CPU temp monitor, that will show in game?


Nov 30, 2004
I know there are GPU temp monitors, where the temp will show in the corner of my screen while im gaming... is there one so i can monitor my CPU temp in the corner of my screen while im gaming?

honestly thats one question ive never heard and i do not know if it exists.. but if it does that would be pretty cool.. i usually leave speedfan visible on my left monitor while i play games on my right monitor..
Send that question to the programming forum and let them create one for us :)
Well I know there is a core 2 duo plug in for rivatuner that i use to monitor my temps, so I can use that to display my temps in games. You have an amd, so idk though. If you can get your temps to show in rivatuner, then it works the same as overlaying your gpu temps in games.
its actually for my wifes rig, which is a core 2 duo..... can you link me to the plug in?
If something like that existed, I feel that it would be highly popular in the overclocking/gaming community. Though I think the majority of us just use dual displays.
it already exist. coretemp and rivatuner. use the coretemp as a plug-in.
If something like that existed, I feel that it would be highly popular in the overclocking/gaming community. Though I think the majority of us just use dual displays.

You really think a *majority* use dual displays? I doubt that personally.