Craigslist Ad: Best. Roommate. Ad. Ever.

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Okay, saying this is the best Craigslist ad ever might be pushing it a little but it is still pretty damn funny. There is a LOT of colorful language in the ad (reposted below) so you’ve been warned. If the F-bomb would cause you problems at work / school, just save the image below and view it later.
reminds me of that Brucie guy from GTA4 :p
The Craigslist ad is flagged for removal. Nobody's got a sense of humor anymore :-P
LOL thats here in Houston TX right next to where my daughter lives. It's actually not a bad part of town at all. Very funny post.
That is great. People are sure to notice that one when looking for an apartment in the area and remember it.

Seems like he is very good at his job.
at least he was honest. he laid all the cards on the table so you know what you are getting.....

hold on..... i apologize.....

it could be a girl.....
I liked the part about the carpet and wanting to put a hardwood floor down. I imagined Mitch Hedberg saying that, if anyone knows who that is.
lol this guy is too funny. Hopefully its legit. I hate to see your xbox get stolen.
Why would anyone want to share space with someone that lacks the ability to speak basic English? Even as joke it's stupid, not funny and seriously pathetic.
Why would anyone want to share space with someone that lacks the ability to speak basic English? Even as joke it's stupid, not funny and seriously pathetic.

....Says the guy with 7 computers in his house? Takes one to know one dude.

Good laughs at work.
Why would anyone want to share space with someone that lacks the ability to speak basic English? Even as joke it's stupid, not funny and seriously pathetic.

U lack teh funny. fail.

....Says the guy with 7 computers in his house? Takes one to know one dude.

The best part of these forums is when somebody's own sig backfires on them. LMFAO