Craigslist Helps The Downtrodden

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Are you a former high-flying banker that now lives with your mom and blame the economy for your current situation? Have no fear, Craigslist is here! I knew the economy was rough but damn man, going from fancy cars and extravagant vacations to your mom’s house?

"It took a lot for me to put that ad on Craigslist, because I had to change what I was before," he said, breaking down in tears. "I wasn't this rich little yuppie anymore, driving expensive cars, having expensive suits. I'm in this just like everybody else looking for work. It humbles you. This is real."
Good article, but 100% unrelated to tech but for the word Craigslist appearing in it a few times ;) :p !
PFFT. 70,000/yr is a lavish lifestyle? Holy shit, I'm rich and didn't know it. Don't tell the IRS !
This is just more proof that American's don't know how to save or live within their means.
I was out of work for 4 months, but I was still able to live, pay my bills and buy toys.
Yeah I agree with all the comments on about this story... This guy is an idiot who lived well beyond his means on 70k per year.
$70,000 a year to live like a king? I make $85,000 a year in the city of SF and it still seems liek I can't get by!
I almost fell out of my chair when I saw his salary. I make almost that much and and can only afford to live in a tiny studio apartment. Hmm maybe that's just because I'm responsible with my money...
Wow...... I live in a ranch style home, drive a used card and the wife and me made ~1.5X he did.
(No kids, and live in small town Ohio.)

Maybe he wouldnt be so broke if he hadn't tried to live the life of a rich yuppie on 70k a year. I make more than that and can't even afford a house where I live. I drive a freaking volkswagen. I guess if I over leverage myself I can be a rich yuppie too!
he was crying because he lost objects and lived beyond his means? pfft. baby.
no wonder the economy is in the crapper - people like that, and the banks that loan it to them. :p
I'm with the rest of y'all. I can't believe he was bragging about living it up on 70k. The fact that he was doing it in California makes it that much worse. I can't imagine, and I live in one of the lowest regions in the country for cost-of-living.
Maybe he wouldnt be so broke if he hadn't tried to live the life of a rich yuppie on 70k a year. I make more than that and can't even afford a house where I live. I drive a freaking volkswagen. I guess if I over leverage myself I can be a rich yuppie too!

Hey, VW makes good cars. Don't be dissin'. :cool:

Unless, that is, you have one of the ORIGINAL VW Beetles...
The son of a Mexican immigrant, Casillas says, he was successful, making about $70,000 a year

I was just living a very good life," he said. "My daughter would ask me to take her to Las Vegas for her birthday, and we would stay at the most expensive hotels. Every year, this is what she wanted."

He's not living with his mother because of the economy, he's living with his mother because he's an idiot and lived way outside his means.
Came to post just this.

My point was that saying he lived a lavish lifestyle on 70 grand is pretty lame. Sounds like the whole thing is bs, especially the part about crying while asking for a job. What a pussy, get over it and go to work doing anything you can do to make ends meet. I don't feel the least bit sorry for someone who cries about asking for a job. At least he has a place to live and food to eat, the fucking cry baby.
Jesus 70K? He's 46 making 70k in cali and referred to himself as a rich yuppie?... Really?
I think most everything I could post has been said lol.

Here in the Midwest, 70k is respectable. At the age of 46, you could probably have yourself a nice lifestyle if you spend it right.

However, I can't see it going far at all in California. This guy caused himself to fail.
I graduated from college 2 years ago and almost make that. I don't consider myself rich or a yuppie. Then again everything costs too much in Jersey but isn't it even worse in Cali?

Moron. Learn2Save.
Dude was only making $70K/yr in banking industry...he has no claim to being a high roller banker at all, especially after 20 years in the career. I mean, I feel for the guy but if you'r not making over $100K at 45 working for banks, you are in the wrong job.

I hope he fins something to get by on, sounds like a hard worker working for the wrong folks and being taken for it.
PFFT. 70,000/yr is a lavish lifestyle? Holy shit, I'm rich and didn't know it. Don't tell the IRS !

Its your money and your business but i would be very happy with 70k a year. Actually im mostly happy with the 45k a year i make now. I consider 70k lavish(ish) but not completely.
70K is very good money, guys. Try to think of it from the perspective of the rest of the world, or just the rest of America, as opposed to your rich "everyone is a millionaire" areas. The national median household salary (50% above, 50% below) is about 44K, according to Wikipedia:

If you can only barely get by in the rich areas, then maybe it's time to consider moving into an area that is not as much of a money drain.