CPU + Mobo Bundle? Time Crunch!


Feb 7, 2008
I've got this friend who wants to buy the majority of my current hardware, provided I rebuild his system and have it operational no later than May 15th for the Diablo 3 release.

So I'm looking at this: http://www.memoryexpress.com/Products/BDL_2600K_Z68VPROG3

I had planned to wait until the VERY last minute, hoping that IB would make it to store shelves in the days leading up. I'm hearing April 29th, but there's no guarantee that Ivy will be available on the date, or even before May 15th.

I want IB, but I need to gut my current rig and have my buddy's build ready for day one Diablo 3. I suppose I could exist without a functional PC for a stretch, but that's not very appealing ... especially since I hope to get in on the D3 launch, as well.

That price is not really a "bundle," it's not any cheaper than you can get the same components at Newegg or whatever.

What's your budget?

I would say wait and see if you can get an Ivy Bridge CPU. If not, order a Sandy Bridge. Shipping is at best 5 or 6 days, which gives you until about May 8th to see if you can get an Ivy Bridge CPU. And I would get an i5 2500k or 3570k, unless you absolutely need the hyperthreading of the i7 series.
Good advice.

I'll wait it out, at least into the first week of May. Who knows? Maybe I'll talk myself into waiting for an extra week or so if it comes to that, even if it means having no rig in the meantime.