CRT powers on but no display


Apr 15, 2002
I figure this is a longshot but hoping there might be something to look at it before I just throw it away

it's a 19" CRT, couple of years old but worked great the day I put it in storage. It sat in storage for 3 months.

When I got it back and plugged it in, it powered up fine but refused to display anything. It powers up to a green light, sits for a second, then goes to blinking orange (iirc)

With the monitor cable unplugged, the typical "no signal" message does not appear; there is at no point any picture.

As far as I can tell, the monitor has suffered no physical damage... tho I suppose it could've been dropped somewhere :(

Anything to look at before I give it the ol' heave-ho? I am (rightfully) apprehensive about just cracking it open and poking around :p

Thanks for any help
That happened to me on a KDS 17''. What I did to fix the problem was beat the living crap out of it and somehow miraculously it started working again.

hmmm well I'd rather it didn't come to that, but I'll make sure to try that at least before I finally throw it out
If this isn't a new system (i'e first power up), then look for a loose wire or broken pins in the monitor cable. If not, I'd say it's probably dead. :(
Seriously if you think it is dead don't give up on it so easily! Be sure to remove the bottom stand and kick it a few times just hard enough not to break it but do it hard enough to show it the business.
ShuttleLuv said:
If this isn't a new system (i'e first power up), then look for a loose wire or broken pins in the monitor cable. If not, I'd say it's probably dead. :(

hmmm I'll check. Unlikely though because it still had the DVI converter on from before (I was running a dual monitor setup last spring with it and my current 19").

But ya, not a new system :( Strange thing is I'd plug BOTH monitors in, the exact same way I'd done it for years, and the system wouldn't load an image on either monitor; it would just hang.

If the "broken" monitor is connected, it won't boot :(

Only having one monitor sucks when you're used to 2 :p that and the monitor cable is loose on the back of this one so I'm afraid IT is going to die soon as well.... argh....
redux- said:
Seriously if you think it is dead don't give up on it so easily! Be sure to remove the bottom stand and kick it a few times just hard enough not to break it but do it hard enough to show it the business.

LOL! If nothing else, I'll get some amusement out of it then :p
one last check on good ideas ;)

and any major safety precautions should i decide to open her up?
rhouck said:
one last check on good ideas ;)

and any major safety precautions should i decide to open her up?

Yeah. Try not to get killed. Seriously. The caps in a monitor can hold enough of a charge to stop your heart for weeks after they were last powered up. You really need to read some service manuals before messing with a monitor's innards, or at least learn how to discharge them. I could try to explain the process (basically it involves shorting the big ass caps in the monitor), but I'd rather not put your life in my hands. I've done it precisely once a couple years ago, and I'm not really comfortable explaining it. I could show you, but I'm not 100% that I'd explain it adequately. Besides, monitor discharging guides are easy enough to find with Google and unlike me the people who write them aren't usually too lazy to include pictures and make some drawings.