Courier: First Details of Microsoft's Secret Tablet

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Gizmodo got a “first look” at Microsoft’s top secret tablet and it looks very cool. There are a handful of pictures and an embedded video demonstration if you follow the link. I snagged this picture to pique your interest.
I'm hoping for a simultaneous release with Apple's rumored tablet. Would be great for competition.
Very impressive. If they can get the battery right and have a days worth of use off one charge, it could be a real killer device.
meh, not very interesting IMHO....

the touch interface in Windows Vista was already pretty damn excellent (to say nothing of 7), this new tablet, with the completely alien interface isn't the direction i'd personally like to see MS going....
Looks pretty interesting. Looks like they are using the Surface technology and crammed it in 7 inches.
If Microsoft is able to produce something that is truly similar to this, I'll be purchasing one. It looks friggin' sweet and I like the interface in the video.
Very inventive, looks just like a book ;)

ok on a serious note, looks nice and its something that i feel should of came out a while ago and something im sure all of us had thought of before.... im not big on a touch screen keyboard, i just prefer the feel of a traditional keyboard, however i would definately give this a shot.
I've heard about it because I have several friends that work at Microsoft, but I hadn't seen this prototype before. If this is what it may look like, then I'll be definitely interested. I've been waiting for a powerful writing/surface tablet for a long long time. I know a lot of people would balk at tablets because of the input/interface issues they aren't or wouldn't be used to, but once you go there, it's really hard to go back.
id like to see how you type on it....i rather like this idea

I don't think you type on it, I think you write on it. There was a part in the video where they wrote out a url in the brower location bar, and it analyzed the hand writing. The only question is how good is the handwriting recognition... If it is anything like how voice recognition has been so far, it will be a pain in the ass to use.
Windows 7 is pretty good about my(admittedly horrific) handwriting. So unless you write with a lot of flair, you should be covered, provided W7 is what's preloaded.
I don't think you type on it, I think you write on it. There was a part in the video where they wrote out a url in the brower location bar, and it analyzed the hand writing. The only question is how good is the handwriting recognition... If it is anything like how voice recognition has been so far, it will be a pain in the ass to use.

The handwriting recognition that Microsoft uses is pretty damn good imho. If you've used the handwriting in OneNote, then you can get a good feel for it. I like it personally and I hope it's that good or better.
I don't think you type on it, I think you write on it. There was a part in the video where they wrote out a url in the brower location bar, and it analyzed the hand writing. The only question is how good is the handwriting recognition... If it is anything like how voice recognition has been so far, it will be a pain in the ass to use.

MS has great OCR technology. I take all my class notes on a tablet PC and it analyzes all of my (bad) handwriting perfectly.
Microsoft's handwriting recognition is VERY good. My handwriting is as messy as can be but ever since Windows Vista, it's possible to convert all my handwriting to text and have it easily searchable (via Office OneNote).
I've always wanted to do an experiment that takes a new an exciting product not made by apple and slap an apple logo on it, just to see if that alone will make it 20x cooler and desirable.

I think there's definitely a market for something like this.
Well, sure it looks cool...but it's a CG concept video that shows nothing real. They can go ahead and show me *HOW* they want it to work all they want, but I'm not holding my breath. I wouldn't be surprised if the actual unit is half as responsive as they make it look in the video.
Microsoft's handwriting recognition is VERY good. My handwriting is as messy as can be but ever since Windows Vista, it's possible to convert all my handwriting to text and have it easily searchable (via Office OneNote).


Vista has amazing handwriting recognition....

i'm serious, nobody on this board has worse handwriting than me... and vista interprets it just fine....

Fine work Microsoft.... and I dont say that very often...

still though, this table idea.... big meh.... just push Windows 7 running on slates more heavily and you've got a winner....
Did anyone else look at that picture and think "damn, kids backpacks will be so much more lighter in the future"?

Of course textbooks dont ever run out of batteries.....

Vista has amazing handwriting recognition....

i'm serious, nobody on this board has worse handwriting than me... and vista interprets it just fine....

Fine work Microsoft.... and I dont say that very often...

still though, this table idea.... big meh.... just push Windows 7 running on slates more heavily and you've got a winner....

Sorry to drag out the handwriting thing, but would it work for someone who has a learning disability due to their handwriting? because mine if it could read my writing I am sold.
Did anyone else look at that picture and think "damn, kids backpacks will be so much more lighter in the future"?

Of course textbooks dont ever run out of batteries.....

I'm already living that with the Amazon Kindle in my carry-on bag for travel. Books always used to be the heaviest, bulkiest thing I'd carry on the plane, even more than my Macbook Pro. The Kindle totally eliminated that bulk and weight, plus it is good for thousands of page turns so I don't even pack the little power adapter with me. I'm a-ok with more devices on the market that make for lighter bags or luggage.
Sorry to drag out the handwriting thing, but would it work for someone who has a learning disability due to their handwriting? because mine if it could read my writing I am sold.

I honestly couldn't tell you....

but I'm bring *completely* honest when I say that my handwriting is *bad*.... my parents actually contemplated sending me to physical therapy as a kid because I wrote so badly (I didn't need it though, i just never cared about making my words readable :) )

despite that, Windows Vista recognizes what I write....

head to Best Buy/Frys/Microcenter/etc... and test a tablet yourself.... its really the only way to know for sure....

Just to emphasize.... my handwriting is bad....
Sorry to drag out the handwriting thing, but would it work for someone who has a learning disability due to their handwriting? because mine if it could read my writing I am sold.

If you can somehow "borrow" a tablet for say, a week or two, spend a couple of days inputting handwriting (essentially it uses samples and learns on its own). Then you can see whether or not it'll be able to help you since it's difficult to know if it WILL work or not.