Creating a newsletter

Silent Assasin

Aug 1, 2004
Ok, so currently I'm working for a grocery store today. One of my best friends happens to be an assistant manager for the meat department at said grocery store. The other day, he asked me if I would be able to create a newsletter type thing for the meat department, as has been suggested many times by our customers. The reason is, is that our meat department is rather large, and we're always getting random shipments in that usually we don't have. Prices are always changing as well and it's just simply too hard to keep everything according to our weekly add. It is a chain store, but our store is managed completely differently, so the standard adds just don't work.

So he asked me if I could create some type of newsletter for the department. One that many websites send out. He wants to basicly have a template that looks pretty much like a grocery store add, but in the form of an email. He also wanted to have a web page that has already been approved to be hosted on our corperate server.

The only thing that I need to know now is, how do I create this sort of template where I can just drop in pictures, prices, and details and such. Is there any programs that I could use to help me get started? Or am I going to be stuck using straight up HTML which I'll remind you, I'm not the greatest at.