CPU, MB, Ram upgrade?


Sep 3, 2006
Hi, I have a problem and could use your help. Currently I have Intel Q9550 E0, Gigabyte X38 DQ6 and 4GB Geil Ultra DDR2. Those parts are 4-5 yrs old, so should I sold them and buy new components like AMD A8-3870k, Asus F1A75V-Pro and 8GB DDR3? New components, new guarantee etc. I don't play games, only web, office and multimedia. GPU will remain 5670.How to there cpu's compare or what should be alternative? Thanks in advance.
If all you do is web and office etc I'm not sure you really need to upgrade at all. New computer will be faster but how much would you notice in activities like that?
If you don't have one already buy an SSD and reinstall your OS on that, that would be a big improvement for not much coin.
Your system is not bad at all, even for 4-5 years old. Like matteos said, an SSD will get you the most noticeable performance gain. I recommend Samsung 830 256GB.
I do have ssd and it was significant improvement in speed. Main reason for upgrade would be new components and new 3yr guarantee. Ok, thx you all.
There might be other reasons often overlooked. Power consumption is one such area. Not just processors. But ram, HDD's, motherboards, more efficient PSU's etc etc it all adds up.

Whilst I'm all up for making a few tweaks to what is a solid enough processor and parts. I've also wasted cash in the past updating pc's when I could have just sold it off either parts or as a going concern, then use the cash to buy new parts. Seems obvious but there is a fine line between keeping a pc and starting fresh.

The other obvious advantage is you open the door to updates later on if you require, but I would not buy a socket FM1 system if that were my plan.
If you really have an upgrade itch and since you need a whole new platform anyway, I would only suggest an i5 or i7 right now based on raw performance, lower power usage, and lower heat output.

Yes, I realize the A8-3870K is only about half the cost at around $110 of the i5-K series, but bear in mind this $110 processor is only in the same performance arena as your aging Q9550.

If you want to stick with AMD, then go with an FX-8 series.

Either brand you choose/prefer, save up the extra money needed if you have to squash the urge to upgrade. But for the record, I don't think your uses neccessitate an upgrade from your Q9550 just yet, and probably not for quite some time to come.
As I said only reason for upgrade is old for new. Power of Q9550 is good enough for me, but as is mentioned here, new cpu will draw less power and less heat, nad I'll get one more hdmi output (for AVR, while gpu hdmi could go to tv). Problem is in eol of FM1. Here amd based cpu, mb and ram would cost around 220 euros and i5 based around 370 euros.
Then get an i3 as a placeholder until you can afford an i5 or i7.

If you want AMD, I would suggest nothing less than an FX 8 series, but it'll draw more power and put out more heat.
My 3870k processor clocks to 3.6 just fine, with the stock cooler you can change the multiplier and probably pull 3.4 ish without a big issue.

at 3.4 it's a little bit of an upgrade, and you will get the extra port you want, and the new warranty.
Forget the i3 that's a downgrade performance wise. I wish folks would stop suggesting that range they're overpriced and lack threaded performance even v AMD's offerings.

If you're going to buy Intel for crying out lout at least put something half decent in there one of the cheaper i5's is fine.
AM3+ is certainly a more logical step than FM1 longer term, but hey an APU might suit your needs and they are priced fairly well.
If I can sold my cpu, mb and 4GB DDR2 ram and add as little as 10-20euros for new amd cpu, mb and 8GB DDR3 ram, no OC at all (Q9550 E0 for A8-3870k, Gigabyte X38 DQ6 for Asus F1A75-V PRO) would I get same, better or lower performance?
Forget the i3 that's a downgrade performance wise. I wish folks would stop suggesting that range they're overpriced and lack threaded performance even v AMD's offerings.

If you're going to buy Intel for crying out lout at least put something half decent in there one of the cheaper i5's is fine.
AM3+ is certainly a more logical step than FM1 longer term, but hey an APU might suit your needs and they are priced fairly well.

No, it's still in the same ballpark. At least with getting an i3 now, the capability to upgrade to an i5 or i7 is there.

In fact, the i3 is faster with single threaded performance than the Q9550 by about 30-40%.

I have a 3870 and the only draw to this CPU is its powerful integrated graphics. You already have a descrete 5670 so you gain nothing there. I recommend you ditch this idea and just buy yourself an SSD drive. That will make a huge difference and save you a ton of money.
No, it's still in the same ballpark. At least with getting an i3 now, the capability to upgrade to an i5 or i7 is there.

In fact, the i3 is faster with single threaded performance than the Q9550 by about 30-40%.


Misleading because it's quicker in some slower in other ways esp video work. Passmark has them almost the same so the difference is not worth talking about in performance.

i3 is weaker for heavy threaded workloads and it's really not a great buy even today because other alternatives are available at better prices/performance. Maybe the Ivy bridge revision will help, but not hugely. Even if you were dead set on Intel you would be well adivsed to buy the lower priced i5 processors instead.

IMO the OP is wasting his time updating unless there is a reason to do so, be it future down the road updates..or simply stop messing around with these lower processors and get something more meaty (be it AMD or Intel it matters not) No point playing around for little gain. At the time it was a good Intel CPU..and it's still decent enough today.
I tried Cinebench 11.5 Q9550 scored 3.39 while 3870k on web show 3.59. Performance would be roughly the same, only newer components.
Great choice. Don't listen the intel/amd isbetter/worse. This setup will be MORE power efficient and run COOLER!
Useless "upgrade"

Power savings is never a reason to upgrade, it's more of an added bonus when you upgrade for other reasons that matter. You won't offset the upgrade cost through the few watts you drop.
I tried Cinebench 11.5 Q9550 scored 3.39 while 3870k on web show 3.59. Performance would be roughly the same, only newer components.

Unless your Q9550 system has failed, there's no point in replacing it all to get exactly the same performance.

i5, i7, or FX-8 series.
I get the point... thank you all... I'll remain on this setup for now.
I get the point... thank you all... I'll remain on this setup for now.

Good choice. If you're not looking to go all out on an upgrade to get a huge performance boost, then it's hard to argue a reason to do it in the first place. May even be best to wait and see what kind of gains the next generation AMD and Intel budget offerings bring to the table...
no, its not necessary to upgrade those components.

since most of the stuff you do is mostly office work.

i would highly recommend getting something like a high resolution IPS monitor(like the korean 2560x1440)

or a mechanical keyboard(CM quickfire is good)

or a nice chair :)