Crashing in Battlefield 3 - Asus GTX 670 TOP


Limp Gawd
May 29, 2007
Like the title says, I'm getting crashes to the desktop every so often in BF3 multiplayer, and it's becoming extremely annoying. I'll be playing the game, then the screen freezes for a second, turns black for a couple seconds, then I'm looking at my desktop, with the BF3 icon still there. My computer thinks the game is still running, but clicking on the icon just makes the mouse pointer disappear or turn into the blue-outlined BF3 mouse pointer, though I can't click on anything. Also, the in-game audio is gone, if that makes any difference. I have to go into task manager to close it at that point. Sometimes I can play fine for hours, even all day, other times it crashes twice within 30 minutes.

I have the latest nvidia drivers and the newest BIOS for the card. I've tried lowering the settings, raising the power target, running with and without the EVGA Precision overlay, all to no avail. The 670 TOP cools very efficiently and quietly, so I have no problems there. Anyone know how to fix this?
No error messages/crash logs?

Also, what version of windows, and how many monitors are you running on?
If the driver "step-back" doesnt work, bump down the CPU OC a bit, see what happens.
Card plugged in properly, both pci lane and power?
Seems silly but I have had card problems before which I couldn't work out for ages swapping drivers and settings and it turned out that the card just needed to be clicked a little further in.
They're also some pretty big heatsinks on those asus cards.
Still testing the older drivers, though I haven't had much time to play the past few days. I would not be surprised if it crashes again soon.

The reason why I figure it's the video card is because googling the issue and checking the battlelog forums comes up with a lot of other people pointing to their video cards as the problem.
Been playing a lot lately, and I haven't had a single crash on the older drivers, but I do get annoying stutter with them, especially on Aftermath maps.

So why would WHQL drivers be so unstable?