CPU load reguarding Multipiers?


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 8, 2003
I was just thinking of this, and was wondering. Is it less load on the CPU when you have a 10x multi to get to 2.88GHz (using 288FSB), and more of a load on the CPU when you use a 11x multi and a 262FSB (also giving you 2.88GHz)?? Does this make sense? I guess what im saying is, the final result is the same (2.88GHZ) but one way you use a 10x multi, and the other you use an 11x multi. IS it less load on the CPU using that 10x multi, or no, it doesn't matter because the final result is the same speed (2.88)
its the word "load" thats tripping me up. The CPU could care less as far as I know on how it got to 2.88.

it might make some small difference in the current used/heat created in the clock generator circuit but I dont think it would affect the CPU's abiltity to do its processing.

In general your memory bandwidth would be better with the higher FSB.
I think the load temp will be a bit lower with a higher multiplier/lower fsb as opposed to a lower multiplier/higher fsb. This is just based on my old 2500+ unlocked barton; with it set at 166 fsb and 13 multi it was 42C Load, but with it set at 185 fsb and 11 multi the load temp was 52C. However, the obvious reason to use the lower multiplier/higher fsb is for higher system and memory bandwidth.