CRT to LCD VSYNC Problem


Aug 8, 2005
I recently got a ViewSonic VX924, and am changing from a CRT. On the CRT my VSYNC was at 75hz, now it's at 60hz. Whenever I'm playing CS or HL2, my FPS are pretty constant at 60, but occaisionally they jump to 75 with a substantial "jerk" in the gameplay. Is there any way to avoid this? It's quite annoying.....
Should I reinstall my video drivers?

Also, if I set the nVidia drivers to use display adapter scaling, my monitor reports the refresh rate coming in is 75hz no matter what I set the drivers to.

I'm using the latest drivers and a DVI cable.
You have multiple choices:

1) Ignore it.
2) Go back to CRT.
3) Wait for SED.
2) Use VSYNC/Tripple buffering (bearing in mind your framerate will take a hit)
aduno if this works in cs-s but in cs1.6 fps_max would allow you to choose max fps, if you're happy with 60 stable try setting to 60
Lsv said:
aduno if this works in cs-s but in cs1.6 fps_max would allow you to choose max fps, if you're happy with 60 stable try setting to 60
Ahhh. Thanks. I had it at 75 for my last monitor and completely forgot to change it.

I am already using VSYNC and triple buffering.
That's weird... since when are there "jerks" in video due to framerate changes above 60 FPS? Going from 60 FPS to 75 FPS shouldn't produce a jerk.

Furthermore, if you have vsync on like you say then it's not possible to even reach 75 FPS unless your refresh rate is set at 75 Hz. But you already said that your refresh rate is at 60 Hz, so that means that your maximum FPS is capped at 60 FPS assuming you have vsync on. If you are getting above 60 FPS on a 60 Hz monitor then that means that vsync is not on.
I have the nVidia driver set to 60hz, however in Source games the framerate (cl_showfps 1) sometimes jumps to 75. This is followed by a drop to 20 and then return to 60 in a very quick manner producing a jerk or stutter. Whether it can or not, it does display (very quickly flashes by occaisionally) 75 fps in Source games with VSYNC and a 60 hz refresh rate. This is probably a glitch somewhere, anyway fps_max 60 solves the problem.

My problem with Display Adapter Scaling is that the driver is set at 60hz, and it outputs to the display at 75hz. I do not know why this happens, and multiple reboots have not solved it. I guess I'll just stick to monitor scaling or native res. I would like to run CS:S at 800x600 and use Display Adapter Scaling because monitor scaling at that res looks like cow shit.