Crappy Games are Good Too


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
A humorous look at the best parts of terrible video games. And this page ain’t bad either (Probably NSFW, unless you work in a strip club).
Maybe its because I'm a bit of a Sonic fan, but why is Sonic Adventure considered a bad game? Thats actually the last good Sonic game to have been released I always thought.
it was a good game. sonic adventure 2, not so much, though a lot of it was still fairly fun. meh
Lol at the quote from the developer of Genji, "Massive Damage!" That dude had to have said it in the geekiest way possible. Actually, everything he said in the demonstration was in the geekiest way possible. It's sad to know that some people like that are making and showcasing games. Not to rag on his talking, but his pure incapability to make something fun (or at least try to make it look fun).
and - one hell of an article about stealing info from intel to give to AMD.... I think I missed the strip club reference too..
Looks like he linked to the previous news item by accident. Any chance of adding the real link? D:
I wondered why the Boston Globe was considered NSFW.
I spent a while digging around their site trying to figure why it would be labeled as such.