crazy idea or just overly enthusiast?!?!?


Jan 4, 2007

I just started my new job at a spa/pool place.... and with all this tubing and pumps around me(i saw a 50pounds pump, talk about EXTREME cooling!), obviously now i want to do water cooling on my comp hehe ;)...

So here's my idea my computer's rear is against the wall like pretty much everyone, on the other side of the wall there's a water cooler :D.... I believe you already know what i want to do.. hehe...

Obviously i can't put a radiator in it, it's for 11-18 liters bottle. So i could do a tube coil in the refrigerated part, but there's two thing. I would need a powerful pump to pump all that water up to the water cooler with a nice flow and i'm worried that the water cooler's compressor isn't made for continious operation. What do you guys think?

And here's my other idea to put a little fridge next to my comp(it's beer time! lol) with an integrated radiator...again good pump is needed.

I would really love a water cooled system but if it's completely silent only, otherwise i dont see the point(except for better cooling) because the cooling right now it already good....

So i'd like your input
it's been done, numerous times. forum search: "watercooler" or "water chiller" or "mini fridge" or "bath chiller"

the only good way to do it is with a bath chiller system - meaning you mount the evaporator directly in a "bath" of water. here's an example of a project i did using a mini fridge, a few years back...

I doubt that water chiller would be able to handle 100-200 watts of continuous heat dump...

... i'm worried that the water cooler's compressor isn't made for continious operation. What do you guys think?
You just answered your own question.

And here's my other idea to put a little fridge next to my comp(it's beer time! lol) with an integrated radiator...again good pump is needed.
Same problem.

If you want silent, a large radiator with quiet low speed fans is almost inaudible. There are passive radiators out there too. Unless you NEED complete silence, you don't have to get too radical to have a quiet watercooled rig.
yea those arent exactly designed for continuous use, though if you use a kegerator and keep a full keg in it, once it gets cold the keg will absorb massive ammounts of heat, taking the stress off the condensor. its like using an 8-oz HSF vs a 5 pound HSF. the more copper the more heat it can absorb (absorb is different then dissipate remember) though if you want to actualy drink the beer, you might have to turn off your PC or risk getting a warm mouth full of froth, no one likes that ;)
though if you want to actualy drink the beer, you might have to turn off your PC or risk getting a warm mouth full of froth, no one likes that ;)

German beer...;) Get it cold, heat it up, drink it down, new keg. Repeat the cycle.

You might not be able to keep up, tho!:eek:
Well if you really want to do water chilling here is a link to check out.

My first water cooling setup I made about 5 yrs ago was set up with one. The system was still working when I retired the computer 2 yrs ago. I had the system up and running for 3yrs. Started first chilling an Athlon slotA thunderbird and finished its life cooling 2 Ghz Athlon XP overclocked to 2.8.

Only really thing I didn't like about that system was you had to turn the pump and chiller on for about 10 min before you booted up the comp. That way it could already be cooking things down.

Another idea would be to go with pelziers. Don't really know much about the pros or cons of them because I have never used them.