Creative X-FI XtremeMusic 79.99$ Shipped@Amazon

Whoa, sweet. Too bad I only have a laptop right now or I'd jump on that.
After a month ago when there were so many crazy deals on the X-Fi series of cards...I figured there were about to be HUGE price drops on these. Haven't seen any great deals on the series lately :(
ReD.SkY said:
gah.. im still waiting for it to be $50 shipped lol

You could try on ebay, I got mine for $67 shipped brand new with heatsink about 2 months ago, no kidding. Good deal anyway though. :)
tempting... Finally time to lose the TBSC?
Nothing wrong with it.... nah. I'll wait. after I graduate
I just got the one from CC, Amazon said it would get to my house in two weeks, not worth spending $10 more.