CryEngine3 Tech Trailer

CryEngine3 tech, *leaping like a toad* to a console near you in early 2013.

Fixed that for you.
I have to give them credit for doing some interesting things in terms of the efficiency of the engine. It may not be the bleeding edge that we want, but they are making really great looking graphics available to a wide audience. And with less texture pop than Rage and Skyrim, fwiw.

As long as the game has a decent ending, I'd call it promising.
When did a Crytek product ever ship with DX11 as promised? LOL!

When they mentioned a whole entire, holy shit an entire month, earlier it would not ship with it and people still got pissed when they bought it. If I told you I would most likely throw shit at you in a month, would you just stand there and let me do it and then complain about it?
When they mentioned a whole entire, holy shit an entire month, earlier it would not ship with it and people still got pissed when they bought it. If I told you I would most likely throw shit at you in a month, would you just stand there and let me do it and then complain about it?

That would be really, really rude of you. :(
This is pointless if the game wasn't PC only. Otherwise the graphics have to be considered for consoles, which takes a dump on graphics.
Crysis and Warhead were cutting edge games. Crysis 2 was a jack-off console port and I refused to buy it! Looks like Crytek is jerking enthusiast's off again with this hyped up crap. DX11? Bullshit! That isn't gonna happen on any console! :rolleyes:
WTF is with the choppy vid? And this is coming to a console? Fuck it. Not worth my time.
honestly that really looks quite good, so im guessing if everyone is saying this is on a console, this is on the gen consoles? or just a hater's tag line :D
Xbox cant do tessellation, so it's basically an xbox demo with a few bells and whistles thrown in for pc users.

Come on guys. I was pissed about Crysis 3 as well, but......... This is not a demo showing anything console related.

Here is a link where you can download the video in 1080p. Also if you go a few pages back in the comments, Cry-Adam has a large list of PC centric features that have never been used in a retail game.
When they mentioned a whole entire, holy shit an entire month, earlier it would not ship with it and people still got pissed when they bought it. If I told you I would most likely throw shit at you in a month, would you just stand there and let me do it and then complain about it?

Donkey Kong me, baby. :D
Once again the engine looks good but Crytec can't seem to make a game worth a shit... they've been re-making the same game since FryCry...
Looks damn good. Haters gunna hate I suppose.

Crytek isn't the first or only one who shows impressive tech demo. We've seen it many times. Epic does these stuff all the time too.

Tech demo is just that, a demo. Its nice to watch, but just because an engine can do that it doesn't necessarily mean all video games running on it will be utilizing those fancy features.

At the end of the day, the video game product is what matters. Just like what we saw with Epic's tech demo, many of those features doesn't get used in actual video games simply because devs are merely making a "one size fits all" game.
Say what you will, but I'm impressed by that video, this time around it looks like they are using modern and forward looking graphics technologies. I've never seen tessellated vegetation before in a game, this is unique, and hits upon one of my major complaints with other games that have used tessellation in the past.

Most games will use tessellation on character models, to give them better detail, but they don't add tessellation into the environment around the character. There are actually very few games that do this, I'd say a handful, that actually use tessellation not only on characters, but in the environment. This game is one of them, using tessellation on vegetation and trees, helps give depth to the environment around the characters, which matters just as much, so that is unique, and forward looking, and I like that. Just imagine what you can do with vegetation when it's tessellated, the possibilities are endless.

I'm also happy to see the cloud shadows show up in real time on the ground and objects in the environment, I was also impressed at the infinite particle effect lighting. This next game may deserve a gameplay performance and IQ article finally. I want to study it further, I liked what I saw in that video.
In theory the xbox has a hardware tessellator and thus can do tessellation though I'm doubtful that it could actually pull it off in a real world situation. Also keep in mind that the game now uses shader based displacement mapping. Kinda seems like really fancy pom. I just think of it from experience. C2's graphics were talked up more than they turned out on xbox.

In other news, this actually looks amazing. If it isnt full of graphics bugs and low res textures I would challenge anyone to point out something that looks better. Only from what we've seen so far I think people are out of ideas to claim this as consolised garbage, at least from a graphical perspective.
in fact, i was playing a FPS game last night and thinking to myself "hmm, this needs more lens flare"
in fact, i was playing a FPS game last night and thinking to myself "hmm, this needs more lens flare"

That is one they do tend to take too far. A little during a cinematic or when transitioning from a dark area to a light area in game, would be acceptable. But the way it is being used in so many games has turning it off when I can in most games. They are abusing blur almost as badly in games today.

The video was rather pretty. I would like to see some of those effects in other games by other devs, but it is likely that no one is going to use the CryEngine on PC except Crytek. If the game Crytek makes with it is an engine tech demo, itwill end up a waste of a game.
Sweet! Another demo of tech features that Crytech will eventually cut!

I am looking forward to more supertessellated road barriers though. :D

I can't help but feel that some people on this forum enjoy feeling all butt hurt and abused by developers. Almost like they'd rather continue to feel taken advantage of by Crytek than see Crytek release an impressive engine. Maybe not.

The demo looked impressive from a graphics standpoint.
I can't help but feel that some people on this forum enjoy feeling all butt hurt and abused by developers. Almost like they'd rather continue to feel taken advantage of by Crytek than see Crytek release an impressive engine. Maybe not.

The demo looked impressive from a graphics standpoint.

The game can be the most amazing looking game ever, if it's boring who gives a shit. That's the problem with crytek.
The game can be the most amazing looking game ever, if it's boring who gives a shit. That's the problem with crytek.

It would be boring if you couldn't go into the buildings, if they were just eye-candy.:(
They need to have things living in them, like on Fallout 3 or STALKER.
It would be boring if you couldn't go into the buildings, if they were just eye-candy.:(
They need to have things living in them, like on Fallout 3 or STALKER.

This is the argument I've been making since Crysis 2,not only hasn't Crytek made any real graphical advancement over the original,they haven't made any advancement in game play either. In fact,they've gone backwards,Crysis had at least some freedom of movement,the sequel was so linear it was boring. Crytek has yet to make a game that can compare to STALKER or even Fallout.
This is the argument I've been making since Crysis 2,not only hasn't Crytek made any real graphical advancement over the original,they haven't made any advancement in game play either. In fact,they've gone backwards,Crysis had at least some freedom of movement,the sequel was so linear it was boring. Crytek has yet to make a game that can compare to STALKER or even Fallout.

To be fair, Crytek has never claimed to be trying to create a RPG. FarCry was only somewhat a Sandbox, so was Crysis, Crysis 2 was on rails, but that is not really a bad thing. I don't expect HL 1/2 to be TES or FO. Why would anyone expect Crysis to be?

I would love to see a TES or FO game on that engine, or one that looks as good though.
I just hope that Crytek learned from the mistakes made with Crysis 2 or they will again not get my hard earned money. The demo looks amazing but the majority of PC gamers out there don't have the hardware to drive it. So, my opinion is that Crytek is jerking us off again. Gotta luv that hype...
Video clearly states

-Current gen

-Next gen

So i wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being as good (graphically) as BF3.