Crying Foul over Online Junk Food Marketing

Fine. Whatever. You win. I give up. I don't care anymore. I was sick of this piece of shit argument back when I asked people to stop replaying to my posts. This has become beyond boring and I no longer wish to play ring around the rosy with you. So whatever you win. Now feel free to continue this as a one sided argument if you wish, but I'm done responding. Good night.

Night sweetums ;)
Fine. Whatever. You win. I give up. I don't care anymore. I was sick of this piece of shit argument back when I asked people to stop replaying to my posts. This has become beyond boring and I no longer wish to play ring around the rosy with you. So whatever you win. Now feel free to continue this as a one sided argument if you wish, but I'm done responding. Good night.

Arrgh. It's one thing to be misinformed, it's another to be misinformed AND close-minded. Congratulations.
Arrgh. It's one thing to be misinformed, it's another to be misinformed AND close-minded. Congratulations.

You're assumptions don't do you any good. I just got bored of going in circles. Arguments bore me after a while. Whether I'm incorrect or otherwise, I'm ready to move on to another conversation pretty quickly. Its not close minded its a short attention span.
You're assumptions don't do you any good. I just got bored of going in circles. Arguments bore me after a while. Whether I'm incorrect or otherwise, I'm ready to move on to another conversation pretty quickly. Its not close minded its a short attention span.

Well focus hard and provide some proof for your claims or ADMIT that you're wrong. Or, be a coward and stop posting here.
Well focus hard and provide some proof for your claims or ADMIT that you're wrong. Or, be a coward and stop posting here.

Mind telling me where I'm arguing whether its right or wrong? Get with the mother fucking program! Do you always know where you've heard every little bit of information you know? Can you call up on queue every tiny little detail of your life? If you can, good for you. I can't. My memory doesn't work that way. The source isn't important to me. I only care about the information. I've already said I can't remember where and who I heard it from. That should have been the end of this fucking idiotic debate, but no you assholes just want to keep dragging this shit out. I've said all I feel the need to say on the subject many times over.

I suppose you want me to spell it out for you: What I heard could very well be wrong, I've never denied that. Yet no one else has provided anything proving me wrong. So how am I expected to accept whether or not my information is correct with solid proof otherwise?

Plain. Clear. Simple. If you still don't get it, too bad. Unless you want to provide something more interesting to this conversation don't respond. I'm tired of wasting energy on worthless people.
Mind telling me where I'm arguing whether its right or wrong? Get with the mother fucking program! Do you always know where you've heard every little bit of information you know? Can you call up on queue every tiny little detail of your life? If you can, good for you. I can't. My memory doesn't work that way. The source isn't important to me. I only care about the information. I've already said I can't remember where and who I heard it from. That should have been the end of this fucking idiotic debate, but no you assholes just want to keep dragging this shit out. I've said all I feel the need to say on the subject many times over.

I suppose you want me to spell it out for you: What I heard could very well be wrong, I've never denied that. Yet no one else has provided anything proving me wrong. So how am I expected to accept whether or not my information is correct with solid proof otherwise?

Plain. Clear. Simple. If you still don't get it, too bad. Unless you want to provide something more interesting to this conversation don't respond. I'm tired of wasting energy on worthless people.

Umm. Worthless responses, not people.
Mind telling me where I'm arguing whether its right or wrong? Get with the mother fucking program! Do you always know where you've heard every little bit of information you know? Can you call up on queue every tiny little detail of your life? If you can, good for you. I can't. My memory doesn't work that way. The source isn't important to me. I only care about the information. I've already said I can't remember where and who I heard it from. That should have been the end of this fucking idiotic debate, but no you assholes just want to keep dragging this shit out. I've said all I feel the need to say on the subject many times over.

I suppose you want me to spell it out for you: What I heard could very well be wrong, I've never denied that. Yet no one else has provided anything proving me wrong. So how am I expected to accept whether or not my information is correct with solid proof otherwise?

Plain. Clear. Simple. If you still don't get it, too bad. Unless you want to provide something more interesting to this conversation don't respond. I'm tired of wasting energy on worthless people.

You have two choices:
1. Admit you're wrong
2. Backup your claims

That's it. All of this 'I don't remember where I heard it' is simply your feeble attempt to avoid choice (1). Embrace it, my friend. It is your destiny.
You have two choices:
1. Admit you're wrong
2. Backup your claims

That's it. All of this 'I don't remember where I heard it' is simply your feeble attempt to avoid choice (1). Embrace it, my friend. It is your destiny.

How about showing me I'm wrong? Do you expect me to take your word on it?
How about showing me I'm wrong? Do you expect me to take your word on it?

'Round and 'round we go. You've made outrageous claims that fly in the face of known medical science. As a medical student, I can say with great confidence that you are completely misinformed. Everyone else in this thread recognized long ago that you were babbling craziness, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and patiently requested that you explain yourself, and provide evidence to support your claim. However, you've now dodged the charges about half a dozen times. The only conclusion I can reach is that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, you have no evidence for your claims, and yet somehow, you are still willing so insist that you're right. Amazing.

You are the perfect prey for Kevin Trudeau and his ilk. How many of his books do you own? Also, do you, by chance, wear one of those magnet bracelets to help purify your blood? lol
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'Round and 'round we go. You've made outrageous claims that fly in the face of known medical science. As a medical student, I can say with great confidence that you are completely misinformed. Everyone else in this thread recognized long ago that you were babbling craziness, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt and patiently requested that you explain yourself, and provide evidence to support your claim. However, you've now dodged the charges about half a dozen times. The only conclusion I can reach is that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, you have no evidence for your claims, and yet somehow, you are still willing so insist that you're right. Amazing.

You are the perfect prey for Kevin Trudeau and his ilk. How many of his books do you own? Also, do you, by chance, wear one of those magnet bracelets to help purify your blood? lol

Funny, I'm not insisting I'm right I'm asking you to prove me wrong. How am I to believe you're a medical student? For all I know you're a child pretending to be something they are not. You're asking me to trust you at face value. Sorry, but things don't work that way with me. I'm fully willing to admit I'm wrong once I know I am. Yet you refuse to provide me a reason to say so. So why should I believe you anymore than you believe me? I'm not the one being unreasonable here. I can't make it any more clear.
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Funny, I'm not insisting I'm right I'm asking you to prove me wrong. How am I to believe you're a medical student? For all I know you're a child pretending to be something they are not. You're asking me to trust you at face value. Sorry, but things don't work that way with me. I'm fully willing to admit I'm wrong once I know I am. Yet you refuse to provide me a reason to say so. So why should I believe you anymore than you believe me? I'm not the one being unreasonable here. I can't make it any more clear.

Just fucking stop, when you make assinine claims that are abviously untru you dont ask the world to prove you wrong it simply defies all logic.
Personally, I think you both should just STFU since you've pretty much killed this thread for being useful in any sense with your back-and-forth bickering :mad:
Personally, I think you both should just STFU since you've pretty much killed this thread for being useful in any sense with your back-and-forth bickering :mad:

Cry me a fucking river dude. This thread ran its course a long ass time ago...

You want to read something usefull grab a newspaper.
Wow, I started reading about Lucky Charms and now it looks like part way through the thread every one overdosed on the damn things.

Go to your junk mail and please buy some Xanax or Ridlen depending on your age;)
Wow, I started reading about Lucky Charms and now it looks like part way through the thread every one overdosed on the damn things.

Go to your junk mail and please buy some Xanax or Ridlen depending on your age;)

Rid..Rit...Bah, not going to try spelling that one right. Stuff makes a good cure for the common cold, piss poor cure for hyper-activity.
Rid..Rit...Bah, not going to try spelling that one right. Stuff makes a good cure for the common cold, piss poor cure for hyper-activity.

You are right, my bad indeed. Methylphenidate or Concerta, Metadate CD, Metadate ER, Methylin, Methylin ER, Ritalin, Ritalin LA, Ritalin-SR;)

Can't find that crap in any spell checker:)
You are right, my bad indeed. Methylphenidate or Concerta, Metadate CD, Metadate ER, Methylin, Methylin ER, Ritalin, Ritalin LA, Ritalin-SR;)

Can't find that crap in any spell checker:)

Wow. Firefox has a field day those.
From what I understand about reverse osmosis (purified water), it makes water acidic and aggressive. In other words it takes out the necessary minerals and absorbs carbon dioxide. Reverse osmosis is not the way to go. A bit of reading.

From a chemical point of view, this makes absolutely no sense. Pure H2O has a pH of 7 and is thus neutral. You can't make it more pure.

I think what you're referring to is carbonation - introducing CO2, which, under pressure, then forms H2CO3 (I think it's called carbonic acid?) in water. Except when you open the bottle of water, H2CO3 decomposes to form CO2 and water. If there was anything remotely dangerous about sparkling water, we probably would've known about it a long time ago.

Not to mention (IIRC) acids that naturally occur in the stomach have a pH almost as low as battery acid, so saying that something is bad purely because it's acidic doesn't really make sense.
From a chemical point of view, this makes absolutely no sense. Pure H2O has a pH of 7 and is thus neutral. You can't make it more pure.

I think what you're referring to is carbonation - introducing CO2, which, under pressure, then forms H2CO3 (I think it's called carbonic acid?) in water. Except when you open the bottle of water, H2CO3 decomposes to form CO2 and water. If there was anything remotely dangerous about sparkling water, we probably would've known about it a long time ago.

Not to mention (IIRC) acids that naturally occur in the stomach have a pH almost as low as battery acid, so saying that something is bad purely because it's acidic doesn't really make sense.

Spot on.
Funny, I'm not insisting I'm right I'm asking you to prove me wrong. How am I to believe you're a medical student? For all I know you're a child pretending to be something they are not. You're asking me to trust you at face value. Sorry, but things don't work that way with me. I'm fully willing to admit I'm wrong once I know I am. Yet you refuse to provide me a reason to say so. So why should I believe you anymore than you believe me? I'm not the one being unreasonable here. I can't make it any more clear.

You don't have to believe ANYTHING, however, if you want OTHER people to believe you, AND (and and and and!) you say something that the vast majority of people (including medical personnel) disagree with, then YOU have to prove your point.

It works like this: if I say that gravity is a myth, and that I can levitate, then people will tell me I am wrong and tell me to either provide proof or STFU. I couldn't expect anyone to believe me, so I would have to PROVE my case, and only then do I have the right to insist that I am right. In this thread, you are, in effect, saying you can levitate, whereas we're all saying B.S., but you want us to believe you without providing proof, or you want us to prove what is common and accepted as truth.

I know this is hard for you to understand, but I am here for you.

And seriously - do you have a magnetic bracelet? Say what you want; I know you are wearing one right now (and fighting IONS while you type lol wut).
The crux of the issue here is that parents make decisions what their children eat. Sadly, we have a lot of well meaning and/or unfit parents out there. I don't think its right to market primarily unhealthy options directly to children in any form, but it is up to the parents to say "No, you're eating the one with the wheat on the box not the cartoon leprechaun and that's it".

However, I think another major factor is cost - all that cheap, hydrogenated, high fructose corn syrup laden gunk is cheap. You could buy a garbage bag full of discount off-brand fruit loops for what I spend on a single box of USDA Organic pumpkin raisin quinoa crunch. People who have to stretch their food budget are forced into buying "non food" items, because they're so cheap due to subsidies (corn lobby anyone?).
You don't have to believe ANYTHING, however, if you want OTHER people to believe you, AND (and and and and!) you say something that the vast majority of people (including medical personnel) disagree with, then YOU have to prove your point.

It works like this: if I say that gravity is a myth, and that I can levitate, then people will tell me I am wrong and tell me to either provide proof or STFU. I couldn't expect anyone to believe me, so I would have to PROVE my case, and only then do I have the right to insist that I am right. In this thread, you are, in effect, saying you can levitate, whereas we're all saying B.S., but you want us to believe you without providing proof, or you want us to prove what is common and accepted as truth.

I know this is hard for you to understand, but I am here for you.

And seriously - do you have a magnetic bracelet? Say what you want; I know you are wearing one right now (and fighting IONS while you type lol wut).

I get that, but if you want me to go and say "oh yeah I'm wrong" than I want viable proof that I am. This is kind of a two way street here. I don't know a lot about the subject, but I'm not about to go and run around screaming "Yes! I'm wrong!" unless I know, for a fact, that I am. We have already established that I can not provide proof. We figured this out a long time ago. The issue could have and should have ended there, but you are on some kind of retarded campaign to get me to say I was wrong. How can you expect someone to say they were wrong when the person accusing them of being so will not provide proof themselves? You, sir, are being a hypocrite.
I get that, but if you want me to go and say "oh yeah I'm wrong" than I want viable proof that I am. This is kind of a two way street here. I don't know a lot about the subject, but I'm not about to go and run around screaming "Yes! I'm wrong!" unless I know, for a fact, that I am. We have already established that I can not provide proof. We figured this out a long time ago. The issue could have and should have ended there, but you are on some kind of retarded campaign to get me to say I was wrong. How can you expect someone to say they were wrong when the person accusing them of being so will not provide proof themselves? You, sir, are being a hypocrite.

rofl are you for real?
I get that, but if you want me to go and say "oh yeah I'm wrong" than I want viable proof that I am. This is kind of a two way street here. I don't know a lot about the subject, but I'm not about to go and run around screaming "Yes! I'm wrong!" unless I know, for a fact, that I am. We have already established that I can not provide proof. We figured this out a long time ago. The issue could have and should have ended there, but you are on some kind of retarded campaign to get me to say I was wrong. How can you expect someone to say they were wrong when the person accusing them of being so will not provide proof themselves? You, sir, are being a hypocrite.

You might want to look up "burden of proof". It's you that must provide proof to go against what is generally considered factual (regardless if the 'fact' is actually correct).
I don't know a lot about the subject, but I'm not about to go and run around screaming "Yes! I'm wrong!" unless I know, for a fact, that I am.

If only you had the same standards for running around screaming anti-science garbage. Seriously, you won't admit you're wrong, but you will spout off complete pseudo-science nonsense??? It should be the other way around - humility before arrogance, young grasshopper.
If only you had the same standards for running around screaming anti-science garbage. Seriously, you won't admit you're wrong, but you will spout off complete pseudo-science nonsense??? It should be the other way around - humility before arrogance, young grasshopper.

Who was screaming? It was an idle mention based on what little information I had heard combined with my general belief of "everything in moderation". It has only become an issue because people were uptight about it. It should've simply been dropped when I said I couldn't remember when or where I heard it thereforth I couldn't provide proof. Anything more than that is pointless. I'm not going to apologize for saying it because I'm not going to say sorry if I don't mean it. I'm not going to admit I was wrong until there is proof that I was. I don't know a lot about the subject at hand, obviously. I've said this already, but information is the only thing I care about. I'm willing to accept I'm wrong and learn the correct information as long as that information is provided in a manner where I can now look at it and say "ok, so I believe it". I'd hate to get into a conversation about this and say the wrong information again. Because you refuse to provide what I've asked for that makes me think you are lying.
You might want to look up "burden of proof". It's you that must provide proof to go against what is generally considered factual (regardless if the 'fact' is actually correct).

If I knew it was widely considered fact I wouldn't have said something against it. Yet I have no proof that shows its widely considered fact. A few morons on a website don't count.
Im not, i demand 50 lashings to yourself and you must upload it to youtube.

I can probably find a wet noodle, but uploading to youtube will be an issue. I lack any kind of web cam or digital camera. The shitty camera on my cell phone doesn't count.