crazy looking keyboard

If it was free and I didn't have to wait for shipping I'd try it. I'm not sure I'd enjoy it much though. I'm still using a "normal" keyboard (silly me). Looks cool though. Would be fun to show off to friends (My keyboard... yea some martians delivered it...)
Eventhough it does look amazingly comfortable to type on... it looks bulky, ugly, and not something i would want to put on my desk. XD
Teh space bar is where your thumbs should be.

They are um. 10 pounds. makes it around $30.. still kinda fugly and not for me. I did find the 1 hand keyboard kinda nice... but my 65wpm would have to be relearned to one hand. o.0
i wonder if the people that this keyboard was made for still uses it, do they?:confused: