Counter Strike Global Offensive


Jul 11, 2005
Hello folks,

Just sharing...i received a cs go key 2 days ago

I played quiet some CS GO today , I have to agree with others whom have said that this game feels like CS, you feel that you are playing Counter Strike, however you have to get used to the recoil/shooting technique.
The game looks nice, I like the graphics...the movement is smooth even though its a BETA.
The greatest thing about this game is its simplicity, win rounds to get money buy bigger weapons to either plant/defuse a bomb or rescue/keep hostages. With CS it is about aiming,shooting and moving with precission. Everybody gets the same chance and maps are not huge.

I would like to thank VALVE to bring back simplicity in modern FPS games.
One more thing, they haven't released the server files for the public yet, this is the reason for just a hand full of servers, most whom are far away which translates into High Latencies (ping). But its ok, its just a BETA. Its understandable.

I'm not being a fanboy..i have asked others in the servers what they think about the game so far...many have never played CS don't take my word as one from a CS fan...but this game seems promising...I see something big on the competitive level.

have a great day
Nice to hear plenty of people who don't play CS got keys. Thanks Valve.
I heard they fixed most of the big issues people had (horrible movement, recoil, etc) and it's got me really excited for the full release. A real competitive game to play again

Nice to hear plenty of people who don't play CS got keys. Thanks Valve.

It does seem like that
Movement feels pretty close to the other CS games. Jumping is a little weird sometimes but it seems to be mostly standard CS fare.

I'm not entirely decided but I feel like guns are maybe a bit too accurate on the move right now and that spray patterns a bit too random.

Also bomb timer is too long at 45 seconds. Thing almost never goes off.

Fun so far but a lot of people are completely useless. I'm alright with people not having any idea whatsoever what their doing, if you're new you can't help it, but it's a little annoying when one person on the team will do something dumb every single round and go 0/15 or some shit.