Court Orders Man To Complete eBay Deal

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Thinking of backing out of a deal you made on eBay? You might want to think twice about that, especially if the item is a 1946 World War II worth $215,000.

An Australian court ordered a man to hand over a vintage plane worth about $215,000 after he tried to back out of an eBay auction, a newspaper reported Friday.
As a seller you can't exactly back out like that. I guess he didn't get the memo where it said "this is a legal binding contract"
Man, he's lucky he was just ordered to complete the sale. Isn't that considered fraud? He coulda been hauled off over that.
Oh, and I'm glad things like this get enforced. Don't put something on an auction site unless you're damn sure you'll be happy with selling it at the reserve price.
Phew! That was a close one. Had this ruling been the other way, none of use would have ever been able to trust Ebay auctions again. Glad the court made the right decision.
Link isn't working for me but yea if he sold it at auction at that price I'm glad they made him turn it over.
1) learn proper grammar
2) learn history, WWII was over in 1945, not 6

1) Not everyone is born speaking english and refined to your grammar
2) One year does not make a difference in this case. FWIW, the article focuses on a deal that was made regardless of the planes age... it's not hard to hit a "6" instead of a "5" when typing.
3) You are talking to steve, be prepared to get your ass kicked :D
1) Not everyone is born speaking english and refined to your grammar
2) One year does not make a difference in this case. FWIW, the article focuses on a deal that was made regardless of the planes age... it's not hard to hit a "6" instead of a "5" when typing.
3) You are talking to steve, be prepared to get your ass kicked :D

1) editors should know better
2) just excuses
3) I aint skeered
1) learn proper grammar
2) learn history, WWII was over in 1945, not 6

Learn to stop picking nits and get on with the people you share this forum with !
Posts like yours piss me off.
I can quite easily start on you in the same way so its best not to give others a hard time eh?
3) You are talking to steve, be prepared to get your ass kicked :D


Monkey God, it's a typo. Get over it. BTW, when using a numbered list, you're supposed to capitalize every item in the list. Oh, and there should be a semicolon between "learn history" and "WWII...", not a comman. Also, "ain't" is not word and should never be used. Finally, you second list item, "just excuses", is a fragment while you other list items are complete sentences; learn to use consistent structure.
Oh s***, change "comman" with comma and "you" with your in that rant, please.

Why can't we have the edit button back?
Oh s***, change "comman" with comma and "you" with your in that rant, please.

Why can't we have the edit button back?

It doesn't matter, you just owned the sh*t out of him :D
1) learn proper grammar
2) learn history, WWII was over in 1945, not 6

The original news post says "plane". It was accidentally cut out when it was posted in the forum. Had you read the original link you would also see that I quoted the original article for the plane type and date:

The New South Wales state Supreme Court ordered Vin Thomas to hand over the vintage plane worth around 250,000 Australian dollars (US$215,000; Euro157,350) after he tried to back out of an eBay auction, a newspaper reported Friday, Aug. 3, 2007. The court ordered Thomas to complete the deal after he changed his mind about selling the 1946 World War II Wirraway plane he had placed on the Internet auction site last year. (AP Photo/Australian War Memorial,ID:p01254.071)

HOCP4ME...damn, that was brutal bro ;)
you can buy model year 2008 cars in the year 2007.
why not a model year 1946 plane in the year 1945?

and the descriptor WWII doesnt necessarily mean it was produced during WWII. it could also mean it was designed for WWII, which ended before it was produced. but is was nice so they produced it anyway.

there are many plausible justifications for the usage of the year 1946. there arent many plausable justifications for Monkey Boy to be a grammar nazi. (get it? WWII reference after WWII ended OMG OMG LOL LOL DEE DEE DEE)
there are many plausible justifications for the usage of the year 1946. there arent many plausable justifications for Monkey Boy to be a grammar nazi. (get it? WWII reference after WWII ended OMG OMG LOL LOL DEE DEE DEE)

Maybe the plane was a WWII vintage craft, not intended to be actually used in said war.

Doesnt matter, the guy still got owned.:D
Be RESPECTFULL to the Monkey God!! Ooo-Ooo!

You can re-gain your standing by giving offerings such as these:


On topic though, good to see something going right for once.