CPU choice for multi-gpu setup


Limp Gawd
Oct 26, 2005
I've seen the benchmarks of multi-gpu setups with core i7- I was surprised to see it scale so well when the reviews first came out, compared to C2D/C2Q. I've been wanting to try a multi-gpu setup again for a while, and figured that if I were to do that, it may be a good idea to switch over to a quad core vs. my current dual core.

I'm curious though- how do the Phenom II quads compare to i7 for multi-gpu? All I've seen are benchmarks for single card performance. All I use my main computer for is gaming, so I wonder if it would benefit me to mess around with an AMD setup again (the last time was when the Opteron x2's were all the rage.)

Purely rhetorical question, I'm not looking for advice on hardware or "what to do," I'm just interested if anyone has done a multi-gpu comparison between i7 and Phenom II yet.

(I placed the thread here since there isn't a "General CPU" section.)
Phenom 2 are great for 22"-24" displays and Core i7 are best for 24"-30" displays. But your current cpu has enough horsepower to do the job.
I would suggest the i7. They are just dominating the cpu scene and will provide some head room for the next year or so.
The only time the i7 makes more sense over the cheaper CPUs for gaming is when you have a HIGH-end multi-GPU config. ;)
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