Crappy Parents, Listen Up!

Magically delicious:breakfast keeps teens lean.
Another health news story from this week.

Now that's just a stupid conclusion, IMO. Getting up early enough to eat breakfast every morning is a clear sign of discipline. A lack of discipline is why America is massively obese. The lard-asses love to push the "genetics" angle, but guess what? The eat-less-get-off-your-fat-ass more diet works wonders, no matter what your genetic makeup.
Ualdayan your arguments here are just laughable. However I do understand where your coming from as you may feel this story somehow attacks you. Why can't kids have both? Coming up I had my video games like Sega genesis, N64, PS1 etc but for the most part i was outside playing basketball/football daily both on the school team and then pretty much every day for recreation. I hanged out, I went to parties, I socialized a lot and it was fun. More so playing video games (split screen 64) with a lot of friends was as opposed to myself was fun. I had time to do both. My parents didn't have to limit my time on the systems because I knew when to get my ass off the video games and experience life.

With all that playing sports, social activities and school work I couldn't even spend more than an hour on a game daily because I was so tired and there were too many other things on my mind, I probably only had time to really enjoy video games on weekends. Or when I was hanging out at a friends/relatives house and we'd all play some multiplayer games before we went to play ball or went out etc.

But playing games with other people was great though. Video games are pretty mush standard in most households today. I knew tons of people who didn't spend shit on video games/computer games but mostly played a lot of sports in school etc in addition to other a lot of other outdoor socializing/activities. They are pretty much all in college now like myself. The key was the lesson and discipline we got from our parents and life experiences. You can take that anywhere. Better to have a strong mind and venture out then live a life sheltered.
Remember weight isn't everything, sure stuffing your face full of twinkies isn't good. But I've seen slender people in worse shape than I have seen (some) fat people.
Those "Gleeing" that they have a high metabolism need to remember one simple thing. There is such as thing as a skinny fat person. Basically this is someone who appears thin but still has a high body fat ratio. This can be just as bad as someone who is clearly obese. I know this well as I used to be one of the "Skinny fat" in that I was always rail thin but my eating and exercise habits were atrocious.

Do the right thing, Get in the gym and watch what you eat now. It only gets harder later.
Agreed. But I have noticed that we live in a society that absolutely abhores personal responsiblity. From our almost collective belief in the invisible man in the sky ready to punish us, to treating law suits as lotteries and sueing people for LETTING us hurt ourselves. Add to this an equally high fear of risk and you have quite a mess for a society to be in. Save me from anyone I hear that gets on TV after something bad happened to them going on how they are going to dedicate thier lives to making sure that same thing never happens to another person ever again! Do we have any risk tolerance left? LIFE IS RISK. Life is personal responsiblity! Too many people would rather deny either of these things and balme everyone and everything else around them.

Yes and that is what were are refering too as lazy ass parents. This is how people are acting now adays and it is bull shit. There are far too many people not taking responsablity for their children. They find it easier to let them have their way instead of listening to them through a fit when they try to make them mind, make them eat what they should be eating, stop playing games / watch tv. Times are chaning and it is for the worse. Instead of people trying to raise their children correctly from the start they instead just blame everyone else. Its the school's fault for having pop machines, not serving salad every day as a meal, and not making gym longer that kids are fat. It has nothing to do with how they are outside of school. It is the fault of games and movies that children do bad things. It has nothing to do with bad parenting or the people they hang around with. Its everyone elses fault that your teen stole your medication to get high. It has nothing to do with the fact that you didn't keep your medication locked away and haven't tried to teach your children that drugs are bad. People are just getting lazier and lazier and expect others to do their jobs of parenting.
Those "Gleeing" that they have a high metabolism need to remember one simple thing. There is such as thing as a skinny fat person. Basically this is someone who appears thin but still has a high body fat ratio. This can be just as bad as someone who is clearly obese. I know this well as I used to be one of the "Skinny fat" in that I was always rail thin but my eating and exercise habits were atrocious.

Do the right thing, Get in the gym and watch what you eat now. It only gets harder later.

Yea Im one of those "gleeing" over here. 6% body fat and I've had a six pack for as long as I can remember what one was. I'll continue to thank the god's for my genetic makeup kk thanks.
Those "Gleeing" that they have a high metabolism need to remember one simple thing. There is such as thing as a skinny fat person. Basically this is someone who appears thin but still has a high body fat ratio. This can be just as bad as someone who is clearly obese. I know this well as I used to be one of the "Skinny fat" in that I was always rail thin but my eating and exercise habits were atrocious.

Do the right thing, Get in the gym and watch what you eat now. It only gets harder later.

agreed, people put too much focus on looks rather than on health.
Yea Im one of those "gleeing" over here. 6% body fat and I've had a six pack for as long as I can remember what one was. I'll continue to thank the god's for my genetic makeup kk thanks.

"As long as I can remember" is not that impressive when you're, what, 24? Talk to us after another 6 years of your crack-whore diet. They be skinny too.
we should start harnessing fat kid energy and put them on hamster wheels to produce electricity
So why did I stay indoors playing video games instead of hanging out with my friends?

Because my parents wouldn't let me. It "interfered" with my education, I was told. As a result, I have no clue what to do when I am out of the house unless it's something I absolutely need to do, or have a real hell-or-highwater motivation to do it. I can't just "hang out" at the mall or anything like anyone else unless some other friends of mine want to go. And even then I make little to no contribution to the conversation going on. How I even have a girlfriend is anyone's guess. Yes I'm overweight. Yes I am currently trying to change that. And yes, from a first glance I'm your average nerd minus a comic book obsession bordering on occult fanaticism and blogging about how great Linux is. But I feel that if I wasn't so restricted from having a life outside of the house during my upbringing, maybe I wouldn't be where I'm at now in life, still working retail instead of a real industry with real job security. Then again, I also consider that maybe if I had the balls to be a rebel and actually do something with my friends, rather than give into my parents, I would have better social skills. Yeah, I was the kid that grew up wishing I could do something besides play a two player video game by myself. So what resulted as I grew older and discovered the intenet? I discovered porn, ♥♥♥♥♥♥, two gils 1 cup, and pretty much every other internet shocker that would probably leave my parents scarred for life while I sit here completely desensitized to it all. I blame my parents, but I also blame myself for not motivating myself. I blame myself for not growing a pair of balls and just saying fuck it and doing it anyway when I've really wanted to.

On the flipside, I have a cousin who's been very active outside during his childhood just like everyone else his age. His best friends from highschool became fathers before they even graduated, or are in prison. Today he's done pretty good for himself, although I personally think with a little more effort he could go even further. But to be fair, that would also mean he wouldn't have a life outside his job, quite literally making a crapton of money, but not having the time to spend it. He's married now, and that just wouldn't bode well especially since they're talking about starting a family.

His brother is a mix. He sits down and plays video games, but he also maintains a social life with friends, and is very active in baseball and wrestling at his highschool. And while the rest of his friends are busy getting arrested, becoming teen parents, or joining gangs, he doesn't even think twice about being as stupid as them. He knows better.

I think it comes down to upbringing and simply having a solid knowing of right from wrong. But at the same time, I think it also comes down to making your kids see the future of these kinds of decisions before they decide to do it on their own. You can't protect your kids from making bad decisions, but I think you can protect them from being stupid about it. Prime example - at my work there's a guy who's 40 years old and still lives with his parents. He makes 8 bucks an hour and banks on the hope that one day he'll be promoted to a position that just pays 50 cents more with a promise of overtime if the workload demands it. His previous job was delivering pizzas.

If I had seen this kind of thing back when I was in highschool, I think that would have been inspiration enough to get off my ass and seriously keep fighting the uphill battle that is college, rather than get scared at the sight of financial woes and drop out when my mom got laid off.

So what is my advice then?

Be a part of your kid's life, or find someone that will be. Make them understand that the decisions they make today will affect them greatly tomorow. And if you have any doubts as to whether or not they truly truly understand what those decisions mean, give them some in-your-face examples to go off of. Make them see it. Hell, make them experience it if need be. Get one of those little dolls that simulate a real baby, where it wakes up in the middle of the night screaming for god only knows what reason. Make them responsible for taking care of it. Maybe that will make them think twice about porking the cheerleader who's been eyeing them, or the football team captain.

And maybe that will keep more kids from growing up to be like me.
Yea Im one of those "gleeing" over here. 6% body fat and I've had a six pack for as long as I can remember what one was. I'll continue to thank the god's for my genetic makeup kk thanks.

You have to be "Highly" Active to maintain that kind of body Fat %, no matter what your genetics are.

Even being highly active or heavily into athletics 6% is only found on extremely few people. Lower is not always better. That said, if you have 6% fantastic for you. I doubt however you are sedentary which is mostly what I was referring too. I know I have been regularly in the gym for a couple of years now and I maintain a 9-10% ratio and I eat normal. I could probably drop to 6-7% if I wanted to go all crazy on the low fat intake diets and never eat anything fatty. Screw that though, I think so long as a person is Active and does not overindulge on junk they can maintain a good BMI while generally doing what they please.

Again most of the problem is those who are fairly sedentary (Desk jobs, lots of sit down gaming, etc) who assume just because they are thin, they are healthy. In most cases they are not.
So why did I stay indoors playing video games instead of hanging out with my friends?

Because my parents wouldn't let me. It "interfered" with my education, I was told. As a result, I have no clue what to do when I am out of the house unless it's something I absolutely need to do, or have a real hell-or-highwater motivation to do it. I can't just "hang out" at the mall or anything like anyone else unless some other friends of mine want to go. And even then I make little to no contribution to the conversation going on. How I even have a girlfriend is anyone's guess. Yes I'm overweight. Yes I am currently trying to change that. And yes, from a first glance I'm your average nerd minus a comic book obsession bordering on occult fanaticism and blogging about how great Linux is. But I feel that if I wasn't so restricted from having a life outside of the house during my upbringing, maybe I wouldn't be where I'm at now in life, still working retail instead of a real industry with real job security. Then again, I also consider that maybe if I had the balls to be a rebel and actually do something with my friends, rather than give into my parents, I would have better social skills. Yeah, I was the kid that grew up wishing I could do something besides play a two player video game by myself. So what resulted as I grew older and discovered the intenet? I discovered porn, ♥♥♥♥♥♥, two gils 1 cup, and pretty much every other internet shocker that would probably leave my parents scarred for life while I sit here completely desensitized to it all. I blame my parents, but I also blame myself for not motivating myself. I blame myself for not growing a pair of balls and just saying fuck it and doing it anyway when I've really wanted to.

On the flipside, I have a cousin who's been very active outside during his childhood just like everyone else his age. His best friends from highschool became fathers before they even graduated, or are in prison. Today he's done pretty good for himself, although I personally think with a little more effort he could go even further. But to be fair, that would also mean he wouldn't have a life outside his job, quite literally making a crapton of money, but not having the time to spend it. He's married now, and that just wouldn't bode well especially since they're talking about starting a family.

His brother is a mix. He sits down and plays video games, but he also maintains a social life with friends, and is very active in baseball and wrestling at his highschool. And while the rest of his friends are busy getting arrested, becoming teen parents, or joining gangs, he doesn't even think twice about being as stupid as them. He knows better.

I think it comes down to upbringing and simply having a solid knowing of right from wrong. But at the same time, I think it also comes down to making your kids see the future of these kinds of decisions before they decide to do it on their own. You can't protect your kids from making bad decisions, but I think you can protect them from being stupid about it. Prime example - at my work there's a guy who's 40 years old and still lives with his parents. He makes 8 bucks an hour and banks on the hope that one day he'll be promoted to a position that just pays 50 cents more with a promise of overtime if the workload demands it. His previous job was delivering pizzas.

If I had seen this kind of thing back when I was in highschool, I think that would have been inspiration enough to get off my ass and seriously keep fighting the uphill battle that is college, rather than get scared at the sight of financial woes and drop out when my mom got laid off.

So what is my advice then?

Be a part of your kid's life, or find someone that will be. Make them understand that the decisions they make today will affect them greatly tomorow. And if you have any doubts as to whether or not they truly truly understand what those decisions mean, give them some in-your-face examples to go off of. Make them see it. Hell, make them experience it if need be. Get one of those little dolls that simulate a real baby, where it wakes up in the middle of the night screaming for god only knows what reason. Make them responsible for taking care of it. Maybe that will make them think twice about porking the cheerleader who's been eyeing them, or the football team captain.

And maybe that will keep more kids from growing up to be like me.

Your post mirrors/mirrored my life to a t. My older brothers fucked up, so of course my parents were really strict with me. Not letting me do much of anything. Of course, eating a shit load of hispanic food (all fried) and not doing anything outside led to me weighing 255 lbs in the 12th grade. After I got my car, alot changed. I joined a gym, lost 60 lbs, and doubled my weight lifting capacity in nearly all areas. However I still have a bit to go before I'm happy with myself (goal is 165-170). Anyways, my social skills are still pretty deplorable however I think it's fixable. Idk, I learned to stop blaming my parents, even though it was their fault for a while, the ball is in my court now.
I have three children, and we all play games together, and probably watch to much tv. One of my favorite activities to participate in with my kids is Tae Kwon Do training. We go at least twice a week as a family (mom goes too) and the instructors taught us an excellent child rearing technique. If my children are being insubordinate or insolent they recieve pushups instead of butt whoopins. I find that I feel less guilty about making my kids do pushups when they are in trouble than grabbing them and spanking them, which I always feel like I go to far with (probably because I'm angry when I do it). My kids are strong, and they know that anywhere , anytime (like for instance right in the middle of a parent teacher conference) they can do pushups if they get in trouble. I hate seeing parents pleading with unruly children out in public with vauge threats of "don't make me take you out to the car!" it saddens me.

I told my kids straight up when we were watching some Dr. Phil episode or some shit and this teenage girl was cussing her mom out and slapping her, I said to them "If you ever dissrespect your mother like that , I'll knock your punk ass out" And my oldest daughter looked at me with big wide pretty eyes and said "Dad, I would never ever talk to mom like that" I think she was being honest. My kids are solid. And I keep a strict (well mostly strict) routine of exercise (including lifting weights , tae kwon do and punching bag drills) to keep myself in good shape, for the eventuall days of children uprisings in my home. I pity my daughters eventual boyfriends.
LOL, Guys you know me. I always have some kind of opinion on these things. This time i really don't have much to say. I was hit many times. The trick is to do it immediately upon infraction. It helps get the point across. Now If my father wasn't around at the time, and he found out later, he never hit us. HE MADE US RUN AROUND THE FREAKING HOUSE! Literally run your ass around the house until I tell you to stop. LOL, no bullshit!:D Extremely effective!;)
I have three children, and we all play games together, and probably watch to much tv. One of my favorite activities to participate in with my kids is Tae Kwon Do training. We go at least twice a week as a family (mom goes too) and the instructors taught us an excellent child rearing technique. If my children are being insubordinate or insolent they recieve pushups instead of butt whoopins. I find that I feel less guilty about making my kids do pushups when they are in trouble than grabbing them and spanking them, which I always feel like I go to far with (probably because I'm angry when I do it). My kids are strong, and they know that anywhere , anytime (like for instance right in the middle of a parent teacher conference) they can do pushups if they get in trouble. I hate seeing parents pleading with unruly children out in public with vauge threats of "don't make me take you out to the car!" it saddens me.

I told my kids straight up when we were watching some Dr. Phil episode or some shit and this teenage girl was cussing her mom out and slapping her, I said to them "If you ever dissrespect your mother like that , I'll knock your punk ass out" And my oldest daughter looked at me with big wide pretty eyes and said "Dad, I would never ever talk to mom like that" I think she was being honest. My kids are solid. And I keep a strict (well mostly strict) routine of exercise (including lifting weights , tae kwon do and punching bag drills) to keep myself in good shape, for the eventuall days of children uprisings in my home. I pity my daughters eventual boyfriends.

You. Freaking. Rule.

Scariest type of parent right now:

Parents addicted to WoW.

HEY! I resemble that!!!

However, incidental to my WoW addiction, both my kids are well adjusted, healthy, active and intelligent :eek:

On the statistical side the 12% difference between groups is almost equivalent to wash when you factor in a margin for error.

And if only 12% (max) truely lost weight as a result of not being in front of some sort of boob-tube it still doesn't fully explain why the other 18% got less fat or why 70% stayed fat.

There was alot that was "suggested" in the two-year study as to why one or the other group gained or lost weight meaning they failed to adequately cover all the angles, such as, genetics, annual changes in activity, illness, etc.

Another million or so in funds wasted on a crank study!

I want money for a study of WoW's effect on social interaction (in-game vs. RL ) and personal health and well being. Anyone want to offer up $2.3M???? I'll take it in the form of WoW game time and McD's gift cards ;)