Crossfire problems


Limp Gawd
Nov 21, 2004
Does the DFI crossfire mobo still ahve that USB problem that was much talked about? or is it all fine and dandy?
Care to elaborate? Never heard of a USB prob with any DFI board...
No its not on the DFI motherboard, but I remember on the earlier reviews of the ATi 200 chipset, there was acctually problems with the chipset in which the USB 2.0 ports were running at 40% of their speed. So I was wondering if that problem is still occuring or if they had fixed it.
I think he means the slow usb performance from the sapphire boards previewed way back on anadtech and other sites................the slow usb performance is a problem with the chipset so yes, its still probably there. Its the exact same chipset the only difference is grouper is not crossfire and halibut is, much like the NF4 SLI and NF4 Ultra chipsets

But to my understanding for mice and keyboards and other perhiperals its fine, but say if you transfer 30 GB to your mp3 player then you will notice a difference. If you want crossfire, go for it, but from my understanding this dfi crossfire board is based on the NF4 experts, and another revision will be based on the halibut, well thats accordig to the folks from