Crucial T's $1! LOL (Dead Deal)

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lol... if you need some black undershirts, 5 for 8.99 is pretty freakin good!!!!


this deal will end soon
Ballistix T-Shirt (M) USD 1.00 10 USD 10.00
Subtotal USD 10

Shipping USD 0.00
USD 3.99
Estimate Total USD13.99

Sweet. Just ordered 4 of them.

Too bad XL was the largest. Otherwise I would have given one to my dad.. :/
Awesome stuff, 3 black t-shirts at kohls costs about $22!! i dont give a shit whats on the shirt, I'll be using them just as an undershirt, thanks op

You guys should buy more than one, it doesn't make sense to buy just 1 and then $4/5 shipping, cause shipping doesn't appear to go up based on quantity, i'm not sure about qty. 15 though

10 USD 10.00
Subtotal USD 10

Shipping USD 0.98
USD 3.99
Estimate Total USD 14.97
Bah, it won't let me add any to my cart for the XL :(. Hot deal for those who got in!
Lame, doesn't work for me :(. When I click add to basket it just goes to a page that says 'your basket is empty'... Sux, I love cheap t-shirts.
Phew, looks like I got mine just in time...

Next stop, selling 2 of mine for $$$$$$$

when i try to add to cart, it says my cart is empty :confused: .. prolly caught on.
Damn it. It just says shopping basket is empty when I click to add to shopping basket. Same for IE and firefox.

edit: BAH yea selling out.
ordered 5M MemoryHawg Ts @ $9.78 can never have to many T-shirts. perfect workout/house shirt!
I'm really confused about the sizing. :confused: Shouldn't it be 256, 512, 1gb? Can someone explain the difference between 1T and 2T? Dam you Crucial!

OK who bout them all? I'll kill you. :D
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