CPU Shims


Limp Gawd
Feb 2, 2003
Forgive the dumb question, but A friend gave me this cpu shim and I was wondering if the plastic is suppose to come off or stay on(For Grounding Issues). I tried to peel a small area and damned if it will come off. Any help would be appreiciated.

Thanks in advance.
Just needed to know. Didn't know if I was going to use or not. I have an Ideq 200v that is very hot. Would I see a difference? Temps are around 52c
Originally posted by KillerButler
Just needed to know. Didn't know if I was going to use or not. I have an Ideq 200v that is very hot. Would I see a difference? Temps are around 52c

shims dont do anything to temps, theyre just to prevent you from crushing your proc

which sucks hardcore, btw.
actually shims can raise the cpu temps because they can make a gap between the cpu and the heatsink.
Originally posted by jamestime88
actually shims can raise the cpu temps because they can make a gap between the cpu and the heatsink.

if you get the wrong shim

if you try and use a TBird shim on a XP, or a bent shim