CPU-Z Bus Speed off by 1 MHz from BIOS


Limp Gawd
Dec 6, 2006
When I get past a certain point on my DS3 motherboard the bus speed setting in the BIOS and the Bus Speed in CPU-Z do not agree. The CPU-Z setting often reads 1 MHz lower than what I set it in the BIOS. SP2004 does the same thing.

For example I set the bus speed in the DS3 to 433 MHz but CPU-Z and SP2004 will report it as 432 MHz.

Anyone else seen this behavior? I have the F7 BIOS
I noticed the same thing with mine. Only at a certain speed though. At 375 FSB, CPU-Z and everest both read the computer at 2.992 gHz, and the FSB at 374, even though the Bios said 375. I thought it was pretty strange.
What's so strange? Reporting 374 for a value of 375 is an error of only 0.27%.
lol, 1 MHz...when each time you bump up your HTT (or FSB) it ups by at least 9 or 10...its not that big a deal.
I have this issue on my Gigabyte S3. The newer BIOS fixed it for me, but there were so many other problems with it that I reverted back to my older F5 BIOS.

What I've noticed is that it gravitates toward even number FSB speeds. So if you set 475 it will go down to 474, but if you set it at 476 it will work at that speed. Kinda weird, huh?