Creative SB Ribbon cable Replacement?? (you suck creative)


Limp Gawd
Aug 12, 2004
Ok I have a major rant, along with a question.

WTF is up with creative using a non-standard pinout for their livedrive ribbon cable? They are suck friggin huge idiots! They use an IDE ribbon cable, but just had to insture the pinout wasn't compatable with newer rounded cables. The blocked pin on a normal ribbin cable is 1 or 2 pins over from the creative pinout.

ARGH this so pisses me off. I do NOT want to use a ribbin cable in my system.

Can anyone tell me, besides rounding the cable myself, is there a replacement for the Creative Audigy2 ZS Platinum soundcard-to-livedrive wire? I want to use rounded... not a friggen ribbon cable....

Creative, you guys are friggin smegheads. :mad:
there are rounded cables without blocked pinouts as well...jsut gotta hunt for them ;)
IIRC a standard rounded floppy cable will do the job.
Let me see if I can dig up one of the hundred or so previous threads were someone asked the same question. ;)
Careful using cables without the blocking... putting it the right way is harmless, putting it the wrong way fries the livedrive.
You can always custom block the plugs yourself. Jam a toothpick in there and break it off. There you go, instant idiot-proofing.
GodsMadClown said:
Cue MisterX posting the pinouts for the Creative cards...

With the recent zipzoomfly $70 rebate for the audigy2 platinum, the package arrived at my door and with excited sweaty hands, I tore into the box and found that blasted ribbon cable in there.

Searching the forums for "platinum rounded" "platinum round" and even "Mister X" I was unable to find the suggested pinout guide or a definitive reference. I even checked the "Shall we make a FAQ" post.

Mister X said:
IIRC a standard rounded floppy cable will do the job.
Let me see if I can dig up one of the hundred or so previous threads were someone asked the same question. ;)

Mister X, yer apparently the guru here. Google has failed me (unless I want to _buy_ the darned thing) for searching "soundblaster platinum rounded" etc.
Does the floppy cable solution work?

Please don't flame my choice of audio card, I've wanted the platinum ever since I knew what one was, but the rebate offer finally got me to shell out the bucks. All in all, I'm pleased except for the asthetic value of that cable.
just use the ribbon cable.... :rolleyes: If a rounded cable is for looks and does nothing else then its pretty pathetic to say a company sucks cuz of it. But I don't know what they do so w/e.
XSNiper said:
just use the ribbon cable.... :rolleyes: If a rounded cable is for looks and does nothing else then its pretty pathetic to say a company sucks cuz of it. But I don't know what they do so w/e.

<in a Yoda-like voice>
About the [H]ard ways you have much to learn yet...

wow....I'm just gonna exit this thread now it seems the wiser decision.
Some Creative Tool said:

The Live Drive and the Audigy 2 sound card are not compatible with one
another. Further, the only recommended cable to use with the Live Drive
is the Live Drive Ribbon Cable that shipped with your product.

For faster service please reply with previous correspondence when
replying to this email.

Best Regards

Darci (12433)
Technical Support
Creative Labs Americas
"Get Creative"

I dont even know why I wasted the bandwidth to even write them :D At least they responded quickly.
Mister X said:
IIRC a standard rounded floppy cable will do the job.

Negative. A rounded IDE will work, as long as it doesn't have any pin blocks. A rounded floppy will not. Floppy is too small. I'll assume you ment rounded IDE though.

I have purchased 5 different rounded IDE cables online and they all have that damn pinblock on the bottom row. I checked CompUSA and all of the ones they had also had pinblocks. I'm sure there are rounded IDE's out there that have no pinblocks, it's just frustrating finding one. I was also unable to fid anything using the search at the time I post this thread, but it may have been my frustration blocking my typing ability haha....

My rant about creative is more towards the reasoning for wanting their own cable pinout configuration, when there is plenty of room on the card and drive to use a normal layout.... like everyone else out there. >.<;
I an alcohol induced moment of clarity...

Couldnt you get a normal rounded 40 pin IDE cable (finding one might prove problematic) and yank the ends off of the creative ribbon and simply re-crimp/re-attach it?

Thoughts, opinions, finished products? :)
I GUESS you could? I don't have the tool required to make my own 40pin heh. I'll just try to find a full 40pin non-blocked rounded cable. That should do it ;)
FYI: The blocking on IDE cables is nothing more than a filled in portion on the connector. take an old motherboard/cable/IDE device, push the connector onto it until the pin pokes through the blocked port on the connector. The wires are in place and once you're through the plastic it will make a connection. If you're really feeling anal about it, once you've cleared all the holes, put in a piece of toothpick like mentioned before to block the right holes.
Are the blocks that thin? I'll hafta try that. Thanks for the tip. I have plenty of rounded cables with that one block on them....
Yes, the so called blocks are that thin.... you can pop them right out of most IDE cables.

I will be damned if I can find any of those old threads they must have been pruned when the software was upgraded cause I can't even locate them in my post history
SelRahc said:
Are the blocks that thin? I'll hafta try that. Thanks for the tip. I have plenty of rounded cables with that one block on them....

No problem! I used to do it all the time when I worked for the Chinese Maffia computer store in town. :D
Bullitt said:
I an alcohol induced moment of clarity...

Couldnt you get a normal rounded 40 pin IDE cable (finding one might prove problematic) and yank the ends off of the creative ribbon and simply re-crimp/re-attach it?

Well, looks like the DFI Lanparty UT nf3 250 comes with such an animal. A rounded (albeit CHEAPLY) 40-pin cable. Problem solved.