Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Can someone please teach me to not suck? I swear to god I started playing this game and would have a K/D of 2 and now I'm getting like a .3 it's insane. I walked corners, even peaking, and instant headshot and I seem to not be able to kill anyone. Should I turn mouse acceleration off? Should I lower/raise sensitivity? Any tips at all would be awesome, so badly do I want to not suck haahha

I never use mouse accel because the faster you move your mouse the further it will go. Turn that off, it is going to feel weird to you for a bit. Low sens is a good way to go to keep steady at long range, I'm at 1.7 in game, 800 dpi, and like 4/11 on windows. Also walking corners can be a good and bad thing, good if your the last one alive and trying to win the round, but if there are a lot of the other team left, you might walk right into one of them. Also I've noticed the recoil has changed a little bit, the AK is much more accurate. Use strafe more than your forward button, running in straight lines = easy HS. Also when using flashes, try to be right on the other side of where your throwing it or just around the corner so right as it goes off you can move in. Also if you can hear people (which is hard to do in that game cuz foot steps are messed up) pre fire them. Try to locate where they are on the other side of the wall using your hearing then quick peek and shoot right as your x-hair gets around the corner or object. Another tip which will be pretty hard in pubs, is to not re-peek. If your shooting at someone and they are hitting you pretty good, best thing to do is to run away and engage them later, it is very easy for a semi skilled person to pickup on peeking patterns and when they do, it could mean instant death as soon as you round the corner, pre firing won't even help you at that point. I have this stupid ass saying that I say in my head when in a situation like that to remind myself what to do "run away and fight another day".

Those are some tips, sorry it's in paragraph form lol. Some of it may work for you, some of it may not, the stuff towards the end should definitely help as you do it more often and figure out where to go and what to do to give you the advantage.
Can someone please teach me to not suck? I swear to god I started playing this game and would have a K/D of 2 and now I'm getting like a .3 it's insane. I walked corners, even peaking, and instant headshot and I seem to not be able to kill anyone. Should I turn mouse acceleration off? Should I lower/raise sensitivity? Any tips at all would be awesome, so badly do I want to not suck haahha

My sensitivity is really low, it's about 52 cm/360. In the grand scheme of things though it's still mostly preference unless you're at a comical extreme.

If you want to get a feel for combat itself then DM is good to warm up in. Pick AK / Deagle and aim for domes. If you're bursting / tapping the AK too fast, your shots will very quickly begin wiffing, so it's good for getting a feel. Other weapons like the M4 should be easy to manage if you can control the AK well.

Also pubs are more often than not RUSH FEST 2012. There's teamwork (and a lot of it in some cases) but 99% of the time it's just call a site and that's the way the brigade charges. Rarely does anything more clever than that actually unfold.
Only other issue with my FPS is that when I turn down features it does not seem to affect it. Anyone else notice this?
Only other issue with my FPS is that when I turn down features it does not seem to affect it. Anyone else notice this?

Welcome to the Source engine, you're probably CPU bound.

I enjoy this game. But too bad the M4 rifle does not have silencer just like the previous Counter Strike Source.

It's been officially confirmed, it's coming... eventually.
Game feels empty a lot of time. It's hilarious to me that according to the steam numbers, that more people are still playing 1.6

I got back on 1.6 last night, dude it is impossible to play. I refuse to play as a cardboard box shooting another cardboard box walking around on cardboard boxes hahaha
Game feels empty a lot of time. It's hilarious to me that according to the steam numbers, that more people are still playing 1.6

I got back on 1.6 last night, dude it is impossible to play. I refuse to play as a cardboard box shooting another cardboard box walking around on cardboard boxes hahaha

Play CS:S then, it's just a more complete CS:GO.

I mean, CS 1.6 to CS:S? New physics engine at least, new netcode (arguably better or worse depending on whom you ask).

CS:S to CS:GO? Higher poly/res models and scenery. Worse netcode by all accounts, plus bots and local hosting. Played the beta, thought it was shitty. Got bought it by a friend, still feel no inclination to play it as a freebie. Unexciting, unimpressive, all-around middle-of-the-road.
There's tons of minor tweaks in GO, from weapons to movement speed. The economy is different, effective weapons are different, maps are different, gunplay, hitboxes, strafe speed, a billion things. Also netcode is pretty fucking good. Some shit is missing, like silencers, but everything is pretty damn solid for the most part, imo.

Also what are you talking about local hosting? Servers are dedicated the same as always.
Pretty cool game to be honest. I like the fast pace, everything is smooth enough. There are some little downsides, but overall it's a solid performer.
Game feels empty a lot of time. It's hilarious to me that according to the steam numbers, that more people are still playing 1.6

I got back on 1.6 last night, dude it is impossible to play. I refuse to play as a cardboard box shooting another cardboard box walking around on cardboard boxes hahaha

Is 1.6 still preferred over source in terms of tournament and league play? I remember when MLG ended that the North American teams went back to 1.6 because the euros never switched to source. The lack of texture and environment that 1.6 provided made for a smoother competitive game, at least in my opinion. I'm sure that if 1.6 is still a competitive game, with leagues like CAL still in existence, that there are still tons of kids still playing it.

I tried to check gotfrag and didn't realize that it was dead and inactive as far as news.
I played the game during beta and it was horrible....

Heard there are a lot of tweak after that, so I bought it...

Tried it again, and now I regret spending 15 bucks on this game....

It just doesn't feel right compare to 1.6 and Source.
I played the game during beta and it was horrible....

Heard there are a lot of tweak after that, so I bought it...

Tried it again, and now I regret spending 15 bucks on this game....

It just doesn't feel right compare to 1.6 and Source.

Isn't there a demo?
They really need to fix the ELO system. Either that or I need to reactivate my ESEA account. I've just been stomping people into the fucking ground, everyone just rushes and plays retarded.

A dynamic and challenging match is the most fun, not where people never flash or smoke and just charge to certain deaths for the entire game.
Is 1.6 still preferred over source in terms of tournament and league play? I remember when MLG ended that the North American teams went back to 1.6 because the euros never switched to source. The lack of texture and environment that 1.6 provided made for a smoother competitive game, at least in my opinion. I'm sure that if 1.6 is still a competitive game, with leagues like CAL still in existence, that there are still tons of kids still playing it.

I tried to check gotfrag and didn't realize that it was dead and inactive as far as news.

No, All of the major leagues dropped 1.6 a few months ago. The Euros do play Source. Neither CAL or CPL exist anymore.
No, All of the major leagues dropped 1.6 a few months ago. The Euros do play Source. Neither CAL or CPL exist anymore.

I knew that CAL and CPL were defunct, but what has risen up to replace them? WCG? ESL? Sorry, 3 years of WoW addiction took me out of the competitive CS scene.
Wait, what's wrong with the netcode with CSGO?
There are some things that piss me off about the game, like CS 1.6 did, but I mean I'm still having fun. I also don't play it competitively, though. I do, however, want to try source. I guess my thing is I don't really know the difference between GO and Source, it's all the same maps just marginally better graphics each time?
Wait, what's wrong with the netcode with CSGO?
There are some things that piss me off about the game, like CS 1.6 did, but I mean I'm still having fun. I also don't play it competitively, though. I do, however, want to try source. I guess my thing is I don't really know the difference between GO and Source, it's all the same maps just marginally better graphics each time?

There's tons of gameplay changes in GO. It's still CS at its core, but there are a lot of differences that really add up.

I think the core mechanics of GO are quite solid, some things just need polishing. It's quite different feeling though if you're just coming from the other game. It's the same but not the same.
I'm still on the fence about picking this up. Seems like the reviews are mixed across the board. I wish valve would come out with a DoD:GO.
They really need to add an option to outline the fucking classic crosshair. The new crosshair has several dark spots for this and it's amazing because of it.

I made this mock up:


and brighter

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Can someone please teach me to not suck? I swear to god I started playing this game and would have a K/D of 2 and now I'm getting like a .3 it's insane. I walked corners, even peaking, and instant headshot and I seem to not be able to kill anyone. Should I turn mouse acceleration off? Should I lower/raise sensitivity? Any tips at all would be awesome, so badly do I want to not suck haahha

First up is just keep playing, get a sense for the timings of the routes, and common spots for players to be.

Like someone else ahead said, most pub games (I'm assuming your playing the classic competitive 5v5 mode) are just rush rush rush (Although to be fair, the 2 minute round time's don't leave a whole lot of time for much else) so get a feel for the timing of how fast people can get to certain spots.

Seconds count, it's the difference between being in position behind some cover and running to cover. For instance as a CT on Dust 2, if you spawn on the right side (facing T spawn) you are in a much stronger position to get to bombsite B and be in position then if you are on the left side, having those 2 extra seconds to cross that 10 feet is the difference between being behind a box and being out in the open.

Number 2: If you are a reload-a-holic, break that habit. I see more people get wasted stupidly for reloading their damn gun after firing 2-7 shots, then I ever, EVER see get killed for running their magazine dry. Most assault rifles kill in 3-8 shots, popping a few rounds and insta-reloading is a good way for them or their buddy to round the corner blast your brains. You don't need that many shots, stop for a second, *pop* *pop*, strafe left and right a bit (You know, the "dance") and stop again for another *pop* *pop* Then when their dead, WAIT. LISTEN. You just announced to everybody and their mothers that you are in fact right where you are, the last thing you want to be doing, is reloading a fine, half-full magazine when some jerkwad with an angry face is coming to give you what ho.

When all's quiet, duck behind something and then, finally, you may reload. You'll be amazed how effective it really is.

Sound. Sound is the most important aspect of this game. You can hear enemies coming up on you, going somewhere, you can hear them reloading. Turn that volume up. If you play with no sound, or play with music, you are handicapping yourself. You can do it, but I'd only recommend it for when you have a strong game sense.
Holy fuck did that screw up competitive match making. Rebuy is screwed up as well. If you don't buy one round it won't rebuy from the previous round.
I knew it would. I really feel lobbies and matchmaking does not belong in games like these.

Anyone played the new maps?
I knew it would. I really feel lobbies and matchmaking does not belong in games like these.

I agree. Matchmaking doesn't build communities.

On a side note, I gave ESEA league a try playing some pugs. Holy fuck... I can hardly break even.
Game is a blast. Now that I have a video card that can actually run the game (went from a hd4650 to a gtx260) the game looks very, very nice and plays way better than css. Shots that are dead on feel more dead on, shooting takes more skill, and kills are much more satisfying not to mention Molotov's and decoys add more strategic depth to the series.
They had the right idea with the matchmaking but it's utterly FUCKED right now because of this brilliant oversight. The game can start without 10 people... at which point the server locks and nobody else can join. Congrats you're stuck with bots for the rest of the game, dare to leave your unbalanced slaughter in the making and you're banned for 30 minutes. Punishing leavers is fine, play casual if you might want to bail, but the game needs to have 10 for this to work. Starting it 4v5 (or worse) and dooming one team to an entire game of them playing down is fucking dumb, and punishing in that case is just as stupid.
They had the right idea with the matchmaking but it's utterly FUCKED right now because of this brilliant oversight. The game can start without 10 people... at which point the server locks and nobody else can join. Congrats you're stuck with bots for the rest of the game, dare to leave your unbalanced slaughter in the making and you're banned for 30 minutes. Punishing leavers is fine, play casual if you might want to bail, but the game needs to have 10 for this to work. Starting it 4v5 (or worse) and dooming one team to an entire game of them playing down is fucking dumb, and punishing in that case is just as stupid.

Sent that to the Devs.
There is a bug in vertigo. If you jump on the boxes at B you can become stuck between two tall boxes and unable to jump out. Also, throwing grenades off the side can cause the bots to lemming/jump themselves off the side of the map...

Also, rebuy seems to literally only remember the last round rather than the last time you bought stuff which is super annoying. As an aside, I am pretty tired of the AK being so much better than the m4 due to the lack of silencer.
So far my only losses in this are games where I've had to play down.

Join lobby with 3 people... and we just never get the other 2. Game starts 3v5, stuck like that for the rest of the match. Embarrassingly stupid oversight. This should be priority #1 right now on shit to fix, because it's utterly game ruining.
So far my only losses in this are games where I've had to play down.

Join lobby with 3 people... and we just never get the other 2. Game starts 3v5, stuck like that for the rest of the match. Embarrassingly stupid oversight. This should be priority #1 right now on shit to fix, because it's utterly game ruining.

I wouldnt go that far. Just play on different servers or play PUGs. How is this rant different then the one above? Also it looks like i missed on of the FUCKs in your above rant when i copied and pasted it to the developers. Can you tame it down?
I want to play a nicely matchmade 5v5.

As it is now, you either eat a half hour ban for bailing on a certain loss, or just sit there and lose. Do you really think a match being locked into 3v5 makes sense? That's not competitive, and it's not fun. The new matchmaking is absolutely broken because of that, the game can start before the server ever fills. I'll try to play it to the bitter end every time, but honestly not very fun.

I should just reactivate my ESEA account, because hoping for a decent game right now is useless. It's complete luck of the draw as to whether you're going to get stuck with a bot for the entire game.

edit: Also voice in lobbies is awful. It's just perma-on constant noise.
I want to play a nicely matchmade 5v5.

As it is now, you either eat a half hour ban for bailing on a certain loss, or just sit there and lose. Do you really think a match being locked into 3v5 makes sense? That's not competitive, and it's not fun. The new matchmaking is absolutely broken because of that, the game can start before the server ever fills. I'll try to play it to the bitter end every time, but honestly not very fun.

I should just reactivate my ESEA account, because hoping for a decent game right now is useless. It's complete luck of the draw as to whether you're going to get stuck with a bot for the entire game.

edit: Also voice in lobbies is awful. It's just perma-on constant noise.

Exactly. Also the esea client for me will not make it to a game. Crashes right before I enter the lobby.
Edit. Still fucked up. Esea game switched maps and stayed on the load screed :mad:
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Matchmaking doesn't seem to factor in the fact that you're joining as a group...

Didn't think they could fuck it up more... they did. One player drops, EVERYONE has to vote yes to keep the game going. One person votes no or doesn't vote... end of game and kicked to the main menu.
ESEA is where it's at for now. They should make it so that leaving lowers your elo rating and the team that had the player leaves, if they lose they lose less elo points due to having a bot on their team instead of an actual player.
Is there a basic ESEA thing where I can join the games and servers without fancy stats and things like such that is free? Or is it a monthly payment for everything
They should keep track of the guys f2'ing. This is going way too far. I have only finished two games out of fifteen today.