarily by Gooseman disappointed by the fact that everything out there was either space marines like Quake, or shooting demons like Doom. You may laugh about how lacking CS is in realism, but it started out as a project to bring a certain real-world interestingness to games. The guys who made CS didn't make it for competitive gaming. Competitive gaming was then even more of a joke than it is today. Most hadn't even heard of it.

Several betas were released and CS quickly grew in popularity.

When valve purchased the rights to Counter-Strike from the original developers they just built on what was there to begin with.

1.0 through 1.6 were released

Again, you are right, there was no focus on competitive gaming, cause that's not where the money is. There are many more individuals buying games than there are competitive gamers.

Same when Source was launched. The focus was on gameplay and making the game accessible to a greater audience. IMHO, this didn't harm the game for the "pro'
s" it made it better, limiting Bunnyhopping and other exploits and incorporating VAC.

There is nothing "pro" about bunnyhopping. It is an exploit, plain and simple

Wow, where to begin. It was "noob" to begin with? Wtf? I would say that it got dumbed down when they slowed the movement down so much as to make dodging barely a part of the game anymore. Give me a 1-shot AWP and the ability to dodge over a 2-shot AWP and slow-ass movement.

And bunnyhopping is/was pure BS and destroys map flow and balance. Plus it's just a fucking retarded game mechanic, talk about removing any type of immersion...
Are there even any modern alternatives to CS now as far as real, skill based online FPS goes?

it's called Quake Live and it's the pinnacle.

Just great, this game is made for consoles and the PC version will be a shitty console port. Valve has officially abandoned the PC community and that sucks.

err, i'd feel ripped off if anything if i bought any valve games on the console. they've just now become viable and ran like fucking shit before and barely ever got any updates. TF2 has probably quite literally gotten 200 more updates than the console version.
it's called Quake Live and it's the pinnacle.

It seems pretty lame to me.

1.) Nothing that is either Deathmatch or CTF based will get any attention from me.

2.) If there are space marines / laser guns / railguns etc. count me out. A game doesn't have to be super realistic, but at least it has to be based in reality for me to like it.

That was what had the amazing draw in CS when it was first released. Everything else out there, Q3A included was simply completely uninteresting by comparison.
these are just hopes.

i, as an active player since beta 7 ...from 1.0 to 1.6 .. then 7 years ago up till now with source.

I must say that this is the best fps game i have ever played..i tried ALL the new games.
but in the end, whats the point of playing an FPS? yes, exactly... SPAWN,SHOOT,KILL .. Quake was nice, I started on Quake 2 .. it was an awesome lanparty game!! lots of fun.
CS made it different more realistic but easy to play. After all, a game should stay a game.

CT vs T .. buy your weapon .. if you kill you stay alive and keep playing..if you die, sit on the bench and wait for next round..and while waiting, we talk the talk.. its really nice to play CS .. and especially if you've been playing quiete some time in some servers.

Just imagining a new uptodate graphic version of CS and de_dust2 ... wow totally makes my day!
Zarathustra[H];1037634941 said:
It seems pretty lame to me.

1.) Nothing that is either Deathmatch or CTF based will get any attention from me.

2.) If there are space marines / laser guns / railguns etc. count me out. A game doesn't have to be super realistic, but at least it has to be based in reality for me to like it.

That was what had the amazing draw in CS when it was first released. Everything else out there, Q3A included was simply completely uninteresting by comparison.

then play clan arena, it's round based dead and you're out style gameplay.

every weapon is unique and has a clear purpose, that's the point.
Zarathustra[H];1037634941 said:
It seems pretty lame to me.

1.) Nothing that is either Deathmatch or CTF based will get any attention from me.

2.) If there are space marines / laser guns / railguns etc. count me out. A game doesn't have to be super realistic, but at least it has to be based in reality for me to like it.

That was what had the amazing draw in CS when it was first released. Everything else out there, Q3A included was simply completely uninteresting by comparison.

So you're saying it's not a game for skillful people just because you don't like it. Shit, all those professional golfers must be inept retards because I don't like golf.

CS was the innovator in its time. The deathmatch shooter was in its heyday between Quake 3 and UT99 and CS was the first really big realistic shooter. We now find ourselves in completely the opposite situation. The realistic shooter is in its heyday and the deathmatch shooters have fallen out of favor, with the last real vestiges of competitive play being in Quake Live.
So you're saying it's not a game for skillful people just because you don't like it. Shit, all those professional golfers must be inept retards because I don't like golf

When did I say it wasn't a game for skillful people?

I just thought it sounded lame :p

I'm sure it takes skill.

But then again, so does scaling a brick wall, and I'm not about to do that either :p
It seems they talked about more then CS:GO

List of changes to be made in CS:S
Bug Fixes:

1. Consistent sound engine. If a clients point of view makes a sound, it should make one of the server for all others to hear.

2. Flashes differing lengths on different cards for dx9.

3. Reload sounds not always originating from correct places

4. Recoil not resetting fully after a burst from a fully automatic rifle.
Gameplay Changes:

1. A "warmode" where certain changes will occur automatically for standard competitive play.
-remove physics objects e.g barrels + rubbish
-100tickrate without all workaround fixes for 100tick rate of fire on 66tick servers, aka clean orange box engine.
-shadows removed on players in Terrorist/Counter terrorist sides - eg spectators can still have good visuals.

2. Flashes to be reworked.
- More directional, if they land behind have 40% the effect of landing in a 90 degree field of view.
- Less proximity based, eg if they go off 30 yards away should still blind for a few seconds to punish the player for not looking away.
- Flashes shouldn't effect the sound of the player who is flashed as much - way too intrusive.

3. HE grenades and flashes should be able to pass through player models, but still deal the correct damage/flash if they are inside a player model. Too many instances of grenades becoming lodged in a players head. -he grenades should also not root a player who is hit at all.

4. Awp rate of fire reduced akin to 1.6, too easy for a player to keep missing and still kill 3 or more of the opponents even when rushed because the rate of fire is too high.

5. Deagle damaged reduced by 10%.

6. Models adjusted so the head is exactly in line with the players point of view, to prevent "left eye peeking". Overall body mass must should also be centralised.
- Should also be adjusted for when a player is crouching.

7. Crouching speed should be increased.

8. Movement acceleration immediatly after crouching should be increased- currently takes around half a second for standing speed acceleration to come into effect.

9. Model size reduced slightly - 15% overall, makes it harder to frag one another. A more precise aim required.

10. Head size reduced 30% vertically. Reason for not reducing horizontally is so players will not be encouraged to crouch on a corner to avoid being headshotted.

11. Tagging from all weapons increased. The time tagging lasts. e.g time for standing speed acceleration to return to normal reduced significantly. - will improve the feel of the game, and promote team work. If 2 players face off against 1, the solitary player will lose unless doing something spectacular. This also promotes frag or die, will be harder for a player to retreat so must think about positioning more frequently.

12. Most damaging part on the body to take the hit for any given bullet. Example: the trojectory of a bullet is on path with a players head, but the arm is blocking it, the hit will count as an arm shot rather than a headshot. This should not be the case. The highest damaging part for a given trojectory should always take precedence.

13. There should be a very subtle hit animation when attacking players, very similar to when a headshot is made but for the body. So a player can quickly determine if they are successfully landing hits. Eg a small red flash.
Map Changes:

Mentality/philosiphy. Remove as many head height boxes and positions (including crouching positions) as possible to create for a more consistent team work based map, without changing the fundamentals that current players are used to.

1. Remove majority of head height boxes on the map, either make them taller or get rid of them all together.

2. Remove car in B.

1. Make site boxes taller and change the forklift to a non metal object

2. Make the vents taller. See de_prodigy as a good example of this.

1. Remove truck from CT spawn and B pit, Replace with mildly spammable materials.

2. Remove car at bottom of mid.

3. Remove fence from elevated area on B site or just make into spikes (foot tall and less frequent)

4. Grate should open as you walk through it instantly, non intrusive.

5. Remove car from banana, replace with boxes, Remove pillars from banana and widen the banana walk way.

Rebuild all the train models so there are fewer head view only crouching positions. Eg forcing a player camping under a train to expose at least half their body.

He also revealed that the players now have a private forum where they can discuss any updates with the Hidden Path crew as soon as they hit the beta stages, whilst Zblock developer J3di has been hired by the company to work from home, incorporating Zblock, among other things, into the game in future. Whether or not these are all implemented remains to be seen but we will be keeping you updated throughout the next few days on any new information that comes out of the meeting. One thing that is for sure is that all of these suggestions have been discussed in detail with the Hidden Path crew and they have assured us that CS:S still has a future, how big it is depends on us.

One thing i have to say is don't expect CS:GO to be another 1.6 or another Source, period. Expect to play a new game altogether and you will not be disappointed... Most 1.6 players made that mistake when Source came out. They wanted and expected another 1.6 (or a 1.7 you could say), and then raged at Source and its community for not being 1.6..
1.6 Players seem to think that 1.6 is the best game out to this day. And any game not designed with 1.6 in mind or isnt a remade 1.6 isnt good.

For everyone raging about console port. The Source engine was made on a PC for a PC primarily. Its also designed to work on Xbox 360 & PS3. Source Engine 2006 was even able to run on console.
To give you an idea here are games that are on Source engine 2009 that are not Flops on PC that are also on consoles.
Team Fortress 2
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Portal 2
Half Life 2
Half Life 2: Ep 1
Half Life 2: Ep 2

Games Running on the same engine that could be updated to work on Consoles
Day of Defeat: Source
Counter Strike: Source
Garrys Mod
It seems they talked about more then CS:GO

List of changes to be made in CS:S

That's not a list of changes to be made in CS:S. That's a list of changes/recommendations put forward by the players invited to Valve. The source is here. Some of their gameplay/map changes seem to be compensating for the physics modeling in the source engine (esp. changing nades to go through player models--that's sort of asinine, but it does sidestep the issue with nades sticking on players' heads) with the rest sounding like they want more 1.6-style play (aside from increasing movement speed, which I think is a mistake).

As an aside, the recoil bug is supposed to be fixed already in CS:S Beta. The flash bug (and the related no-smoke bug) are still atrocious and present though.

edit: This is particularly hopeful. They seem to be planning on inviting out 1.6 pros as well.
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That's not a list of changes to be made in CS:S. That's a list of changes/recommendations put forward by the players invited to Valve. The source is here. Some of their gameplay/map changes seem to be compensating for the physics modeling in the source engine (esp. changing nades to go through player models--that's sort of asinine, but it does sidestep the issue with nades sticking on players' heads) with the rest sounding like they want more 1.6-style play (aside from increasing movement speed, which I think is a mistake).

As an aside, the recoil bug is supposed to be fixed already in CS:S Beta. The flash bug (and the related no-smoke bug) are still atrocious and present though.

edit: This is particularly hopeful. They seem to be planning on inviting out 1.6 pros as well.

I don't know what to think of this new CS anymore. At first I was like OMG YES! Then the crossplatform news came out, along with rumors of no recoil and other similar things, and I said fuck that. Then some of the pros invited to Valve started talking about the experience, and I'm think there's a chance...

Fucking emotional roller coaster!
Yep, that was the Counter Strike Online game in Asia released by Nexon if I'm not mistaken, and its pretty much unknown outside Asia.
When is there gonna be any real news? Thought Valve was gonna do something else besides an anemic steam page.
That's not a list of changes to be made in CS:S. That's a list of changes/recommendations put forward by the players invited to Valve. The source is here. Some of their gameplay/map changes seem to be compensating for the physics modeling in the source engine (esp. changing nades to go through player models--that's sort of asinine, but it does sidestep the issue with nades sticking on players' heads) with the rest sounding like they want more 1.6-style play (aside from increasing movement speed, which I think is a mistake).

As an aside, the recoil bug is supposed to be fixed already in CS:S Beta. The flash bug (and the related no-smoke bug) are still atrocious and present though.

edit: This is particularly hopeful. They seem to be planning on inviting out 1.6 pros as well.

I like most of the gameplay changes. agreed with the nades though. There must be some way to fix nade issues without having them go through players.

Not sure I like the map changes. They seem to want to remove a lot of the immersive elements of the game. Car models, and stuff like that i uneven shapes and forms all add to the experience. A CS with just boxes, and just boxes of a certain height (so you can't see heads?) would be awfully boring.

I'd rather see them go the other way. Increase polygon count, make environments more complex and natural, and yes, let there be little nooks and crannies for campers to hide in. it's not my preferred strategy, but without them, the game is not as real.

I don't want to see CS:S become as dull and simplistic as 1.6

Here would be my perfect CS:S update:
- All gameplay updates from that article, except nades going through player models
- Complete elimination of bunny hopping. (maybe force a half a second to a second delay between jumps or something like that)
- Complete remake of all maps and models to a modern polygon count and graphics level, including items that add more texture, like burning cars, rusty bulldozers, etc. Essentially, make the environments feel more alive.

I don't really care what impact this would have on the competitive crowd. I just want to be able to hop in on a pub, play my favorite game and have fun. any change should have a focus on removing some bugs and bringing some graphical improvements.

As with any game, the focus should be on fun. If its not fun, then what's the point? I really don't care if it's a good tool for some sort of lame video game competition or not.

As I've said all along CS was at its best before the competitive crowd got involved. Back when it was a project for people to just play on their free time and have fun. I ran a popular pub for about 3 years during the height of CAL, and even then I found the competitive players a nuisance. With their trying to arrange scrim's and recruiting on our server. It got so annoying that I eventually started banning people for recruiting.

CS is best when it belongs to the pubbers. Any game is that, a game. It is not serious. it is a fun distraction from every day life. Something you do after work when you don't want to deal with anything or anyone else. Taking it, and trying to make it serious, and building leagues, and competitions really just ruins it.
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CS:S and CGS were abominations that destroyed the Counter-Strike community. Teams that couldn't play 1.6 at a competitive level switched to CS:S and instantly became good. Then when CGS came around the good teams that stuck around 1.6 had way too much financial incentive to not switch.... by the time CGS became a giant steaming pile of failure, it was already too late for the community that was fragmented beyond belief.

I am hopeful for this though; it seems like they're taking feedback from CS:S and 1.6 pros and with the coming betas, the community.
Zarathustra[H];1037637113 said:
I like most of the gameplay changes....

... words...

I agree. I only play gg servers with at least 32 people. It's not fun otherwise.
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Any game is that, a game. It is not serious. it is a fun distraction from every day life. Something you do after work when you don't want to deal with anything or anyone else. Taking it, and trying to make it serious, and building leagues, and competitions really just ruins it.

How do you feel about professional and recreational sports leagues then? :eek: :confused:
AMEN! Its Valve. They havent let us down yet. So I will gladly be purchasing this game. Thank you valve! you might even get some Micro transactions from me! (Which are optional btw)
They've let the CS community down quite a lot. >.> I just hope killer_koala isn't on the development team.
I wonder what the system requirements will be? Hopefully my setup will still be able to run semi high settings without dipping below 60fps :confused:. Might need to pickup a Q9650 and a 560 or 6870. I sure hope not though.
I wonder what the system requirements will be? Hopefully my setup will still be able to run semi high settings without dipping below 60fps :confused:. Might need to pickup a Q9650 and a 560 or 6870. I sure hope not though.
I have a Q6700 and a GTX460 and i get around 30FPS on Valve made maps in CSS on the Orange Box engine.

PC System Requirements

Supported OS: Windows® 7 32/64-bit / Vista 32/64 / XP
Processor: Pentium 4 3.0GHz
Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista
Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with 128 MB, Shader model 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or better
Hard Drive: At least 13 GB of free space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

Supported OS: Windows® 7 32/64-bit / Vista 32/64 / XP
Processor: Intel core 2 duo 2.4GHz
Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2GB for Vista
Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible video card with Shader model 3.0. NVidia 7600, ATI X1600 or better
Hard Drive: At least 13 GB of free space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

Mac System Requirements
OS: MacOS X 10.6.4 or higher (Snow Leopard Graphics Update required)
Processor: Dual core Intel processor, 2GHz or better
Video Card: ATI Radeon 2400 or higher / NVIDIA 8600M or higher / Intel HD Graphics 3000
Not supported: OS X 10.5.x, ATI X1600 or X1900 graphics, NVIDIA GeForce 7 graphics or Intel graphics less than Intel HD 3000.

getting flashbacks of q3 on the dreamcast :D

I don't know. I think this is quite positive news for PC gaming.

I was always pretty disappointed that the COD series games didn't allow people from different platforms to play each other.

Once a major title comes out that really squares PC players off against console players, the console players are going to wonder why they are always losing, and possibly figure out how superior PC's are for games and make the witch :)

Unless - that is - consoles get cheats like auto-aiming and other things that they get in many other games.