Crash when watching full screen flash video


Jun 25, 2002
Win 7 64bit, Radeon 5850, Cat 9.10

This is happening on, where on full screen, the screen goes black after a while, but the audio is still playing. Recovering back to windows is almost impossible as the windows don't draw correctly even after windows automatically drops Aero rendering.

Even in window mode, flash video playback is a little blocky/fuzzy with some stuttering.

Anyone else with similar issues that may be related to the video card?
It's the card or the drivers.

Check out the ATI forums, it's all over the place there. No response from AMD on it, they seem to have their heads in the sand on all of the issues with the cards.
Happened right now while watching a full screen HD video on youtube. Notice the spikes in clok/mem frequency - that's when it happened, but no crash this time, just the screen blinked as the monitor "recaptured" the video signal.

I hope they fix these driver issues (if that's what it is) on win 7 64bit. It's making usng the computer very difficult.
what card are we talking about here? lol didn't see it :D I have flickering issues, horizontal lines, flashing and some sorts, Installed 9.9/9.10 catalyst reinstalled windows 7 and windows vista didn't solve a thing... short trip to fry's later no more problems!! (I have a xfx 5870 BTW)
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This is an issue with the Powerplay feature from the ATI drivers. You can just right click and turn off hardware acceleration on flash to solve it or you need to disable Powerplay and the only way I know how to do that atm is to use AMD Gpu Clock Tool and set your clock/mem there. (you don't need to OC, but any setting you use with the clock tool will stop Powerplay from messing your computer up)

Can't believe this problem is STILL going on....makes me never want to buy another ATI again. :mad:
I'll try the powerplay trick and if that doesn't work, see if "downgrading" to Windows & 32 bit changes anything. If not, RMA time.
Are you by chaning using a gigabyte mother board? I have read some uers said that the problem went away when changed from gigabyte asus.
what card are we talking about here? lol didn't see it :D I have flickering issues, horizontal lines, flashing and some sorts, Installed 9.9/9.10 catalyst reinstalled windows 7 and windows vista didn't solve a thing... short trip to fry's later no more problems!! (I have a xfx 5870 BTW)

My issue is a little different. As long as I don't play a video in youtube or hulu, it works perfectly. When start viewing videos, it may still work perfectly, but sometimes in the middle of the video, the video driver will crash. Windows can sometimes recover from the crash and restart the video driver, but then performance is really crappy in windows where the dragging the window has a 2 sec lag. Only restarting helps.

Is this issue repeatable for any other people?
The amd gpu tool will fix it. You may have to also use MSI afterburner to set up a custom fan control...a little annoying but it works perfectly after.
I also have the screen crash (lags then totally black) when watching videos in full screen. I'm using Windows 7 with the ATI HD5870 card. This very frustrating especially on a new rig.
Just wondering if there is an update to the fix for this problem?
Holy crap, that's a widespread issue.

I also have the screen crash (lags then totally black) when watching videos in full screen. I'm using Windows 7 with the ATI HD5870 card. This very frustrating especially on a new rig.
Just wondering if there is an update to the fix for this problem?

it only shows that PORN is the root of all evil...:D:D stop watching damnit!!!
This happens to me all the time, sometimes it happens with just one video, but if i'm say playing a game full screen and watching a video (youtube style or regular movie stored on my computer, doesn't matter) on my 2nd monitor it will crash pretty quickly. The more different videos / games i have open at once seems to make it crash faster. Usually the videos / games will freeze, but I can still use my mouse for a few seconds, then I cant move the mouse any more, and hten the screens will go black.

Usually if i wait for a few minutes a blue screen crash will come up and do the "dumping physical memory" bit and then I have to restart anyway, and until the blue screen comes up my audio will continue to function normally. Has been happening since i got my 5850. I just reformatted yesterday and it still happens, have tried a few different drivers, using 10.3b i think right now, newest ones.

after reading this thread I just set ati overdrive but left everything at stock settings so it won't do powerdrive or whatever that is, i'll see what that does.
I would've killed for this thread 3 months ago!

I was having the exact issues described here (The mouse cursor and flash crashing etc)

It almost drove me to madness.

Here is what I know today....

1. IF YOU HAVE A GIGABYTE MOBO, UPDATE YOUR BIOS! (edit: Honestly, whatever brand you have, I'd update it if possible)
2. Under Win7 64bit, download the latest Flash 10.1 beta
- first time you have a flash window up, right click and uncheck hardware acceleration
3. Use the 10.2HF driver or later

Bam, no more issues.

EDIT: I sincerely sympathize with this issue. I really, really do. Hopefully the information I provided will be helpful. GOOD LUCK!!!!
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