Creative versus Daniel_K

Stopping people from not having do upgrade is the only thing Creative can do stay in business. All they have that sell are sound cards, everything else they have is done 10 times better then another company. They've also long held the title of having the WORST driver support ever. Coincidence?

Actually, if Creative got off their asses and put out PCIE cards that are functional, I'd upgrade, but I'm not going to buy a PCI sound card, when it's pretty much a given that PCI will it'd make me feel a bit better about those 1x PCI-E slots that never get used.
It's included in the Windows Vista default drivers. I'm running Vista x64 right now on a ULi M1695/M1697 based mb. I have full PCi, PCI-express, USB, IDE, and SATA functionality.

I had a buddy who couldnt even install vista on his asrock dual 939, it wouldnt even let him. Til he changed mobos to a non ULI based mobo.

And Nilepez it be a while before PCI normal slots go the way of the dino. Most stuff that come out will still be PCI normal. Creative does have PCIE 1x cards but their just Xtreme audio with a pcie instead of a pci connector.

I wouldnt use any of my PCIE1 slots since I might in up getting a gpu cooler which would cover those slots any way plus their close to my video card.
nVidia has bought other companies with products that were in current circulation and promtply canceled all driver support for those products for new versions of Windows.

3dfx - No 2k drivers for either Win2K or XP for Voodoo cards

Except nVidia didn't threaten the site and to this day I can download Win2k drivers for 3dfx cards from

Anyone have a link to Daniel_K's drivers?
I dont agree with daniel because, he wouldnt be in this mess thats hes in if he never done the donation. In my view he was just looking for a quick buck since he has no page to host the drivers, So all of those donations is going into his pocket for his own use. To me thats selling modded drivers. he was trying to do was making cash off some one esle IP and got upset when he couldnt do it any more.

Yeah but Daniel has been modding these drivers for a long time. His drivers were around since at least last May, when I started going on that forum. The donation thing netted him a total of $56 dollars all of which he sent back to the people who sent him money once creative complained. Now for all the time he spent on it, and remember nobody else was, all he got was about $50 bucks. Not for payment of services and not required for anything. A few people were very thankful and sent him off some money. He didn't spend much time soliciting money from the small amount he got.

Quote from Daniel

Why don't you THINK before saying something stupid like that? :smileymad:
Do you even know what donation means?

In fact, I'm actually losing money refunding the donations (PayPal fees).
Do you really think I can even make profit from donations?

I've got $56 USD. With this, I can't even buy an Audigy SE in Brazil.

And no, Creative isn't going to sue me. That would never happen.

I'm proud of myself, the Audigy Support Pack is close to perfection, CMSS synchronization (including Stereo Surround) and the Equalizer patch were very hard to accomplish. About every feature present in XP drivers are working in Vista.

Those are true modifications. They are not like the stupid, lame and simple string rename mods from Robert McClelland @ That is why he keeps saying "LOL" all the time.

The Live! drivers are also great, with CMSS, EAX effects, Bass Management and Equalizer.

You are also getting ALchemy for free, that works even better than the official release, no stupid copy protection that might result in crashes.

Next time I'll just keep everything to myself.

Good bye and thanks to all supporters.
Does the Alchemy pack work with he SB Live or does it only work with Audigy and X-Fi?

I don't see any references to the Live series, so I'm guessing it only works with Audigy or later.
Except nVidia didn't threaten the site and to this day I can download Win2k drivers for 3dfx cards from

Anyone have a link to Daniel_K's drivers?

Wrong, nvidia has threaten omegadrivers, he stop doing nvidia drivers at one point because of that. he kept the older driver on the site. he didnt take the links down, but he stop working on them for a while.

Then started making them again last year.
My take on this,

When the xfi was released Vista was just a twinkle in Microsoft's eyes. Creative obtained licensing allowing the XFI to use technologies such as Dolby Digital on XP.

Now what I think happened, is that Creative did not obtain those same usage rights for Vista. Most likely it was a financial decision judging from how Creative appears to operate.

Daniel threw egg on their face by allowing users to re-enable those lost features, basicaly exposing Creative's course of action for all to see.

I'm greatfull toward Daniel, I wouldn't have been able to use my XFI under Vista if not for his driver mix. Creative's own offerings were pathetic back then. (they aren't much better now.)

I think it was a bad move if Daniel did indeed solicit donations. If Creative didn't license those technologies for Vista, and Daniel exposes those technologies present in their drivers, it may have put Creative in a perceived legal jeopardy.

Also, Creative sells Alchemy for the Audigy series for $9.99, and Daniel was giving it away for free without copy protection. That could potentialy be viewed as piracy on some level. (especially if he is percieved to profit)

Quote from Daniel,
You are also getting ALchemy for free, that works even better than the official release, no stupid copy protection that might result in crashes.
I thought I'd repost what I saw in a Digg comment: he was already treading on thin ice by blatantly abusing Creative's Intellectual Property, but they tolerated it up to a point. It was when he start soliciting donations (and thereby profit from Creative's IP), that they said "no," took it down, and made legal threats. Creative does have crap drivers, but what Daniel_K stated doing with the donations was inexcusable. I would have been pissed too, if I was Creative.

He was also basically stealing ALchemy from it's creators (something Creative had to pay through the nose to license for its Vista drivers) and redistributing it, but that's another story.
Guy shouldn't have asked for donations. It doesn't matter if he made a profit, he shouldn't have put himself in a position where he may have done so.

Also, in his quote above he comes off as sounding very childish.
The donations solicitation, which was minimal at best, was the last thing they noted. It is completely fair to ask for donations for eating up your time, no matter what you're doing. Charging for what he was doing would be wrong, not soliciting donations.

They're upset because supporting these features on older cards means not needing to buy their newest models. That and probably the Alchemy thing, which they strangely didn't note at all.
Except nVidia didn't threaten the site and to this day I can download Win2k drivers for 3dfx cards from


OCA: Explain what happened with the breakdown between you and nVidia.

OMEGADRIVE: The guy that I talked to didn't know anything about DLLs, INF files or the registry, he just knew about the law and how I breached their license agreement. So in easy words, I tried to explain to him what exactly I do to modify their drivers, step by step, and he wrote it all down. At the end of the conversation he kept insisting that I must remove the nVidia logo from my site since people might be confused about my drivers and think they are approved by nVidia. I agreed to take down the logo and asked them if I could continue releasing Omega nVidia drivers. He told me to not develop any more sets until he can get a statement from nVidia, that he would call me. I gave him my number, but I haven't heard from them again since that day.
Not going to read the entire thread but just in case it hasn't been mentioned he didn't really recode anything in a sense. Creative had to disable specific features of the card on Vista due to licensing issues, what he did in the drivers is just unlock the disable functionality on Vista.
Creative just lost another customer here.

I was about to buy the X-Fi Platinum Fatality (love the convenience of the breakout box).

Not anymore, or any creative product again.

Daniel was a douche for asking for money.

Creative can go fuck a goat for the way they acted.
Nothing new here, Creative keeps doing the same thing over and over again. I stopped using Creative products along time ago.My last card was a sound blaster live! even then I wish I had gotten a Aureal card. before the live!

pretty much the same here although I do have an Aureal SQ2500 in my retro rig. I've purchased one CL product in the 8 years since they f'd over Aureal. That was an external usb card that died after a couple months use...
Still Creative drivers...

Might be still creative drivers, but the drivers on the prelude are better done then the ones for XFI and works better. Also auzentech puts harder pressure on creative more then we can do,to make sure they get things righ for the prelude. Or all hell breaks loose. To make them get things right. Prolly a diffent team for the prelude is prolly another reason. Because I dont really have any problems, I usually forget I have a Prelude.
I sent an email to creative just for fun thought I'd post my letter. It was under their form letter 'improvement suggestions'.

Fire Mr. O'Shaughnessy.

Not only does he not understand the concept of 'Never, ever, fuck your customers in public', he also doesn't seem to grasp the reality of how big the internet is. Really, yet he works for a (somewhat) tech company.

My history with you has been from the era of ISA cards and faithfully upgraded every time you did. At the present moment, every desktop computer in my house has at least an Audigy card, and each with the exception of one has a single core AMD processor in it. See what I'm getting at? I'm ready to build four computers in the next year, and this kick in the teeth attitude of your employed chicken-shit shows that your company as a whole fails to grasp another critical business model:

Don't bite the hand that feeds you.


i've never had a problem with a creative sound blaster and i certainly wont anytime in the future... unless there's a driver release for my audigy2zs that suddenly devoids it of functionality. i'm certainly not purchasing anything from creative now, though i wont be tossing my audigy any time soon... unless the above mentioned driver update happens behind my back.

shame on creative.

moddy-mod enabling ALchemy was the kicker, i think.
Asking for donations wasn't the problem. The problem was that he said one of his driver releases would depend on the amount of donations. That's the same thing as charging to release the drivers, which are property of Creative.
Either way it couldn't have happened to a nicer company, their customer service policy has been user-hateful for years and this is just the cherry on the cake for a lot of people.

I'm just loving the webdrama to be honest, I'm still just playing with Vista and haven't made the permanent switch yet so it's not a biggy to me. ;)
Daniel is no better then Creative. He's basing a release of a working product based on how much money he could get for it... So I do see where Creative is coming from but the fact that they hold back drivers waiting on the release of new products and forcing people to upgrade is no better.

I purchased an Auzentech XFI back in January, do not need to rely on Creative as Auzentech releases a driver nearly every month for it, had dolby dts before Creative, had an SP1 driver before SP1 was released. Basically they are doing what Daniel does but not asking for donations. I know a portion of what Auzentech sells goes to Creative but I have yet to a have a problem and monthly driver releases to address issues is pretty sweet. If Auzentech releases a new gen XFI based on a Creative design I will definately purchase it.
Daniel is no better then Creative. He's basing a release of a working product based on how much money he could get for it... So I do see where Creative is coming from but the fact that they hold back drivers waiting on the release of new products and forcing people to upgrade is no better.

I purchased an Auzentech XFI back in January, do not need to rely on Creative as Auzentech releases a driver nearly every month for it, had dolby dts before Creative, had an SP1 driver before SP1 was released. Basically they are doing what Daniel does but not asking for donations. I know a portion of what Auzentech sells goes to Creative but I have yet to a have a problem and monthly driver releases to address issues is pretty sweet. If Auzentech releases a new gen XFI based on a Creative design I will definately purchase it.


Daniel is asking for donations. Donations means that you can send him money if you want to.

Why is this point so hard for some people to understand?

The drivers that he made are out there for free.

Daniel is asking for donations. Donations means that you can send him money if you want to.

Why is this point so hard for some people to understand?

The drivers that he made are out there for free.

Its the way he phrased it... He told people it would be released based on the donations he recieves. In the past people just gave him money for his troubles. He never asked for it.

Now he's telling people that he will release driver packs based on their donations. He's asking for money and in turn he will release driver and software packs.

I thinks its pretty clear.

Daniel is asking for donations. Donations means that you can send him money if you want to.

Why is this point so hard for some people to understand?

The drivers that he made are out there for free.

They were "donations" in name only. When he said "I'll release the next driver after $x in donations," it stopped being donations.
They were "donations" in name only. When he said "I'll release the next driver after $x in donations," it stopped being donations.

Exactly, its now come down too the fact that when people give him a certain amount of cash he will release a new driver.

Creative never had a problem with it before because he never asked for any of it. Now he's asking for cash. Even though we all hate Creative, they have the right to do this since he is using their software and drivers which belong to Creative.
Except nVidia didn't threaten the site and to this day I can download Win2k drivers for 3dfx cards from

Anyone have a link to Daniel_K's drivers?

Found them here:

The readme mentions installing beta XP drivers. So I should uninstall the new Vista drivers and install XP beta drivers? I'll just keep using my onboard codec for digital out rather than mess with a solid driver set.
This was a stupid decision and yet another reason Creative will soon be cut up and sold.

Bring on the Xonar.
He was wrong to ask for donations in that way. Creative is wrong for well over a decade of shoddy driver support. The reason Direct Sound was dropped in Vista in the first place was due to shitty sound card drivers. Now we have Alchemy that brings some of that hardware acceleration and other features back. But you have to pay extra for it. Pay extra for a driver update and wrapper? Pay extra for features we would have had anyway except for the incompetence of certain sound card makers driver teams and corporate greed? They should have negotiated their Dolby Digital license to include all MS os's. Just plain dumbsighted that they didn't.

If I can't get updates for free, I will just stick with on board or a less ****** competitor.
My last Creative card was an X-Fi Fatality.

It crackled all the time.

XP x64 support was not out of the box as they said it would be at QuakeCon where I, like many others, pre-ordered it.

I sold that card over a year and a half ago w/ my dual Opteron tower.

I thought about getting a new X-Fi when it came time to build my quad core system...but I'm using onboard audio instead.

I work as the lead technician at a local computer store. I will be advising others to stay away from Creative. I didn't care for them before, especially as a $150 upgrade that would be money wasted vs. the perfectly-working-in-Vista Realtek HD Audio. While I'm admittedly not completely familiar with the problems, having read what little I have has given me an overall sour feeling. I won't tolerate a company not providing the same level of support on a newer OS as the older one on an item that's still being sold. I was looking at their notebook soundcards, but will be sticking with the onboard for a while longer.
The last card I had from them was the Audigy Gamer for my self-built rig.

Needless to say, once the Audigy 2 line came out, Creative dropped all support of the Audigy series and I was forced to use HACKED Audigy 2 drivers to get additional functionality. That was back in 2002.

It's nice to see that absolutely nothing has changed over at Creative in the last 6 years. Their product support has been, is, and always will be, atrocious.

I built several computers for people who wanted X-FI cards and Vista. After going through headaches with two builds, I told them either go with on-board audio and Vista, or XP and teh X-FI cards.

Can't wait to see them go out of business.
I'll ask again: do these drivers work with the SB-Live? I'm most interested in knowing if they enable Dolby Digital Live encoding?
All of this wouldn't happened if creative would just release a driver that worked. Period. Although the guy should have never asked for donations if he wasn't going to actually pay to host the drivers himself.

their piss-poor support is the reason i have banned all creative products from my computers and the computers i build for other people (unless they actually demand the product, which has never happened). I used to be a big fan of their MP3 players, but they have the same problems the sound cards do (and they wonder why Apple's iPod smashed them). And don't even get me started on their speakers...biggest pieces of shit ever made.

Creative is a shitty company and i encourage everyone to stop paying good money for their products.
Well, someone put up a boycott site and about 5000 Creative cards are being returned to Newegg from its customers.

This is what Newegg had to say:
While it is not our place to condemn the decisions of Creative regarding this issue, our customers come first. That being said, it has come to our attention that many of our customers are not happy with the products Creative has released nor the support for those products. To wit, we have processed nearly 5,000 return orders within the past 48 hours. While it is not normally in our best interest to publically comment in a manufacturer's forum, the overwhelming concensus has left us little choice. As such, effective tommorow morning will suspend sales of the sound cards in question, particularly those indicated as "Vista compatible", pending an investigation into the matter. Those of you whom recently ordered such a card will still recieve your product as indicated in any relevant conversations. While we regret this abrupt decision, it has been deemed neccessary to protect the interest of our consumers. We welcome contact from Creative as soon as is possible so that we may resolve this issue.


Eat THAT, Creative! Your company SUCKS and now you're going to be hit where it hurts. GOOD. Serves you right.
I was just about the post that. But we do not know if that post is legitimate, since it is a first-time post, and especially since thats the morning of April 1st.
I h8 creative. No DD DTS in vista with audigy 4.... I bought there fking Module and its only works with XP
The torrent version is much larger than the megaupload one and includes the drivers and applications for everything. Size is 705MB (or 487MB compressed).

Part of the txt description below highlighting the contents of the iso, read the txt file for known issues and other release notes:
Unofficial SB Audigy Series Software CD (Rev 2) for
Windows 2000 / XP / Server 2003 / Vista (32/64-bit)
by Daniel Kawakami

Fully integrated and automated install, supporting Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Vista (32-bit and 64-bit), installs proper drivers. Includes all latest software available.

Hardware supported:

- Audigy series
- Audigy 2 series
- Audigy 2 Value
- Audigy 2 ZS series
- Audigy 2 ZS Notebook
- Audigy 4 series

Software for Windows Vista:

- AudioConsole
- EAX Settings
- SoundFont Bank Manager
- Speaker Settings
- Volume Panel
- Diagnostics (32-bit only)
- DVD Audio Player (32-bit only, Audigy1 is not supported)
- Karaoke Player
- SB Performance Utility (Audigy2 ZS Notebook)
- Smart Recorder
- Wavestudio 7
- Vienna SoundFont Studio
- Media Toolbox
- Entertainment Center
- ALchemy (Audigy Edition)
- MediaSource 5
- Online Manual (PDF / CHM)
- MIDI Guide
- Drivers (working Advanced EQ presets)

Software for Windows 2000 / XP / Server 2003:

- AudioConsole
- EAX Console
- SoundFont Bank Manager
- Speaker Settings
- THX Console
- Speaker Calibrator
- Surround Mixer
- Volume Panel
- Diagnostics
- DVD Audio Player (32-bit only, Audigy1 is not supported)
- Karaoke Player
- SB Performance Utility (Audigy2 ZS Notebook)
- Smart Recorder
- Wavestudio 7
- Vienna SoundFont Studio
- Media Toolbox
- Entertainment Center
- Sound Blaster Plug-in (Media Center only)
- MediaSource 5
- Online Manual (PDF / CHM)
- MIDI Guide
- Drivers
Well, someone put up a boycott site and about 5000 Creative cards are being returned to Newegg from its customers.

This is what Newegg had to say:


Eat THAT, Creative! Your company SUCKS and now you're going to be hit where it hurts. GOOD. Serves you right.

If this is true, I'm amazed. I only hope they go out of business because of their piss poor drivers.
Anybody else see the similarities between this and the Hot Coffee mod? It's like this guy found Creative's secret "Money Shot" and then asked for donations for it. :cool: