Creative Tactic3D Sigma anyone?

MX-5 Dave

Jan 14, 2007
Just picked these up a day or two ago, liking them so far, not sure how "convinced" I am on the surround aspect, however I haven't spent much time tweaking them, and have only really played WoW so far. Today I will do some testing with music and Counterstrike Source or TF2.

So far what I can tell you is

They are very comfy, one of the first gaming headphones that actually sit over my ears and seal to my head. The ear cup foam is nice and soft, and the construction seems very solid. In WoW they sound great (although obviously that isn't the best testing criteria)

The flat cord is nice, it hasn't even come close to getting tangled, and has a VERY soft pliable rubbery covering so it isn't some stiff cord that wants to poke around like some other headphones.

I can tell you that I do prefer these hands down over my older Fatality USB headphones, as those never really fit correctly.

My one complaint so far is that the little foam "wind sock" on the mic is just a slip on fit, and its loose enough that it can fall off easily. It hasn't so far, but it feels like it could. I am going to put just a TINY drop of glue at the edge to ensure it wont, if I decide to keep these. I figure if I am going to spend $80 on a set of headphones, I am going to take a few days to audition them to make sure I am happy with them, so I can still return them and try something else if I am not. But so far, they are a keeper.

Anyone else have these? Anyone heard anything? I cant find any reviews really, even NewEgg only has 3 reviews, but all 3 are positive so that is encouraging.
Bump because its been a while. Maybe some people have them and will chime in now...

My feedback...

I dont use them 100% of the time, but I love them when I do. The sound is VERY good and far improved over onboard, and I think is even a little better than my USB X-fi w/sennheisers. My only complaint (other than the little mic sock being too easy to lose, which I havent lost YET) is that the material of the surrounds make me sweat if I wear them long term.
Hey Earl,

I noticed that you reviewed both the Tactic3D Sigma as well as the HS1, but I wanted to ask if you had a chance to play around with the HS1As at all by any chance.

I'm trying to pick out my next headset and I've narrowed it down to either the Sigma or the HS1A. I don't know much about computer audio but I have a dedicated sound card (its a Creative X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty) and I would assume that I would want to use an analog connection when I can rather than a USB one, or else wouldn't the sound card be a "waste" if I go with USB? As far as using a headset goes, that is.

I'm going to use it equally for both gaming and music. I noticed in the review that you said the HS1 is better for games whereas the Sigma was much better for music; right now I'm kind of leaning towards the Sigma simply because it can be used in either USB or analog mode, but I would love to hear your input about this.

IF those are your thoughts you will enjoy our upcoming review of the HS1A headset from Corsair.