CPU 52C too hot???


Mar 15, 2006
I have amd x2 3800. I checked its temperature on bios and it says 52C. It seems kinda hot. Am I overreacting?? I use Zalman fan for cooling cpu.
What clock speed and voltage are you running? What's the ambient temperature in the room with the computer? If that's an accurate reading, its way high for idle, unless you're running the computer in a sauna. I would try reseating the heatsink.
I've been running my computer for 3 days. Nothing special, just downloading something. And I didn't do any overclocking on cpu nor on videocard, I know it's boring... ^^;; And while rebooting my computer, I checked the CPU temperature in BIOS. I don't usually turn off my computer, and maybe that's the problem. So is 52C temp really that hot for a cpu?? Because my ati 9800xt video card is around 70C. BTW I do have ac in my room and I don't usually turn it off either. You don't want to know my electric bill.
If your in the bios and its showing 52c, thats idle, and thats WAY too hot for idle. Check your cooling.
Do you have any dust in your heatsink? I blew mine off with some caned air, and my temp droped 5 degrees
Yea, high by ~10 degrees. Which Zalman do you use? You may have it on wrong. You may also need more fans in your computer if you leave it on for days on end. My X2 4200 is clocked at 2.42 Ghz, and it idles at 36-37 with a Zalman 9500
My X2 3800 is 50-51c with both cores at full load for 3 days. Idle temperatures I see ~32c at idle with ambient temperature of ~70f

My Opteron 170 is running at 62 degrees load ... at only 1.4V...

idle is usually 42-45 degrees...

I'm using the Zalman CNPS 7700 in a Silverstone SG01-B

I have no idea whats going on, but my system/chipset temps hover at 45-48 deg under load, 36-40 idle

ambient temperature is usually 26 deg...
what thermal paste did you use to put on your heatsink?

How much did you put on ?

sound like you may have put on too much thermalpaste, or didnt mount your heatsink right or you have zero case fans and live in the desert.
I have Zalman CNPS7000B and I got it from newegg about a month ago with X2 3800. So they are both fairly new. I used the thermal paste that was included in Zalman. BTW how long does it take to cool down a cpu when it goes from ~25% to idle?? Because I checked cpu usage was around 25% and I rebooted my computer and immediately got to BIOS to check the temperature. That took less than 20 seconds and I don't think a fan could possibly cool down a cpu that fast. So I'm guessing when my cpu runs around 25%, it's around 52C. That isn't too bad, is it???
I recall hearing the BIOS actually uses a good amount of CPU power so it is not the best way to check idle temps.

in windows with a monitor is, as the program will give you the same readin as the mobo sensor anyways.

When i watched mine and i go from %100 to nothing the drop is almost instant in temp.